The Study of Jesus Christ
by WordExplain

Bringing Truths from Different Books of the Bible into Focus, Perspective, and Understanding.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.  Hebrews 13:8

Index Page to Christology
by WordExplain

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us ..." John 1:14

Christology, the Study of Jesus Christ

A Guide to the Various Doctrines about Jesus

Study 1

The Attributes of Christ

Study 2

Jesus Christ as Prophet

 Study 3
Jesus Christ as Priest

Study 4

Jesus Christ as King

Study 5

Jesus Christ as Judge

Study 6

Jesus, the Living Word of God

Study 7

The Birth of the Messiah
Study 8
The Visitors of the Messiah
Matthew 2:1-12
Study 9

In What Way is Christ the Son of God in Matthew 16:16?

Study 10

Jesus Christ: Who is he, and why should I trust him?

Study 11

The Significance of the Annunciation to Mary
Luke 1:26-37

Study 12

When did the Man Jesus become "The Christ"?

Study 13
No Room at the Inn; No Scribes at the Manger
A guest article by Bob Manning

Study 14

Jesus as the Son of God

In What Way is Jesus the Son of God?

Study 15

Jesus as the "Only Begotten" or "Only-Born" Son of God

A Word Study of monogenes

Study 16

Study 17

The Untriumphal Entry
Study 18

The Greatest Upset

Study 19

Scriptures That Speak About the Identity of Jesus Christ
Study 20

What Does It Mean to Be "In Christ"?

Study 21

Did Jesus Go to Hell between His Death and Resurrection?

Study 22

Scriptures Describing the Resurrection of Christ

Study 23

What Does Only-Begotten Mean? (HTML Document)

What Does Only-Begotten Mean? (PDF Document)

Study 24

Prophecies of the Messiah

WordExplain by James T. Bartsch

(Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.  Used by Permission.)

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Updated April 6, 2024