Analytical Outlines of the New Testament

by WordExplain

"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'"   - Jesus

John 7:38

 New Testament Outlines - Thorough, analytical outlines of all New Testament Books.

The Analytical Outlines of the New Testament represent a paragraph by paragraph, inductive study of each book, with titles for at least every paragraph.  The depth of outlining is sometimes as deep as 8 or 9 levels. Some books have only three levels. There is an expanded version of the Book of Revelation which is extensively annotated and carries the complete text of the NASB incorporated into the outline. Look for more exhaustive, annotated outlines to be posted in the future.

For a discussion of outlining style, go to  Outline Style (on the About Page).

For briefer outlines of each book go to Brief Outlines.

Instructions:   Left-click a Bible Book to view it online.  Right-click and select "Save Target As" to download it to a destination on your hard drive such as Desktop.

Matthew "The King and His Kingdom of the Heavens"

Mark "The Service and Sacrifice of the Servant"

Luke "The Authority of the Son of Man"

John "Believing in Jesus Christ, the Son of God"

Acts EVANGELISM:  "The Apostolic Evangelism Concerning Jesus the Messiah of Jewish and Gentile People in the Roman Empire"

Romans "God's Good News About Righteousness" This outline incorporates Appendix A - Why baptism in Romans 6 is Spirit baptism, not water baptism; and Appendix B - The imprecatory prayers of David.

1 Corinthians "Answers for Today's Problems from Yesterday's Church"

2 Corinthians "Paul's Defense of His Apostolic Ministry"

Galatians "The Law as a Tutor"

Ephesians "The Wealth and Walk of Believers"

Philippians "Joy in Jail"

Colossians "The Preeminence of Christ"

Colossians "The Preeminence of Christ" Expanded Analytical Outline of 1 Corinthians including the complete NASB text of Colossians.

1 Thessalonians "Relationship, Review, and Rapture"

2 Thessalonians "End-Time Encouragement"

1 Timothy "Leadership Manual"

2 Timothy "Taps for a Christian Soldier"

Titus "Sane Living in an Insane World"

Philemon "Christian Forgiveness"

Hebrews "The Superiority of the Person and Work of Christ"

James "Applied Christianity"

1 Peter "Christian Living"

2 Peter "Fending Off False Teachers Under Judgment"

1 John "Fellowship"

2 John "Love in Truth"

3 John "Christian Hospitality"

Jude "Contending for the Faith"

Revelation "The Unveiling of Jesus Christ"

Revelation Notes "The Unveiling of Jesus Christ"   An expanded, annotated, analytical outline with the complete text of NASB incorporated, used by permission.  

Dome of the Rock Shrine Situated on the Site of Solomon's Temple.
Western ("Wailing") Wall of the Temple Compound in the Foreground

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WordExplain by James T. Bartsch

(Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.  Used by Permission.)

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Updated June 15, 2015