Title, Author, Date
What are the Top Scientific Problems with Evolution? by Jonathan Wells, February 10, 2022
Introduction to the Series. Definitions of terms: What is Evolution? What is Science?
Top Scientific Problems with Evolution: Homology. by Jonathan Wells, February 11, 2022
homology is meant a similarity of structure and position. Darwin
considered homology to be evidence of common ancestry. But many species
with similar structures clearly did not have a comman ancestor.
Top Scientific Problems with Evolution: Fossils. by Jonathan Wells, February 12, 2022
transitional links between species have been remarkably absent. In
fact, the Cambrian explosion is forceful testimony that species
appeared suddenly in the rocks without any fossil evidence that they
diverged from a common ancestor!
Top Scientific Problems with Evolution: Molecular Phylogeny. by Jonathan Wells, February 14, 2022
refers to the evolutionary history of an organism. In recent years this
has come to refer to similarities in DNA sequences. However, "In 2012,
four evolutionary biologists reported 'incongruence between phylogenies
derived from...different subsets of molecular sequences has become
pervasive.'" "The fossil record remains (as Darwin acknowledged) a
serious problem."
Top Scientific Problems with Evolution: Natural Selection by Jonathan Wells, Feb. 15, 2022
When the drought ended and the rains returned, however, food was plentiful, and the average beak size returned to normal.
Top Scientific Problems with Evolution: Mutation by Jonathan Wells, Feb. 16, 2022
According to evolutionary biologist Thomas Cavalier-Smith, the idea
that DNA contains all the information needed to make an organism “is
simply false." |
Top Scientific Problems with Evolution: Speciation by Jonathan Wells, Feb. 17, 2022
Swedish scientist Arne Müntzing used two plant species to make a hybrid
that underwent chromosome doubling to produce hempnettle, a member of
the mint family.
Darwin's One Wrong Argument by Jonathan Wells, Feb. 18, 2022
Fom the standpoint of empirical science, continued claims that the
evidence for evolution is “incontrovertible” might be better termed one
long bluff. |