Worthy Links to the Outside World

by WordExplain

"Like cold water to a weary soul, so is good news from a distant land." Proverbs 25:25

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Sea of Galilee at Sunset

Worthy Links -  Links to other note-worthy web sites.

Many of the links below are in the Christian world, but not all.  As an Interim Pastor, I travel throughout the Midwest. Here and there I pick up a connection that, if not necessarily helpful to the reader, serves as a reference point for me.

WordExplain does not endorse every item on every web site.  Use your own discretion!


  Accounting, Ancient Texts, Auto Repair, Bibles, Bibles Online, Bible Study Resources, Books Online, Christian Schools, Churches, Church Directories, Church Survey, Creation Science, Counseling Ministries, Culture, Denominations, Financial, Funeral Homes, Heart Health, Hebrew Help, Interim Pastors, Internet Speed Test, Ministry, MapsMiscellaneous
News Sources & Commentary, Photography, Podcasts, Prayer RequestsPro-Life, Radio (Christian), Real Estate, School SeXXX Ed Defense, Schools, Public, Search Engines, State Postal Abbreviations, Vllages of Glenbrook Housing Association, and Video Editing, Video Production, & Voice-Over, World Population Clock.


Hetletved CPA

Certified Public Accounting

620 Main Ave. P. O. Box 1106
Washburn, ND 58577

Phone: 701.462.3376
Fax: 701.462.3371
Email: dwight@hetcpa.com


Ancient Texts

The Works of Flavius Josephus.


The Didache. (Posted on a Catholic site)

First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians (Posted by Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry)

Christian Classics Ethereal Library (Published by Calvin University Computer Science)

The Book of Enoch. 2nd Century B.C. Translated by R. H. Charles.

Updated August 19, 2019

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Auto Repair

Honest, Economical

7005 Maple St., Omaha, NE 98104

Young Kim's Auto Repair

Posted May 25, 2022


The New Testament in the Original Greek

Byzantine Textform


Compiled & Arranged by




Posted October 13, 2022

Bibles Online

The NASB 1995 Update is available
on Bible Gateway's Website

WordExplain does not support the 2020 NASB update. It has made concessions to politically correct gender terminology.

Posted December 3, 2020

The Complete Tanackh (Tanach) - Hebrew Bible

The Jewish Bible with a Modern English Translation and Rashi's Commentary

Posted November 28, 2020

The New American Bible

This is the English Bible that appears on the Vatican Website.

I do not necessarily give credence to the canon, to the introductions, nor to the interpretations found in the notes of the various books of the Bible as it appears in this edition. However, at least this resource gives the reader an idea as to what Roman Catholics believe about certain portions of the Bible.

Posted January 12, 2020

The online, 1995 Updated Version of the New American Standard Bible.

WordExplain does not support the 2020 NASB update. It has made concessions to politically correct gender terminology.

Posted November 20, 2020

NIV 1984 Downloadable Bible

The trustworthy NIV version that has not
been rendered politically correct.

Posted November 26, 2019

Bible Study Resources


BDB online.Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon. Formatted online by Eric Levy.


BibleAtlas.org    An excellent online source for Bible maps with Bible history pertinent to each site.


Bible Gateway's Searchable Online Bible.  Find any passage you want online by word, phrase, or reference in 125 different versions, and multiple languages.

Keil and Delitzsch Bible Commentary Online. Keil and Delitzsch were conservative Bible scholars from a bygone era. However, they did not interpret prophetic passages literally. So K & D has limited value in the prophets. K & D online is found on Bible Hub. The site hosts a variety of Bible Study Tools. They link to over 50 Bible Commentaries "free online." Carl Friedrich Keil was a conservative 19th Century German Lutheran Old Testament scholar who teamed up with Franz Delitzsch to write a conservative, but non-dispensational ten-volume commentary on the Old Testament. Franz Delitzsch was a conservative 19th Century German Lutheran theologian and Hebrew scholar. (Posted January 31, 2020)

Go directly to the NET Bible.

A preliminary critique of the NET Bible: There is a wealth of information available here from a generally conservative point of view. NET Bible has a lot of bells and whistles that I have not yet discovered or learned how to use. I have not used the resource extensively. 

But recently I have begun referring to its OT translation in the Book of Ruth. I have discovered that the translation offered is a paraphrase. While that may serve the purposes of the editors, it does not serve my purposes as a Bible student who places a premium on translations that accurately and consistently, if possible, represent an original Hebrew word with a consistently employed English word. I prefer a more word-for-word translation, such as the New American Standard Bible or New English Version. Paraphrases, almost by definition, employ an interpretive translation that, of necessity, represents the particular bias of the translator. I find myself not always agreeing with the decision of the translator. The dubious translation of Ruth 3:14 is a case in point.

On a more positive note, the footnotes employed by the editors are, at times, exceedingly helpful. I found myself, in one passage in Ruth, being swayed toward the interpretation of the NET Bible by the explanations of Hebrew syntax in the footnote. 

On the other hand, I have scanned the footnotes for Ezekiel 40:1 - 48:35, a prime passage for revealing both the hermeneutical principles and resultant eschatology of a Bible scholar. The footnotes here were singularly unhelpful and bland from that perspective. They were relegated almost exclusively to giving Hebrew and metric explanations of dimensions used in the NET Bible translation. I suppose the editors felt that matters of interpretation and eschatology were adequately explained by the notes of Thomas Constable. Fortunately, he is both a conservative and a dispensationalist. Constable describes the city, the temple, and the distributed land in the closing chapters of Ezekiel as being Millennial. I believe he is correct.

Posted May 4, 2014

Sequel: I had occasion to compare the NASB translation of Hebrews 8:8 with the NetBible translation. The topic in the context is the inability of the First Covenant to achieve righteousness contrasted with the ability of the Second Covenant to do so. The NASB translation reads, "For finding fault with them ...." The NetBible reads, "But showing its fault ...." The NetBible footnote there reads, "The 'fault' or limitation in the first covenant was not in its inherent righteousness, but in its design from God himself. It was never intended to be his final revelation or provision for mankind; it was provisional, always pointing toward the fulfillment to come in Christ." Unless the NetBible is using a different Greek text than the one to which I have access, that footnote is completely bogus. Though I happen to agree with the footnote, the Greek word in question is autous, which is a plural reflexive pronoun. The writer, therefore is not talking about the (singular) covenant, but about the (plural) Hebrew people who could not and did not keep the First Covenant. (See the context of the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31:18-19, 22, 28-30.) I say all that to say this: The more I work with the NetBible, the less confidence I have in it.

Posted August 30, 2015

A great source for pictures and images of the Holy Land.

BibleSprout appears to be a conservative, but somewhat eclectic Bible Study resource. Eschatologically, it appears to be based on a literal, thus Dispensational foundation, but not explicitly so. Moreover, some of the articles and resources are decidedly not Dispensational. Let the reader exercise discernment.

Our vision has always been to provide free Bible study software in which the Bible is the center of the experience with study resources that link off of every word in the Bible

Posted January 5, 2017

Annual meetings of the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics serve to add academic weight and credibility to the effort at keeping objective interpretation of scripture at the forefront of modern biblical presentation in churches and academia. The event serves as a forum for traditional dispensationalists to discuss hermeneutics and related matters.

Copies of the presentations appear online. Use the Presentations tab to access various years.

Entry updated December 27, 2018


An invaluable tool for short answers on virtually any Bible or Bible-related question you can think of.  This site has archived over 558,000 Bible questions.  Use their Search Engine to locate multiple articles on most topics. The contributors are conservative, premillennial, and pre-tribulational.

This entry updated December 27, 1018

Harmony of the Gospels

Blue Letter Bible Harmony. In online searchable .html format.

This entry updated December 27, 2018


Short studies based on his understanding of the Bible.


Conservative site for inductive Bible Study. Has some excellent Bible Maps. Not thoroughly evaluated, but appears to be Dispensational and Premillennial. This site includes links to online Bible themes and expositions and introductions by individuals such as Theodore Epp and John MacArthur. These links take the viewer off-site.

DISCLAIMER. PRECEPTAUSTIN is an independent website and is not affiliated with Precept Ministries International. The resources on PRECEPTAUSTIN are provided for the purpose of edification of the body of Christ and should be consulted only after examining the Scriptures inductively (see Inductive Bible Study). The resources on this site are neither specifically endorsed by nor representative of the resources available at Precept Ministries International.


The Pre-Trib Research Center (PTRC) is a “think tank” committed to the study, proclamation, teaching and defending of the Pretribulational Rapture (pre-70 th week of Daniel) and related end-time prophecy.

This entry updated December 27, 2018


Products include Bible-study references, inspirational Christian materials, and financial/data-management references for Churches and small businesses. As the premier Bible study software provider, the company develops and publishes church and Bible study software products designed to simplify Biblical research.


A compendium of events that purportedly fulfill Biblical prophecy and portend an impending Rapture, Christ's return for His Church. To some degree this site is a bit of an overkill. Furthermore, the catstrophes of nature described in the Book of Revelation will take place after the Rapture, not before. Nevertheless, it's an interesting concept...

Translation Tools

SDL International

Translate from one language to another online for free.  I have used it to convert English Bible studies into Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch. The free translations are "gisted," not syntactical.  If you want a professional translation, you must pay for it.

Google Translate

More recently, I have discovered Google Translate as a helpful translation site. It seems very user-friendly. When translating into another language, it is helpful at times to retranslate your target translation back into English. Sometimes that can help you detect an English word that is ambiguous enough that hinders translation. Sometimes a certain amount of experimentation can help you choose more "fool-proof" English synonyms that more readily translate accurately into your target language. There is no substitute for a human resource who is at home in the target language, however.

An excellent, FREE, detailed, up-to-date set of notes in HTML format and PDF format on each book of the Bible by Dr. Tom Constable, a long-time Dallas Theological Seminary Professor.  A virtual library with massive documentation.  It's almost like having your own massive commentary on-line.  Does not cover EVERY verse thoroughly, but a fantastic tool.  You can down-load every book on to your own hard drive or examine it on-line!  Don't miss it!

This entry updated December 17, 2018

StudyLight is source for Bible Study Tools, Original Language Toos, Historical Writings, and Pastoral Resources. I have not researched the whole site, but of particular interest to me are the site's online Lexicons, which provide definitions and the facility for studying the usages of various Hebrew and Greek original words behind the English text. Options are available for Strong's numbers for both the King James Version and the New American Standard Bible. To use the Lexicons directly the reader needs to know the appropriate Strong's Number. One way to do this is to access the Bible Dictionaries on site, plug in an English word, and be directed to the appropriate lexicon. An alternative method is to utilize the Strong's numbers provided on Blue Letter Bible.org.

This entry updated December 28, 2018

The Master's Seminary Journal

Begun in 1990, The Master's Seminary Journal (ISSN #1066-3959) is a publication of the faculty of The Master's Seminary, which operates under the aegis of John MacArthur.. It is published semi-annually and contains articles dealing with the Biblical text, theology, and pastoral concerns. It also contains reviews of current books and significant articles relating to these issues.

The Master's Seminary Journal continues to expand its influence in evangelical scholarship with recent articles being recognized in other theological journals. The Master's Seminary Journal is indexed and abstracted in all of the leading research tools including: Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus of Biblica, Christian Periodical Index, Guide to Social Science & Religion in Periodical Literature, New Testament Abstracts, Old Testament Abstracts, Religion Index One: Periodicals and Book Reviews in Religion.

This journal is conservative, premillennial, and pre-tribulational in its stance.

Mike Vlach: Christian Worldview and Theology

This is Dr. Vlach's blog. However, it does not  appear to be an active blog. Vlach taught for fifteen years at The Master's Seminary. More recently, he has accepted the position of Professor of Theology at Shepherds Theological Seminary. See his faculty page for information on his publications.His specific area of expertise concerns the nation of Israel and issues related to the doctrine of Supersessionism. Vlach is conservative, premillennial, and pre-tribulational.

 This entry updated February 28, 2022

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Books Online

Exposition of Genesis, Volume I, by Herbert Carl Leupold (1892-1972). At the time of writing, Leupold was Professor of Old Testament Exegesis in the Capital University Seminary, Columbus, Ohio. Though an amillennial, Leupold was a rock-ribbed conservative, stoutly defending a true understanding of God's Word against the pernicious hypotheses of critical (liberal) scholars.

Matthew Henry's Unabridged Commentary on the Whole Bible.  Christian Classics Ethereal Library (evidently hosted by Calvin College). Note: Matthew Henry is a conservative commentator, but he is not dispensational. He does not interpret Biblical prophecy literally. He spiritualizes OT prophecies about Israel, applying them to the church, and is thus a subscriber to Replacement Theology (the unbiblical view that the Church has forever replaced Israel). For an example, see Henry's mistaken interpretation of Isa. 2:1-4 as meaning the Church. For this reason, in the view of WordExplain, this volume has limited value, and WordExplain does not endorse the entire contents of Matthew Henry's Commentary. Let the reader beware.

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Christian Schools

Mountain Lake Christian School

Mountain Lake, Minnesota

(507) 427-2010

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Church Directories

Universal Church Directories

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Church Links

Like-Minded Churches in the Midwest

Like-Minded Churches:  As you travel throughout the U. S., sometimes you are gone over a weekend and would like to know of a "Like-Minded Church" in your neighborhood. Here are a few.  Most of these are independent. For the most part we will leave the denominational churches to you to sort out. I have personal knowledge of all the churches listed here, having attended almost every one.

Bethel Baptist Church, Newell, Iowa.  

Christ Community Church, Omaha, Nebraska. 

Cornerstone Bible Church, Mountain Lake, Minnesota

Cornerstone Church, Ames, Iowa.  

Crosspoint Bible Church, Omaha, Nebraska. 

Faith Bible Church, Sac City, Iowa. 

Flint Hills Community Church, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas.

Newton Bible Church, Newton, Kansas. 

Northside Calvary Church, Racine, Wisconsin

Oakdale Evangelical Free Church, Meriden, Iowa. 

Rexford Community Church, Rexford, Kansas.

Rocky Mountain Bible Church, Frisco, Colorado.  

Scofield Church, Dallas, Texas. 

Sherwood Bible Church, Kansas City, Missouri. 

Whitewater Community Church, Whitewater, Kansas. 

Turtle Lake Baptist Church, Turtle Lake, North Dakota.

Wichita Bible Church, Wichita, Kansas.

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Church Survey

Natural Church Development America

Eight Quality Characteristics of Growing Churches

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Counseling Ministries

Second Chance @ Life is a Biblical Counseling Ministry aimed at providing pastoral type care for individuals in need. It is located at 315 Main St., Rexford, KS 67753. Executive Director is Betty Nickols. Telephone: (785) 687-2220.

Creation Science

Answers in Genesis does an excellent job of upholding the truth of God's Word in relation to matters scientific, including physical science, geology, biology, zoology, and astronomy.  Answers in Genesis holds to a recent creation and presents compelling scientific evidence to support its claims.  Answers in Genesis scholars interact with the Hebrew text of the Old Testament and are careful not to make claims that cannot be supported from both a Biblical and a scientific point of view.  Answers in Genesis holds to a literal understanding of the Bible and a literal, world-wide flood that has radically affected the geological understanding of our present earth.

In the Beginning:  Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood is the name of the hard-bound book Walt Brown has written.  This URL links to his web site, where he has posted the contents of the book.  To me, Brown's greatest contribution has been his analysis of the Genesis Flood.  While his explanation of the hydroplate theory is just that - a theory, it does more to describe our present, post-flood world than any other theory I have heard.

"Walt Brown received a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he was a National Science Foundation Fellow. He has taught college courses in physics, mathematics, and computer science. Brown is a retired Air Force full colonel, West Point graduate, and former Army Ranger and paratrooper. Assignments during his 21 years of military service included: Director of Benét Laboratories (a major research, development, and engineering facility); tenured associate professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy; and Chief of Science and Technology Studies at the Air War College. For much of his life Walt Brown was an evolutionist, but after years of study, he became convinced of the scientific validity of creation and a global flood. Since retiring from the military, Dr. Brown has been the Director of the Center for Scientific Creation and has worked full time in research, writing, and teaching on creation and the flood."

Creation Ministries International is a group of non-profit ministries in several countries. Our role is to support the church in proclaiming the truth of the Bible and thus its Gospel message. We provide real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today—Genesis.

After more than four decades of ministry, the Institute for Creation Research remains a leader in scientific research within the context of biblical creation. Founded by Dr. Henry Morris in 1970, ICR exists to conduct scientific research within the realms of origins and earth history, and then to educate the public both formally and informally through graduate and professional training programs, through conferences and seminars around the country, and through books, magazines, and media presentations.

Not technically Creation Science, Discovery Institute is a scientific organization that seeks to educate the public that the complexities of human biology and the world around us demand an intelligent designer. They do not specify who that designer is, but they stand in opposition to scientists who hold to a simplistic, materialistic world-view in regard to complexity. Stephen C. Meyer is the Director of the Center for Science and Culture.

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This is a partial list of denominations with whom I have worked as an Interim Pastor. I do not necessarily agree with everything a particular denomination believes and implements. However, as an Interim Pastor I have successfully served these denominations as an Interim Pastor with Interim Pastor Ministries.

Conservative Congregational Christian Conference

Evangelical Free Church of America

Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches

North American Baptist Conference

This section updated February 4, 2021

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Financial Links

Crown Financial Ministries

Cyber Financial consultants from a financially conservative, Christian perspective.  Founded by Larry Burkett, now deceased.  “Equipping people worldwide to learn, apply, and teach God’s financial principles so they may know Christ more intimately, be free to serve Him, and help fund the Great Commission.”

Crown Financial Ministries' Budget Guide.  (Tremendous budgeting tool!)

Dave Ramsey 

Dave Ramsey Radio Show:  Dave Ramsey gives conservative, Biblically-based financial counsel.  He is big on becoming debt-free!

Dave Ramsey Web Site:  A wealth of conservative financial advice for your perusal.  Get REAL debt help: Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover Plan

Get out of debt and start saving for the future!


How long can a debt collector pursue old debt?

Our guide helps those struggling with old debts understand the statute of limitations on debt repayment, and also provides a breakdown chart of each state’s statute of limitations for different types of debt.

Washington Mutual Investor Fund (in the American Funds Group):  

I like mutual funds because I personally don't wish to invest the time and energy to watch the Stock Market. Having been burned, however, by the bear market described below, I am personally tracking the market on almost a daily basis.  

I like WMIF because it has never invested in gambling, alcohol, or tobacco.  Click here for a Prospectus

May 1, 2009 Caveat:  Just what, not why.  From about October 2007-February 2009 WMIF and most if not all other mutual funds fell victims to a very nasty bear market and lost about half their value.  In March, 2009 the Dow Jones Industrial Average rebounded significantly from a low of under 7,000.  At its height the DJIA had been trading in the 13,000-14,000 area. If you don't have any idea why the stock market went down globally, you have no business investing in it. Suffice it to say that the stock market reflects accurately what is occurring politically, economically, and providentially.  Buyer Beware!

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Funeral Homes

Sturm Funeral Home, Mountain Lake, MN

Phone: (507) 427-2755

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72nd Street Chapel. 1010 N 72nd St, Omaha, NE 68114
Autumn Hills Cremation Services. 7010 L Street, Omaha, NE 68117
Bellevue / Sarpy. County Chapel. 3402 Samson Way. Bellevue, NE 68123
L Street Chapel. 4712 S. 82nd Street, Ralston, NE 68127
Pacific Street Chapel. 14151 Pacific Street, Omaha, NE 68154

(402) 391-1664

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Heart Health

Why do you include links to Heart Health on a website dedicated to Bible Study and Theology? The answer is simple, if rather personal.

In November of 2012, it was necessary for me to undergo a double bypass heart surgery. Out of appreciation for my nutritionist and my entire experience with the medical staff, nurses, and support staff of Kansas Heart Hospital, I have elected to include some heart-healthy information.

What you do with it is up to you!

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute:

American Heart Association

Recipes: Nutrition Center.

Low Salt Diet: Shaking the Salt Habit.

Mayo Clinic: Arteriosclerosis.

Heart and Cholesterol Information: Low Fat Diet.

Weight Loss Resources: Low Cholesterol Diet Q & A.

2,000 Steps to a Healthier Heart! 4,000 steps of normal walking per day reduces the risk of cardiovascular events by 16-20% - as much as a statin, and WITHOUT any deleterious side effects!

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Hebrew Help

Basics of Biblical Hebrew. PDF Files

Interim Pastors

Interim Pastor Ministries is a missional network of Interim Pastors who serve churches in pastoral transition.

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Internet Speed Test

SpeedTest by Ookla

The Global Broadband Speed Test

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Modern Day Map of Samaria and Judea



Bible Atlas

Online Bible Maps

You can search via the Atlas

You can search via a Bible passage

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Ministry Links

Caring for the Heart Ministries. An excellent source for Christian counseling, specializing in marriage counseling. Founded by John Regier, a pastor for twenty years. God blessed his counseling ministry so much he developed a several-year backlog in appointments.  He now counsels full time.

Courage Homes is a non-profit charitable NGO in New Delhi India that exists to promote healing, transformation and wholeness for girls affected by trafficking and prostitution. Roger Seth, founder and Executive Director, is my nephew.

Equipping the Church to Evangelize and Disciple the Homosexual.

Cross Ministry began in 1996 with the idea that there needed to be a redemptive, Biblical, compassionate response to homosexuality.  Everywhere that Tim speaks, he advocates that "we turn down the heat on the issue and turn on the light."  "We share the truth of the Gospel, and that is that Jesus Christ is able to provide freedom for those who are locked in the bondage of homosexuality."  

Tim was born in a home with an abusive father and a needy, manipulative mother.  Rarely did he experience his father's approval and love, and on reaching puberty, he recognized an attraction for guys at school.  Some time thereafter he began a sporadic involvement in homosexual activity.  Tim says, "My homosexual activity continued until my early twenties when I decided that although I honestly did not know how not to be homosexual, I did know how to be obedient."  Read about Cross Ministry. 

Focus on the Family began in 1977 in response to Dr. James Dobson's increasing concern for the American family. It is my understanding that the Board of Directors of Focus on the Family asked Dr. Dobson to leave the organization. The Board of Directors evidently wanted the ministry to be less confrontational. Dobson was ousted in 2003.

Dr. Dobson's new website is OnePlace.com.

Golden Spur Ministries

Golden Spur Ministries, founded by Cory Young, partners with the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys in ministering at Rodeo Bible Camps and providing national events coordination for ministries at professional rodeos throughout rural America.

International School Project (ISP) equips teachers to transform their community and country through the power of the gospel. ISP is committed to helping to fulfill the Great Commission through resourcing educators around the world. We equip public school teachers, who in turn reach their students, parents, colleagues, and community with the gospel.

OnePlace.com is Dr. James Dobson's current website. It appears to be a podcast center for listening to a rather eclectic group of speakers such as Dr. John MacArthur, Max Lucado, Kay Arthur, Tony Evans, Erwin Lutzer, John Ankerberg, Hank Hanegraaf, Ken Ham, Jay Sekulow, Ravi Zacharias, Michael Youssef, J. Vernon McGee, Beth Moore, Jack Hayford, Adrian Rogers, David Jeremiah, Rick Warren, Dennis Rainey, and of course, James Dobson of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. There are a great many other speakers not listed here.


Reid Saunders Association  

Reid Saunders Association has been proclaiming the Good News of Christ and equipping churches to reach the lost since 2002. RSA is a member of the Luis Palau Association. Reid Saunders, our evangelist, has shared the Gospel in India, Uganda, and Albania as well as the US. "We can't wait to see where the Lord takes us in the future!!!"  Reid is my nephew by marriage.

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STEERing Money to Missions

Watch the STEER Video Clip

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Identify IP Address


What's My IP Address?

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News Sources, Commentary

  Global Incident Map

A global display of terrorism and other suspicious events.

  The Hal Lindsey Report

Author of “Late Great Planet Earth,”Hal Lindsey is a news commentator from a Christian perspective especially as it relates to prophetic issues centering around the Holy Land.

One News Now

"The One site for your News right Now."


“A fiercely independent news site committed to hard-hitting investigative reporting of government waste, fraud and abuse.”  Founded by Joseph Farah, WND is staunchly conservative.

World Watch Daily: Koenig International News

"Christian news updated daily at Koenig's International News direct from the White House. News from a Christian perspective."

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My husband Aaron joins me in inviting you to tour April Kaufman Photography website.

After your custom photography session, you will receive a special Passcode to view your photos online.

I aspire to make every session unique. I will work with you to make your vision come to life and I look forward to working with you.
April Kaufman Photography Facebook

Posted January 6, 2017


The Briefing

by Albert Mohler

Prayer Requests

Pro Life

  Kansans for Life

"We are a grassroots pro-life educational organization committed to speaking up for the defenseless in Kansas on the issues of abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and bioethics issues such as embryonic stem cell research (ESCR), human cloning, fetal experimentation and eugenics." 

Educate yourself on an increasingly important topic.  What do you know about Stem Cell Research and Cloning?  

  • Did you know there is Adult Stem Cell Research and Embryonic Stem Research?
  • Did you know that Adult Stem Cell Research does NOT destroy a human being?  
  • Did you know that Embryonic Stem Cell Research DOES destroy a human being?  
  • Would you like to know which Research has had ALL the success and which Research has NOT? Adult Stem Cell Research has had ALL the success. Embryonic Stem Cell Research has had NO success.
See Kansans for Life Cloning / Stem Cell page for an accurate discussion of the facts about cloning and stem cells.

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Radio, Christian

 Bott Radio Network

Bott Radio Network presents the finest Bible Teaching and Christian News & Information programming in America. We continue to offer your family quality Christian programming 24 hours a day!

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Brian Carlin worked with my wife and me to help us buy the right home for our needs here in Omaha. He listened to what we wanted, and continued to work with us until we found the right property at the right price. We needed a basement walk-out apartment, and he even helped us to secure the right workmen to construct a kitchen down there! If you live anywhere near Omaha,  Brian  is your realtor!

Struska Real Estate

14680 Rosholt Loop
Colorado Springs, CO 80921

(719) 232-4095
Phil Struska is a personal friend of mine. I know him to be a person of great energy and personal integrity. Here is his philosophy of business as a real estate agent in the Colorado Springs area:

As a Realtor, I upgraded my license to Independent Broker to increase my focus on the personal aspects of caring for my clients. My specialty is tailoring my professional advice and guidance to your specific situation, and treating you like a person, not a transaction.

I also believe that you deserve an agent who you can trust to be there for you throughout the process. I will not pass you off to someone else to "manage the transaction" so I can shift my focus to the next client. Instead, I'll personally handle your needs from start to finish. For me, it's not just business, it's personal.

Schools, Public

Mountain Lake
Public Schools

450 12th St./P.O. Box 400, Mountain Lake, MN 56159
(507) 427-2325

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Search Engines

A Powerful Search Engine for your website.

Zoom Search is gradually taking over the searching capabilities of WordExplain's Website.

SeXXX Education. Defending Against Public Education's
Efforts to Subvert Our Children's Morals

For Kids & Country

Rebecca Friedrichs, Founder

For Kids & Country

Our Mission: “Uniting, Educating, Engaging and Empowering Parents, Teachers, Students, Faith Leaders, and Citizens in the fight to restore America’s schools and culture.”

For Kids and Country is a coalition of parents, teachers, mature students, faith leaders, and citizens standing together to restore proper authority, excellence and safety in America’s schools.

First Posted September 9, 2020

Posted January 5, 2021

Video Production, Video Editing

Resolve Entertainment

ThePowerEdit.com We help amateur and pro video editors tell your stories more powerfully, no matter your editing tools.

Author Jeff Bartsch lays out both big picture strategies and practical, boots-on-the-ground tactics for powerful communication. Going far beyond mere button pushing, Jeff good-naturedly blends communication theory, marketing, behavioral psychology, neuroscience, and nuts-and-bolts details of editing application from years of experience in Hollywood, the storytelling capital of the world.

The Villages of Glenbrook

7901 Vane Street
Omaha, NE 68122

(402) 572-1008

Posted July 18, 2022

World Population Clock


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This Page Updated June 9, 2024