
Applied Theology

"He who has ears, let him hear." Matthew 13:9

Corn Plantin’ Time

A farmer pulled his John Deere 1760 out to the field to plant some corn. Just as he finished, a driving rain blew in from the southwest and the field suffered some serious erosion. Some of the seed washed onto the service road next to the field. It didn’t stay there long – birds noticed it and devoured it. Some of the seed was washed into soil that rested atop a limestone outcropping. The corn grew nicely enough at first, but when the hot June sun hit it, it withered because the soil wasn’t deep enough to retain moisture. Other seed was washed into an area where there were noxious weeds. The corn began to grow, but the weeds grew faster and choked it out. Fortunately, a lot of the seed stayed in the good soil out in the field and yielded a decent crop. In the best parts of the field the farmer harvested 150 bushels to the acre. His average was close to 125 bushels, and the worst part of his field was around 85 bushels. If you have ears in tune with spiritual truth, figure it out.

Some of us might struggle with the decoding, so let me help you out. Someone hears the good news about entering Jesus Christ’s kingdom and really doesn’t understand it. The evil one comes and snatches away the seed sown in his heart. This is the seed that landed on the service road.

The seed that washed into rocky soil is the one who hears the news and receives it joyfully. But he has no deep root, and his positive response is only temporary. When hard times come and when others start to ridicule him about the message, he quickly falls away.

The seed that washed into weedy soil is the one who hears the news. But he starts worrying about his financial status, and he becomes deceived by his pursuit of wealth. So these concerns choke out the news about Jesus and he becomes unfruitful.

The seed that was planted in good soil is the one who hears the good news about Jesus and understands it. And he becomes fruitful and productive, bearing eternal fruit for the kingdom. Some of these bear 150 bushels per acre, some 125, and others 85.

Which leaves me with a final question – what kind of soil are you?

(Scripture quotation taken from the NASB.)

Published March 29, 2011

Updated June 15, 2015

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