Applied Theology
by WordExplain

A Potpourri of Biblical and Practical Perspectives
on a Variety of Topics . . .

"We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you," Colossians 1:3

Parenting Q&A

by Christa Bartsch

Encouraging Prayer inYour Family

March, 2009 

Q:  How do you encourage prayer in your family?

A:     Here’s a fun idea if you’re looking for a way to incorporate more prayer time into your day with your children.  We have a Prayer Basket at our house.  I printed up little slips of paper with the names of all of our family members, church friends, unsaved friends, our doctor, police, firemen, soldiers in Iraq, our President, our church and Pastor Don and all the missionaries we know.   I also made slips of paper with things like “thank God for a part of nature you like”, “tell God something you’re scared or worried about”,”pray for the safety of our family”.  I took all these slips of paper and put them in a wicker basket with a pretty lid.  It sits on our bookshelf and every morning we pass it around, each taking one slip of paper.  We then pray together for whatever was pulled out of the basket.  Eventually everything and everyone in that basket gets prayed for.  This has worked great for our family –  I hope it’s a helpful idea for yours!


by Christa Bartsch

March, 2009

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About the Author:  Christa Bartsch is a stay-at-home mom who lives in the rural Midwest.  She has led seminar workshops for women on marriage and parenting.  She has been happily married for fifteen years and is the mother of five children.  She also sings on the worship team at her church.

WordExplain by James T. Bartsch

(Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.  Used by Permission.)

Updated June,  2009

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