
Confirmation Resources

14 You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:14-15

Calendar. (In Progress)

Confirmation Pre-Test PDF. Revised 8.20.19

Some Basic Christians Teachings from the Bible. PDF

Bible Studies

Study 1. Genesis 1:1-31. Creation.

Study 2. Genesis 2:1-25. Creation Part 2.

Study 3. Genesis 3:1-24. The Fall of Man.

Study 4. Genesis 4:1-6:22. The Spread of Sin.

Study 5. Genesis 7:1-8:22. The Flood of Noah.

Study 6. Genesis 9:1-19; 11:1-9. The Command to Spread and the Dark Tower.

Study 7. Genesis 12:1-7; Heb. 11:6-10. God's Plan to Save the World through Abram.

Study 8. Genesis 13:1-18; 15:1-21. God Makes a Covenant with Abram.

Study 9. Genesis 16:1-16. The Birth of Ishmael. (The Danger of Doing Things My Way Instead of God's Way).

Study 10. Genesis 17:1-27. God Requires Circumcision as a Sign of Participating in His Covenant with Abraham.

Study 11. Genesis 18:1-19:29. Angelic Visitors.

Study 12. Genesis 21:1-21. The Miraculous Birth of Isaac.

Study 13. Genesis 22:1-19. The Substitute Sacrifice.

Study 14. Genesis 24:1-67. Abraham Finds a Godly Wife for His Son Isaac.

Study 15. Genesis 25:19-23; Romans 9:1-15. Why Did God Choose Jacob?

Study 16. Genesis 27:1-41. Who Gets the Blessing?

Study 17. John 5:21-30; 2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14:10-12; Rev. 20:11-15. Coming Judgment.

Study 18. Genesis 28:1-30:24. The Growth of Jacob's Family.

Study 19. Genesis 37:1-41:57. Joseph Sold into Slavery in Egypt.

Study 20. Genesis 42:1-45:20. Joseph and His Brothers Are Reconciled.

Study 21. Genesis 45:1-Exod. 14:31. Israel Escapes from Egypt.

Study 22. Exodus 1:1-40:38. God and the Nation of Israel. Redemption and Covenant

Study 23. Exodus; 1 Samuel; 2 Samuel 7; Luke 1. How Jesus Was Born as a Descendant of David.

Study 24. 4 Gospels. The Ministry of Jesus Christ.

Study 25. The Gospels, Acts 1-2. The Plan of Jesus – the Church.

Study 26. John, Acts, Letters. Important Topics in Living the Christian Life.

Study 27. 1 Corinthians, 1 Thessalonians, Revelation. End-Time Events.

Quizzes and Tests

Quiz #1. Introduction; Genesis 1.

Quiz #2. Genesis 1-7

Unit 1 Test. Genesis 1-15. Updated Apri 21, 2020

Unit 2 Test. Genesis 16-50. Updated April 21, 2020

Unit 3 Test. Exodus - New Testament. Updated April 29, 2020

Heidelberg Catechism

Complete Heidelberg Catechism. Published by the Reformed Church in America

The Heidelberg Catechism. Published by the Christian Reformed Church.

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(Scripture quotation taken from the NASB.)

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Updated April 29, 2020