Israel, God's Chosen Nation
LORD said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him, “Now lift up your
eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and
eastward and westward; 15for all the land which
you see, I will give it to you and to your descendants forever. 16I
will make your descendants as the dust of the earth, so that if anyone
can number the dust of the earth, then your descendants can also be
numbered. 17Arise, walk about the land through
its length and breadth; for I will give it to you.” |
Satellite Image of the Nation
of Israel and Its Surroundings |
/ Presentation |
Explanation |
Date |
Aliyah - Return to Israel
Increasing numbers of Jewish people are returning to Israel. This is anticipates the ultimate prophetic return.
Posted November 11, 2019
Jerusalem - God's City |
is the city God has chosen as His own. Nations can debate its final
status, but God will have the last word. |
March 5, 2018 |
Are the Most Important Differences between Dispensationalism and
Covenant Theology? |
gospel is not a difference between the two systems of theology. Nor is
the issue of whether dispensations exist a fundamental difference
between the two. Surprisingly, Vlach
holds that the covenants of Covenant Theology are not a main
difference between the two camps. The two major distinctions are (1)
Hermeneutics and (2) the Storyline of the Bible: (a) "the nation
Israel’s role in God’s purposes, and (b) whether there will be a
mediatorial kingdom phase to God’s kingdom program on earth after this
present age but before the Eternal State." |
This article was
published on January 20, 2017. It was posted on WordExplain on Jan. 30,
2017 |
Has the Church
replaced Israel? |
A five-part
video series by Dr.
Michael Vlach, who spoke at a Bible Conference at Founders Baptist
Church in Spring, TX. |
This conference took place in
September, 2015. This link posted Nov. 21, 2015. |
Kingdom in the Apocalypse, by Robert L. Thomas. |
Thomas had been assigned to defend Dispensationalism for the (then)
upcoming B&H Perspectives on Israel and the Church.
He adapted his presentation in a .pdf format for Baptist Bible
Seminary's annual Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics. The 2014
Council was entitled, "Defending
Dr. Thomas' presentation was Session 10. In part, Thomas refutes
Dr.Bruce Waltke's contention that the New Testament interprets the
imagery of the Old Testament with reference to the present spiritual
reign of Christ from his heavenly throne. Thomas also refutes the
eclectic hermeneutics of Gregory Beale, by which he justifies his
allegorical interpretation of the Apocalpyse. He also critiques the
positions of David Aune and Grant Osborne in their commentaries on
Revelation. |
presentation was made in September of 2014. This link was added on
August 18, 2015. |
Olive Tree Metaphor in Romans 11:11-24. |
George Gunn, of Shasta Bible College argues that being grafted into the
rich root of the olive tree has nothing to do with salvation. Rather it
has to do with being grafted in "to the position of mediatorial
administrative responsibility and privilege." The nation of Israel did
not do its job effectively, and God has replaced her with the Church,
consisting of both Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus. But the time
is coming when saved Israelis will once again occupy the position of
mediatorial administrative responsibility and privilege. And they will
perform this role far better than the Church has been able to do. |
This article was published September 17, 2014.
It was published on WordExplain on August 12, 2015. |
Thoughts on a New Book: "Perspectives on Israel and the Church: Four
Views" |
The first
installment of a review of the book. The review is given by Michael Vlach. He
reviewed the contribution of Robert L. Reymond |
Vlach posted his
review on his blog on March 23, 2015. Link posted here March 23, 2015 |
Goal of Militant Islam |
The speech of Benjamin Netanyahu given to the UN
General Assembly |
Given in 2014.
Posted Oct. 1, 2014 |
is Replacement Theology, and Why Does It Matter? |
- Panel Discussion 1. Video of a panel discussion on the topic.
Participants include Joel Rosenburg, Moderator, Skip Heitzig, Dr.
Michael Rydelnik, and Dr.
Michael Vlach. |
September, 2012.
Posted here 9-17-2014 |
A Biblical Case for the
Coming Salvation and Restoration of Israel. |
of an address by Michael Vlach at Israelkonferenz 2014 at Zionshalle,
Dübendorf, Switzerland. English with German translation. |
Posted here 9-16-2014 |
Carter's War Against the Jews." |
a production of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Posted on
DailyMotion.com. |
Original link added July 24,
2014, now obsolete. Present link added Jan. 30, 2017 |
Israel-Arab Conflict explained simply. The Jewish Standard. This
link added July 20, 2014
protesters rally across France, defying ban imposed after synagogue
clash. The day will come when the whole world will turn
against Israel. It will be God's trap to destroy the armies of the
nations who oppose Israel (Zech. 12:1-9). This link added July 19, 2014.
missiles found in vacant UN-run school in Gaza. This link
added July 18, 2014
Binyamin Netanyahu has
some advice for Presbyterians.
This link added July 6, 2014
on Response to Future Israel.
By Dr. Barry Horner. Horner briefly states his own position regarding
Israel's ongoing role in eschatology. He reaffirms his Biblical
position that God still has plans for a revived and prospering Israeli
economy based on acceptance of Jesus of Nazareth as their King. He
discusses mostly negative, but some positive responses toward the
publication of his book, Future
Israel, back in 2007. WordExplain
agrees with Horner's stance. This link added March 17, 2013.
Obama's Failure with Israel. An accurate assessment by Dr.
Jim Eckman, past president of Grace University. Linked on WordExplain
September 5, 2012.
and Its Security. An insightful article by Dr. Jim Eckman,
past president of Grace University. Linked on WordExplain
September 5, 2012.
Errors about
Israel. By Guest Contributor James Borror, Bible Coach Online.
is the Most Important Thing Christians Should Know About Jews and Jews
About Christians?
By Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein. The author of this off-site article does not
share the views and values of WordExplain,
but Rabbi Eckstein certainly
offers an informative insight on Jewish-Christian Relations.
Does Christ as True Israel Mean for the Nation Israel? A
Critique of the Non-dispensational Understanding by Michael
J. Vlach. WordExplain
agrees with Vlach's
the Belief That the Church Has Replaced Israel Is an Unbiblical Doctrine.
A listing of the main points of an article by
Michael Vlach on Replacement
Theology (Supersessionism).
Millennial Temple.
New Jerusalem. Rev. 21:10-21. 3D Animated Video. Published by BibliaPrints.com in 2020. Posted by WordExplain.com August 29, 2020
An Open Letter
to Evangelicals and Other Interested Parties: The People
of God, the Land of Israel, and the Impartiality of the Gospel. This position paper was first published
online on the website of Knox
Theological Seminary, Fort Lauderdale, FL, in 2002. I am presently
unable to locate that document on Knox’s website. As of 2012 I viewed
it on the website of Providence Reformed Church of Bakersfield, CA, but
it no longer appears there. Because this open letter keeps disappearing
from the internet, I have placed a .pdf copy on my own
website for reference
purposes. WordExplain utterly
repudiates this unbiblical open letter. Mike
Stallard has done an excellent job of refuting this letter in a
document entitled, "A
Dispensational Response to the Knox Seminary Open Letter to Evangelicals."
(Scripture quotation taken
the NASB.)
Updated August 29, 2020