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![]() Prayers Recorded in Genesis Abram's query of Adonai Yahweh that he
has no child as God had promised and his only heir is a trusted slave
(Gen. 15:2-3).
Abram's request from Adonai Yahweh as to how he will know that he is to possess the promised land of Canaan (Gen. 15:8). Abraham's request to Elohim that Ishmael might be the son of promise and blessing (Gen. 17:18). Abraham's request to the Angel of the LORD to accept his hospitality (Gen. 18:3-5). His response to a query from his visitors (Gen. 18:9). Abraham's bargaining with Yahweh to spare Sodom if a minimal number of righteous people could be found in the evil city (Gen. 18:22-33). (Cf. Gen.19:1-29.) The prayer of Abraham's trusted slave, presumably Eliezer (Gen. 15:2), to Yahweh asking for blessing and guidance in his search for a bride for his master Abraham's son (Gen. 24:12-14). Jacob's vow to Elohim to adopt Him as his God if He would provide for him and bring him safely back to his father's house (Gen. 28:20-22). In real time, Jacob undoubtedly conversed directly with God, but the vow is not recorded that way until Gen. 28:22. Jacob's prayer for deliverance from his brother Esau, whom he feared (Gen. 32:9-12). Prayers Recorded in Exodus Moses'
conversations with Yahweh, who appeared in the burning bush, and
commanded him to rescue Israel from bondage in Egypt (Exod. 3:4, 11,
13; 4:1, 2, 10, 13).
Moses' prayer of frustration to Yahweh on account of Pharaoh's intransigence (Exod. 5:22-23). Moses' request for God to forgive Israel's sin of idolatry with the golden calf (Exod. 32:31-32). Moses' request for God to send someone with Israel on their journey and let Moses know His ways (Exod. 33:12-13). Moses' affirmation of God's sending His presence with them (Exod. 33:15-16). Moses' request for God to show him His glory (Exod. 33:18). Prayers Recorded in Numbers The Priestly Blessing upon Israel (Num.
Moses' Journeying Prayer in connection with the Ark of the Covenant (Num. 10:35-36). Moses' frustration with the burdensome ungratefulness of the Israelis (Num. 11:10-15). Moses' query as to the logistics of providing meat for 600,000 men (Num. 11:21-22; cf. Ex. 12:37; Num. 1:44-46). Moses' prayer that God would heal Miriam from leprosy (Num. 12:13). Moses' intercessory prayer to Yahweh on behalf of the faithless Israelis asking Him to pardon their iniquities instead of destroying them (Num. 14:13-19). Moses' angry prayer to Yahweh to disregard the offering of Korah and his rebellious associates (Num. 16:15). Moses' request for God to choose a new man to lead Israel in his absence (Num. 27:15-17). Prayers Recorded in Deuteronomy Moses' plea to Yahweh that he might be
able to cross over and see the Promised Land beyond the Jordan (Deut.
Moses' rehearsing of his previous prayer to God to spare Israel (Deut. 9:25-29). Prayers Recorded in Joshua Joshua's prayer to God bemoaning Israel's
defeat at the hand of the Amorites (Joshua 7:6-9).
Joshua's prayer to Yahweh to cause the sun and moon to stand still at specified locations (Joshua 10:12-13). Prayers Recorded in Judges Prayer
of the Sons of Israel to Yahweh inquiring as to which tribe should
begin begin fighting the Canaanites first after the death of Joshua
(Judges 1:1).
Gideon's questioning of the Angel of Yahweh as to why the Israelis were subject to Midian if Yahweh were with them (Judges 6:13). Gideon's questioning the Angel as to why he should lead Israel out of bondage to Midian (Judges 6:15). Gideon's request of Yahweh for a sign that he was, indeed, supposed to deliver Israel from the Midianites (Judges 6:17-18). Gideon's expression of fear to God for having seen the Angel of the LORD (Judges 6:22). The confession of the sons of Israel of the sin of having forsaken Yahweh and having served other Baals. Their request for deliverance from the sons of Ammon (Judges 10:10, 15). Jephthah's vow to Yahweh (Judges 11:30-31). Manoah's plea to send the man of God to teach them what to do for the boy who was to be born to him and his wife (Judges 13:8). Manoah's query of the Angel of the LORD as to the boy's mode of life and vocation (Judges 13:11-14). Manoah's request of the Angel of the LORD that He would permit Himself to be entertained by them (Judges 13:15). Manoah's fruitless request of the name of the Angel of the LORD (Judges 13:17). Samson's request of Yahweh to strengthen one more time so that he might be avenged of the Philistines for the loss of his two eyes (Judges 16:28). The weeping request of the sons of Israel for guidance from Yahweh about attacking the sons of Benjamin (Judges 20:23). The subsequent inquiry of the sons of Israel for guidance about again attacking the sons of Benjamin (Judges 20:28). The men of Israel, with great weeping, asked Yahweh why one tribe, the tribe of Benjamin, should be missing from Israel (Judges 21:3). Prayers Recorded in 1 Samuel Hannah's distressed plea to Yahweh for a
son (1 Sam. 1:9-11).
Hannah's prayer of exultation to Yahweh, rejoicing in His salvation and her triumph over her enemies (1 Sam. 2:1-10). King Saul's inquiry of God as to whether Israel should invade the Philistines (1 Sam. 14:37). Saul's request of Yahweh to give a perfect lot (1 Sam. 14:41). David's inquiry of Yahweh as to whether he should invade the Philistines (1 Sam. 23:1-2). David's two-part inquiry of Yahweh Elohim of Israel asking direction about his safety in the village of Keilah (1 Sam. 23:9-12). David's inquiry of Yahweh as to whether he should pursue the Amalekites who had raided and destroyed his town of Ziklag (1 Sam. 30:7-8). Prayers Recorded in 2 Samuel David's inquiry of Yahweh as to which of
the cities of Judah he should travel to be anointed as King over Judah
(2 Sam. 2:1).
King David's inquiry of Yahweh as to whether he should do battle with the invading Philistines, and would Yahweh grant him success? (2 Sam. 5:18-19). King David's prayer of thanksgiving to Yahweh for promising him a perpetual house, kingdom, and throne (2 Sam. 7:18-29; cf. 2 Sam. 7:16). King David's request of Yahweh for forgiveness in view of his having taken a census of all the military in Israel (2 Sam. 24:10). Prayers Recorded in 1 Kings Solomon's prayer asking Yahweh for wisdom
to judge rightly the people of Israel (1 Kings 3:6-9).
Solomon's Prayer at the Dedication of the Temple (1 Kings 8:22-53). The prophet Elijah's prayer to Yahweh asking Him to restore the life of the son of the widow with whom he was staying in Zarephath (1 Kings 17:20-21). Elijah's prayer on Mount Carmel asking Yahweh to confirm him as His servant and turn the hearts of Israel back to Him from worshiping Baal (1 Kings 18:36-37). Elijah's depressed prayer for death as he was fleeing for his life from Queen Jezebel (1 Kings 19:4). Prayers Recorded in 2 Kings The
prophet Elisha's prayer that Yahweh would open his servant's eyes so
that he could see Yahweh's angelic armies surrounding and protecting
them (2 Kings 6:17).
King Hezekiah's request of Yahweh that He would deliver Israel from the hands of the King of Assyria in order that all the kingdoms of the earth might know that Yahweh, alone, is God (2 Kings 19:14-19). King Hezekiah's request to Yahweh that he might not die as Isaiah the prophet predicted he would (2 Kings 20:1-3). Prayers Recorded in 1 Chronicles The
prayer of Jabez that the God of Israel would bless, enlarge his
border, be with him, and keep him from harm (1 Chron.
David's praise to God for the offerings of the people for the construction of the temple; his request that Yahweh would enable Solomon to keep His commands and build the temple (1 Chron. 29:10-19). Prayers Recorded in 2 Chronicles The prayer of King Asa for Judah's
victory over the invading Ethiopians (2 Chron. 14:11).
King Jehoshaphat's prayer for Judah's victory over the invading sons of Ammon and sons of Moab (2 Chron. 20:5-12). Prayers Recorded in Ezra Ezra's Prayer of Thanksgiving for the
Provision and Support of King Artaxerxes. (Ezra 7:27-28)
Ezra's Embarrassed Prayer of Confession in View of the Returned Exiles' Flagrant Intermarriages with the Heathen of the Land. (Ezra 9:5-15) Prayers Recorded in Nehemiah Nehemiah's
Prayer of Confession on behalf of Israel; for Israel's Regathering; and
for Favor in the Eyes of the King. (Nehemiah 1:4-11)
Nehemiah's Prayer for Vengeance upon Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite. (Nehemiah 4:4-5) Nehemiah's Prayer that God Would Strengthen His Hands to Complete the Task of Rebuilding the Wall. (Nehemiah 6:9) Nehemiah's Prayer against Tobiah, Sanballat, Noadiah the Prophetess and Other False Prophets Who Were Opposing Him (Nehemiah 6:14) The Levites' Prayer of Praise, Confession, and Request for Mercy. (Nehemiah 9:5-37) Nehemiah's Request That God Would Remember Him for His Work on Behalf of the Temple (Nehemiah 13:14) Nehemiah's Request That God Would Show Him Compassion for Enforcing Sabbath Observance. (Nehemiah 13:22) Nehemiah's Prayer That God Would Adversely Remember Those who had Defiled the Priesthood, the Covenant of the Priesthood, and the Levites. (Nehemiah 13:29) Prayers Recorded in Job Job's
worshipful prayer of submission to the will of God (Job 1:20-21).
(Note: Technically, there is a sense in which this is not a prayer by
my standards since Job did not address God in the second person, but in
the third person as here recorded.)
Job's prayer to God describing his anguish and God's relentless scrutiny (Job 7:11-21). Job's complaint that God will not acquit him (Job 9:27-31). Job's questioning of God's fairness and the purpose of his life (Job 10:2-19). Job's appeal to God (Job 13:20-14:22): (1) His ground rules for speaking with God (Job 13:20-22); (2) His inquisition of God's conduct (Job 13:23-28); (3) His presentation of man's fate and a tree's hope (Job 14:1-12); (4) His wish to be hidden from God's wrath through death, followed by a hoped-for resurrection (Job 14:13-15); (5) His lament concerning his present misery (Job 14:16-22). Job's chagrined response to God, admitting his own insignificance, his discomfiture, and his refusal to put his foot in his mouth again! (Job 40:3-5). Job's prayer of confession and repentance (Job 42:1-6). Prayers Recorded in the Psalms Since
prayer is such an integral part of the Psalms, and there are so many of
them, these prayers are recorded on a separate page, Prayers in the Psalms.
Prayers Recorded in the Book of Isaiah Isaiah's volunteering to be sent by
Adonay (Isa. 6:8).
Isaiah's query as to how long he should preach a message of the judgment of insensitivity (Isa. 6:9-10) to the nation of Israel (Isa. 6:11). King Hezekiah's prayer to Yahweh for deliverance from the hand of the king of Assyria (Isa. 37:14-20). King Hezekiah's prayer to Yahweh that he might be delivered from predicted death (Isa. 38:1-3). Prayers Recorded in the Book of Jeremiah Jeremiah's protest to God that he did not
know how to speak because he was a young man (Jer. 1:6).
Jeremiah's complaint that Yahweh has deceived Judah into planning for peace when war is coming (Jer. 4:10). Jeremiah's prayer for Yahweh to correct him with gentleness, and to pour out His wrath on the nations that don't know Him because they have devoured Jacob and consumed him (Jer. 10:23-25). Jeremiah's asking God why the wicked prosper; his request for judgment upon them; his wondering how long the land will have to suffer for the evil of men (Jer. 12:1-4). Jeremiah's plea with Yahweh for mercy upon Israel despite the nation's many sins and apostasies (Jer. 14:7-9). Jeremiah's protest that, despite his own messages of coming judgment, Israel's prophets are predicting peace instead of coming military conflict and famine (Jer. 14:13). Jeremiah's prayer to Yahweh to show mercy upon Judah (Jer. 14:19-22). Jeremiah's plea to Yahweh to avenge and protect him because of his truthful but persecuted prophesying (Jer. 15:15-18). Jeremiah's appeal to Yahweh to vindicate his service amid persecution (Jer. 17:12-18). Jeremiah's plea to Yahweh to judge his opponents and their families (Jer. 18:19-23; cf. Jer. 18:18). Jeremiah's complaint to Yahweh and prayer for vengeance upon his persecutors, who make him a laughingstock and mock him all day long (Jer. 20:7-12). Jeremiah's protest to God at being required to purchase land when the besieging Chaldeans were about to enter Jerusalem (Jer. 32:16- 25). Prayers Recorded in Lamentations The
cry of the City of Jerusalem to Yahweh revealing her distress,
admitting her rebellion, groaning with none to comfort,
asking for God to judge her exultant enemies as He has now judged
Jerusalem herself (Lam. 1:20-22).
The prayer of horror of the City of Jerusalem at cannibalism, at the killing of priest and prophet in the temple, of corpses in the street, at Yahweh's unsparing slaughter, at the thoroughness of Yahweh's destruction, at the annihilation of the city's young (Lam. 2:20-22). Jeremiah's prayer (Lam. 3:55-66), calling to Yahweh for help (Lam. 3:55-57), recognizing God's efforts on his behalf (Lam. 3:58-63), believing in God's vengeance against his enemies (Lam. 3:64-66). Jeremiah's vicarious prayer on behalf of his people (Lam. 5:1-22), recounting to Yahweh Zion's despair (Lam. 5:1-18), pleading with Yahweh for restoration (Lam. 5:19-22). (Note: See the author's Analytical Outline of Lamentations, entitled, "The Pain of Divine Discipline.") Prayers Recorded in the Book of Ezekiel Ezekiel's protest to God that he had
never been defiled or eaten anything unclean (Ezek. 4:14).
Ezekiel's cry of terror to God, asking if He were destroying the whole remnant of Israel by pouring out His wrath upon Jerusalem (Ezek. 9:8). Ezekiel's anguished cry, in view of the death of Pelatiah, asking if God were going to bring the remnant of Israel to a complete end (Ezek. 11:13). Prayers Recorded in the Book of Daniel Daniel's
Prayer of Thanksgiving to God for Revealing to Him King
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream and Its Interpretation. (Daniel 2:19-23)
Daniel's Prayer of Confession for Israel's Sins and His Request for Restoration to the Land Because of Jeremiah's Prophecy of Seventy Years of Desolation upon Jerusalem. (Daniel 9:1-19) Prayers Recorded in the Book of Amos The prayer of Amos protesting God's
predicted locust swarm against Israel (Amos 7:1-3).
The prayer of Amos protesting God's predicted fire against Israel (Amos 7:4-6). Prayers Recorded in the Book of Jonah The prayer of the sailors to Yahweh for
mercy for throwing Jonah into the sea (Jonah 1:14).
Jonah's prayer to Yahweh, his God from the stomach of the fish describing his near-drowning experience and expressing his faith in salvation and vow of service (Jonah 2:1-9). Jonah's expression of great displeasure against Yahweh for having averted judgment against Nineveh; his request to Yahweh to take his life (Jonah 4:1-3). Jonah's begging to die and statement of his justification in being angry to the point of death about the demise of the plant that had been shielding him from the sun (Jonah 4:8-9). Prayers Recorded in the Book of Habakkuk Habakkuk's prayer to Yahweh of
frustration at all the evil in Israel which Yahweh is apparently
ignoring (Hab. 1:1-4).
Habakkuk's prayer of frustration to Yahweh that He is using the Chaldeans, who are more wicked than the Israelis, to punish Israel (Hab. 1:12-17). Habakkuk's prayer to Yahweh for mercy amidst justice (Hab. 3:1-2). Habakkuk's theophanic prophecy of God's coming judgment and salvation as prefigured by His past interventions (Hab. 3:8-15). Return
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