Applied Theology

Guest Contribution

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling" Eph. 1:18a

My Idol

Jesus Christ is my idol -
I'm no longer suicidal;
Stuck my head in the Bible,
Now I'm wait'n' on His arrival.

Stay focused is what I do –
I suggest you should try too –
Not to be tempted of this world or by Satan –
He’s the rival, whisperer and liar.
But don’t worry God will guide you,
Just rebuke him in the name of Jesus
Every time he’s out to try you.

Also love those who despise you,
Though they hate on your survival.
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak
And all the rest who criticize you.
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
Is the Bible that I follow –
If I believe in and receive the Christ
Then I’ll be cured of the sin I was born in
And the curse that’s on this earth.
Recognize, honor, and declare,
Praise, reflect His glory first.
By Artharr Nelson

Published November 8, 2010

Updated August 8,2016

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