Applied Theology
by WordExplain

A Potpourri of Biblical and Practical Perspectives
on a Variety of Topics . . .

Parenting Q&A

by Christa Bartsch
Evaluating Parenting

January, 2009

Q:  How do you determine how effective you are as a parent?

A:  Try evaluating yourselves at the beginning of a new year.

At the start of a fresh new year, I’m always drawn to evaluate different aspects of my life and see where the Lord may be wanting to do some “fine tuning”.  Our parenting is an area that I bring before Him for inspection often but especially at the beginning of a new year.  I encourage you and your husband to try it.  Set aside some time to watch your children individually.  Critique their character, their obedience, their strengths and weaknesses.  Have a “parent meeting” some evening and discuss what you both have observed.  Then make plans to enhance what you are pleased with and make plans to correct what you see that isn’t beneficial in his/her development.  This is very empowering to you and your husband as a parenting “team”.  It helps you renew your focus and parent with more purpose .  May God be honored by the efforts of godly parents desiring to raise a godly generation!


by Christa Bartsch

January, 2009

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About the Author:  Christa Bartsch is a stay-at-home mom who lives in the rural Midwest.  She has led seminar workshops for women on marriage and parenting.  She has been happily married for fifteen years and is the mother of five children.  She also sings on the worship team at her church.

WordExplain by James T. Bartsch

(Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.  Used by Permission.)

Updated March, 2014

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