Expository Sermons

by WordExplain

"Is not My word like fire?" declares the LORD, "and like a hammer which shatters a rock?" (Jeremiah 23:29)

Video Sermons
by Guest Contributor Chuck Tschetter, Pastor of Community Bible Church, Omaha, NE. Sermons on the Book of Revelation

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, an Introduction
 Rev. 1
Title; Author & Audience; Why Study Revelation?; Our Approach; Divine Outline
Jesus Christ, the Theme of the Book of Revelation
 Rev. 1:1-8
The Revelation of Jesus; Greetings from the Triune God; The Coming of the King; Apocalyptic & Prophetic Literature
The Glorious Christ Among the Lampstands
 Rev. 1:9-20
John in Exile; Commission to Write; John's Vision of the Glorified Christ; Divine Outline
Ephesus: A Church with Heart Trouble
 Rev. 2:1-7
No amount of zeal for the truth or for righteous living can replace a  heart full of love for Jesus. Unless love is cultivated, it will fade.
Smyrna: When Faith Is Forbidden
 Rev. 2:8-11

Pergamum: The Peril of Compromise
 Rev. 2:12-17

Thyatira: The Tolerant Church
 Rev. 2:18-29

Sardis: The Dead Church
 Rev. 3:1-6

Philadelphia: The Faithful Church
 Rev. 3:7-13

Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church
 Rev. 3:14-22

Lessons from the Seven Churches
 Rev. 2:1-3:22

Welcome to the Throne Room
 Revelation 4:1-11

Worthy is the Lamb
 Revelation 5:1-14

The Day of God's Wrath. Part 1
 Revelation 6:1-8
1st Seal: Conquest. 2nd Seal: War. 3rd Seal: Inflation & Famine. 4th Seal: Death.
The Day of God's Wrath. Part 2
 Revelation 6:9-17

Panorama of God's Saving Work
 Revelation 7:1-17

When Trumpets Break Heaven's Silence
 Revelation 8:1-13

When Hell Comes to Earth
 Revelation 9:1-21

The Bittersweet Plan of God
 Revelation 10:1-11
 (Blane Barfknecht)
The Two Witnesses
 Revelation 11:1-19

Latest addition: March 25, 2025

Sermons by James T. Bartsch, WordExplain

The Resurrection of Jesus and the Plan of God.
Matt. 28:1-10 + more
Resurrection of Christ

PowerPoint Sermons and Presentations
by James T. Bartsch, WordExplain

Note: These PowerPoints are stand-alone. They may be viewed privately or in public settings. My request is that you do not edit these PowerPoints, and if you show them publicly, please show the complete presentation, which gives credit to the author.

Maximum Marriage: Model Wife
Eph. 5:21-24, 33
Wife's role in marriage
Maximum Marriage: Model Husband
Eph. 5:22, 25-33
Husband's role in marriage

Audio Sermons by James T. Bartsch

Published Online by WordExplain

Biblical Text: Links to Scripture Passage(s); Title: MP3 Audio Recording of Sermon. Left-Click to listen on-line; Right-Click to save to a destination on your computer or other device. Notes: Concise .PDF Hard Copy to follow sermon. Left-Click to view on-line. Right-Click to save to a destination on your computer. Date: The date originally recorded. All sermons are by James T. Bartsch unless otherwise indicated.

Turtle Lake Baptist Church Sermons

Links to Sermons from Books of the Bible
Books are Listed Alphabetically

Sermons Archived by Date, 2012
Listed by Descending Order

Biblical Text Title Notes Date
Acts 25:13 - 26:32 Become a Christian? Are You Joking?   Acts 25:13 - 26:32 November 25, 2012
Psalm 146:1-10 Let Us Praise the Lord!   Psalm 146 November 18, 2012
Acts 25:1-12 Facing Danger Acts 25.1-12 November 4, 2012
Acts 24:1-27 Another Trial - Hope Deferred Acts 24 October 28, 2012
Acts 23:12-35 Surviving a Plot Acts 23:12-35 October 21, 2012
Acts 22:30-23:11 Surviving a Trial Acts 22:30-23:11 October 14, 2012
Acts 22:1-29 An Unacceptable Mission Acts 22:1-29 October 7, 2012
Acts 21:27-40 Rescued from the Mob Acts 21:27-40 Sept. 30, 2012
Acts 21:18-26 Correcting False Impressions: The Christian and the Law Acts 21:18-26 Sept. 23, 2012
Acts 20:33-21:17 Fond Farewells Acts 20:33-21:17 Sept. 16, 2012
Acts 20:28-32 Guard the Flock! Acts 20:28-32 Sept. 9, 2012
Acts 20:13-27 Setting a Good Example Acts 20:13-27 Sept. 2, 2012
Acts 20:1-12 Danger Avoided; Disaster Averted   Acts 20:1-12 August 26, 2012
Acts 19:21-41 Jesus Versus False Gods   Acts 19:21-41 August 19, 2012
Acts 19:8-20 Men and Miracles   Acts 19:8-20 August 12, 2012
Acts 19:1-7 The Holy Spirit and the Believer Acts 19:1-7 August 5, 2012
Acts 18:18-28 Teamwork in Ministry Acts 18:18-28 July 29, 2012
Acts 18:1-17 Overcoming Opposition Acts 18:1-17 July 22, 20112
Acts 17:10-34 Sharing Your Faith (Know Your Audience, Part II) Acts 17:10-34 July 15, 2012
Rev. 21:9-22:5 Our Final Home, Part II Rev. 21:9-22:5 July 8, 2012
2 Pet. 3:7-15; Rev. 21:1-8 Our Final Home, Part I Rev. 21:1-8 July 1, 2012
Acts 17:1-10 Sharing Your Faith (Know Your Audience, Part 1) Acts 17:1-10 June 24, 2012

God Our Father (Father's Day Message) Various June 17, 2012
Acts 16:16-40 Persecution! Acts 16:16-40 June 10, 2012
2 Cor. 4:7-18 Jars of Clay. Guest speaker Mark Brown 2 Cor. 4:7-18 June 3, 2012
Men on the Mountain Top. Guest speaker Keith Miller Various May 27, 2012

Not available
May 20, 2012
Ruth 1:1-4:22 Dedicated Mother (Mother's Day) Book of Ruth May 13, 2012
Acts 16:16-18 + More Christians and the Occult Acts 16:16-18 May 6, 2012
Acts 16:6-15 A New Direction in Serving God Acts 16:6-15 April 29, 2012
Acts 15:36-16:5 Teamwork in Ministry Acts 15:36-16:5 April 22, 2012
James 5:16-20 Mutual Confession, Prayer, and Rescue James 5:16-20 April 15, 2012
Matt. 28:1-10 + More The Resurrection of Jesus and the Plan of God. Easter Matt. 28:1-10 + More April 8, 2012
Matt. 21:1-11 + More Behold Your King! (Topical Sermon for Palm Sunday) Matt. 21:1-11 + More April 1, 2012
James 5:13-15 A Call for Prayer James 5:13-15 March 25, 2012
James 5:12 + More Personal Integrity (Topical Sermon) James 5:12 March 18, 2012
James 5:1-11 Living Under Wealthy Oppressors James 5:1-11 March 11, 2012

Sermon Transcripts by James T. Bartsch

Published Online by WordExplain

Esther 1:1-22.  God Works Behind the Scenes.

1 Samuel 27:1 - 28:2.  Ten Steps Toward Leading a Double Life.

2 Samuel 15:1-17:29.  Hope Amid Crisis.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-17.  Antidote for Fear of the Future.

Luke 15:1-32.  The Heart of God (The Lost Shepherd, Lost Coin, Lost Son)

(Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.)

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Updated March 25, 2025