Annotated Analytical Outlines

with NASB 1995 Text Embedded.

"and that from childhood you have know the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." 2 Timothy 3:15

Old Testament Books

Blessed Beginnings. Expanded Analytical Outline of Genesis. This document covers all fifty chapters. The text of the NASB has been incorporated into the outline. At present the document is 395 pages long (including the introduction) with 1226 footnotes.  It is strongly recommended that readers "Control-Click" on links to open up the linked article in a separate tab and thus avoid losing one's place in the original .PDF document. Alternatively, open up the document in Adobe Acrobat Reader. September 30, 2019

Blessed Beginnings. Expanded Analytical Outline of Genesis, formatted as a Corel WordPerfect document. This document covers all fifty chapters. The text of the NASB has been incorporated into the outline. At present the document is 395 pages long (including the introduction) with 1226 footnotes. September 30, 2019

The Arduous Task of Taking Possession of God's Gifts. A .pdf document 107 pages long. There are a number of footnotes, but more are needed.

Relative-Redemption. A .pdf document with the NASB text incorporated throughout. A substantial number of notes have been inserted in all chapters. This document is essentially complete. There are 48 pages with 211 footnotes.

Revitalizing a Nation. This .pdf document contains a complete analysis of Nehemiah with the NASB 1977 text incorporated. There are 71 pages with 110 footnotes.

Esther God's Sovereign Protection of His Chosen People.  Expanded Analytical Outline of the Book of Esther incorporating the complete NASB text, used by permission. (61 pages, 83 footnotes .pdf format)

Job The Sovereignty of God in Human Suffering. Job has been analyzed and annotated; however, the NASB Text has not yet been incorporated, except in a few instances. (110 pages, 106 footnotes, .pdf format)

Psalms Israel's Worship Hymnal. Each of the 150 Psalms have been analytically outlined and annotated. NASB Text has been incorporated, used by permission. Each Psalm is a "stand-alone" unit. The page-length of each psalm varies, of course.

Yahweh Is Salvation. There are a number of notes included in the analysis, but there are many more that could be added. Only in a few places is the text of the NASB included.

Yahweh Is Salvation. There are a number of notes included in the analysis, but there are many more that could be added. Only in a few places is the text of the NASB included. This document is formatted as a Corel WordPerfect Document.

Judgment and Restoration "Until All Know I am Yahweh." This analysis contains a detailed outline of the book. The NASB95 text has been included everywhere. Passages of note include chapters 36-37 (the restoration of Israel); chapters 38-39 (the attack and demise of Gog of the land of Magog and his allies); chapters 40-46 (the future Millennial Temple); chapter 47 (a life-changing river emanating from the yet-to-be rebuilt Jewish Temple during the Millennium. ); and chapter 48 (the Division of the land of Israel during the Millennium). Presently there are 454 pages and 599 footnotes.This entry was updated April 22, 2022.

Image credit: Bill's Blog

God's Sovereignty over the Nations. Daniel has been outlined and annotated in considerable detail throughout. The NASB text has been incorporated throughout.  At present the document is 145 pages long with 365 footnotes. The first six chapters are historical, detailing events that occur in the lives of Daniel and his three friends, all exiles from Judah, but serving in the court at Babylon. Daniel 2 presents a vision that outlines the progress of Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian, and Roman Empires. These are crushed in the end time by the final empire, that of the Messiah. Daniel 7 juxtaposes the coming reign of the Messiah with the reign of the Antichrist. Daniel 9:24-27 gives a remarkably accurate and prescient overview of Israel's history in the Vision of the Seventy Sevens. It includes predictions about the Antichrist's role in relation to Israel and the end times in Dan. 9:27. Daniel 11  predicts with remarkable accuracy the actions of various kings of the North (Syria) and the South (Egypt). The last part of Daniel 11 appears to predict the machinations of the Antichrist in the last days, ending in his demise. Daniel 12 reveals the resurrection of the righteous and the wicked, and discusses the length of time surrounding the last half of the Tribulation period. November 18, 2017

The Day of the Lord. This annotated outline is 17 pages long with 15 footnotes.

Israel's Inevitable Judgment for Idolatry and Injustice. This annotated outline is 30 pages long with 15 footnotes

Jonah Mercy Amid Judgment. This Expanded Analytical Outline of Jonah in .pdf format has been annotated. The NASB text has been incorporated throughout the analysis. The document is 28 pages long, and consists of 100 footnotes.

Habakkuk Faith Amidst Perplexity. This Expanded Analytical Outline of Habakkuk  in .pdf format has been annotated. The NASB text has been incorporated throughout the analysis. The document is 16 pages long, and consists of 27 footnotes.

Rebuilding the Temple Before Prosperity. This Expanded Analytical Outline of Haggai in .pdf format partially annotated. The NASB 1995 Text is in the process of incorporation throughout the analysis. This analysis is incomplete as of March 12, 2022.

Zephaniah The Day of the LORD: Yahweh's Wrath and Reign over the Nations. This Expanded Analytical Outline of Zephaniah in .pdf format is being annotated. The NASB text has been incorporated throughout the analysis. The document is complete. It consists of 47 pages and 193 footnotes.

Israel's Prophetic Future. The analysis contains the text of NASB throughout. Annotations are considerable (76 notes in 49 pages), but not exhaustive. Of particular note are chapters Zech. 12-14, which include Zechariah's extensive prophecies concerning the Day of the LORD. Zech. 12 discusses the end-time battle against Israel by UN troops as well as Israel's abject sorrow at having crucified her Messiah. Zech. 14 includes one of the most extensive predictions of Jesus Christ's return to earth on the Mount of Olives and His decimation of troops gathered against Israel and Himself. The latter part of chapter Zech. 14 predicts the Messiah's reign as King of the Earth and the required submission of Gentile nations to the King if they expect to receive rain during the Millennium.
Zechariah Israel's Prophetic Future. This Annotated Outline containing the text of the NASB is represented here in Corel WordPerfect Format. Clicking on the link will download the file on to the viewer's hard drive.

Malachi Israel Against God. The analysis contains the text of NASB throughout. There are a minimal number of footnotes at this time. This is a .pdf document consisting of 18 footnotes in 18 pages. Published for the first time on February 9, 2016.

New Testament Books

"The King and His Kingdom of the Heavens. Matthew has been analyzed and selectively annotated. The text of the NASB has been incorporated only in selected places. At the present time the analysis is about 52 pages in length with 75 footnotes in .pdf format..

The Service and Sacrifice of the Servant. Mark has been analyzed and the NASB text has been incorporated. However, it is the 1977 edition of the NASB text, not the 1995 edition. The document is presently 129 pages long with 167 footnotes in .pdf format.

The Authority of the Son of Man. Luke has been analyzed and the NASB text has been incorporated in chapters 1-21. The document is presently 258 pages long with 450 footnotes in .pdf format. March 17, 2025

Believing in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. John has been analyzed and the NASB text has been incorporated in all 21 chapters. The document is presently 175 pages long with 179 footnotes in .pdf format.

EVANGELISM:  The Apostolic Evangelism Concerning Jesus the Messiah of Jewish and Gentile People in the Roman Empire. Expanded Analytical Outline of Acts. The document is 259 pages long with 439 footnotes. January 3, 2023

God's Good News About Righteousness. This .pdf file  incorporates a few notes here and there, but more extensively, from Rom. 1-7 and from chapters Rom. 12-16. As work progresses, more notes will be added. From Rom. 1-7 and from chapters Rom. 9-16, the text of the NASB has also been incorporated. This will be standardized throughout the document as time permits. This file also contains Appendix 1, Characters in Rom. 16 and Appendix 2, Why Baptism in Rom. 6 is Spirit Baptism, not Water Baptism. So far it is lacking Appendix 3, The Imprecatory Prayers of David, as is found in the Romans entry in Analytical Outlines of the New Testament.

1 Corinthians
Answers for Today's Problems from Yesterday's Church. This .pdf file incorporates the NASB 1995 Text of Scripture. The text has been analyzed throughout and footnotes exist throughout. The document consists of 225 pages and 942 footnotes. September 23, 2024.

2 Corinthians
Paul's Defense of His Apostolic Ministry. This analytical outline incorporates everywhere the text of NASB 1995. The annotation presently is complete through the first six chapters and from 2 Cor. 8:1-9:15. At present, the outline is 58 pages along, and there are 146 footnotes. This is a work in progress. This notation is accurate as of November 16, 2021

The Law as a Tutor. This .pdf file incorporates the 1977 version of NASB. It contains 48 footnotes in 33 pages.

The Wealth and Walk and Walk of the Believer. This is an annotated analytical outline of the letter of Paul to the Ephesians in .pdf format. This file incorporates the text of NASB in all 6 chapters. There are 124 pages of this outline with 446 footnotes. .
     It is strongly recommended that readers "Control-Click" on links to open up the linked article in a separate tab and thus avoid losing one's place in the original .PDF document. December 26, 2016

The Wealth and Walk and Walk of the Believer. This is an annotated analytical outline of the letter of Paul to the Ephesians. It incorporates the text of NASB in all 6 chapters. It is formatted in WordPerfect. If the reader is accessing links in a given footnote, he should be aware that links automatically open in a new browser tab. In order to access the links in a subsequent footnote without first clicking the cursor in the main text of the article, the reader will have to use WordPerfect's "Go to the next footnote" icon in order to access the links in the new footnote. There are 125 pages and 446 footnotes. December 26, 2016

Joy in Jail. This .pdf file incorporates the NASB. It contains 30 footnotes in 26 pages.

The Preeminence of Christ. Expanded Analytical Outline of Colossians including the complete NASB text of Colossians, used by permission. Not extensively annotated. (28 pages, 12 footnotes, .pdf format)

1 Thessalonians
Relation, Review, and Rapture. Expanded Analytical Outline of 1 Thessalonians includes the text of the NASB. Very few notes exist at publication date. The publication exists in .pdf format. Eschatologically, 1 Thess. 4:13-18 is a central passage on the Rapture. Paul portrays the Rapture as coming before the "Day of the Lord," here referring to the Tribulation (1 Thessalonians 4 precedes 1 Thessalonians 5.)

2 Thessalonians
End-Time Encouragement. An Expanded Analytical Outline of 2 Thessalonians in .pdf format. The text of NASB has been incorporated throughout. Thus far, the most extensive annotation appears in chapter 2, but other notes appear elsewhere also. The notes reflect a Pre-Tribulation Rapture in relation to the subsequent "Day of the Lord," which in this context designates the Tribulation period. At present (early October, 2011) there are 39 footnotes covering 18 pages of text.

The Superiority of the Person and Work of Christ. This is an annotated, analytical outline of the entire book of Hebrews in a .pdf document. The text of the NASB has been incorporated in all thirteen chapters. Footnotes exist throughout the book. This document is complete. There are 168 pages and 686 footnotes. April 30, 2016.

The Superiority of the Person and Work of Christ. This is an annotated, analytical outline of the entire book of Hebrews in WordPerfect format. The text of the NASB has been incorporated in all thirteen chapters. Footnotes exist throughout the book. This document is complete. There are 168 pages and 686 footnotes. December 22, 2016.

Applied Christianity. An expanded, annotated, analytical outline with the complete text of NASB incorporated, used by permission. The work on James, in .pdf format, is complete. There are 46 pages and 118 footnotes. 

1 Peter
Christian Living in Tough Times.  This expanded, annotated, analytical outline of 1 Peter is in progress.

2 Peter
Fending Off False Teachers Under Judgment.  This expanded, annotated, analytical outline of 2 Peter is in progress.

1 John
Fellowship. This annotated, analytical outline of 1 John is expanded with the text of the NASB. It presently consists of 86 pages and 352 footnotes. (October 26, 2018)

Contending for the Faith. An Annotated Outline of Jude Expanded with the NASB text. 12 pages and 23 footnotes.

The Unveiling of Jesus Christ.   An expanded, annotated, analytical outline with the complete text of NASB incorporated, used by permission.  (138 pages, 352 footnotes, .pdf format)

The Unveiling of Jesus Christ. An expanded, annotated, analytical outline with the complete text of NASB incorporated, used by permission.  This document is formatted as a Corel WordPerfect Document. (138 pages, 352 footnotes.)

(Scripture quotation taken from the NASB,1995 Edition)

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Last updated March 17, 2025