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Cosmology The Study of Origins Evaluating Scientific Theory by Biblical Truth |
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The "Big Bang" is the current theory of the origin of our universe stipulating that pre-existing infinitely dense and infinitely hot matter of 0 size exploded and, over billions of years, coalesced through pre-existing gravity into the highly-ordered universe we now observe. (See an artist's rendering.) The model makes no attempt to explain the pre-existing elements, so the theory stops far short of explaining how our universe originated. The previously held view was the Steady State Model. Elements currently included in the Big Bang theory are an initial singularity, an expanding universe, cosmic microwave background (CMB), and dark matter surrounding galaxies. The theological and philosophical consequences of the Big Bang Theory are multitudinous and profound. Among them are these: (1) The inability of astrophysicists to account for the start of matter, time, density, temperature, motion (expansion), and laws such as gravity. (2) The irrelevance of God. (3) The unreliability of the Biblical account of God's creation of the universe in six days. (4) The foundation for biological evolution as opposed to Divine creation. (5) The non-existence of universal morals and ethics. (6) The supremacy of secular humanism. The Big Bang is counter-intuitive on a number of levels. (1) Has anyone ever witnessed a beneficial explosion? (2) Do observed explosions create, or do they destroy? [The only observed explosions that create are planned, designed explosions, such as fireworks!] (3) How can order arise from disorder through random chance? (4) How can highly sophisticated information (DNA, RNA) originate from inert matter? (5) How can life spontaneously generate from non-life? (6) How can intelligence develop from matter? (7) How can purpose coalesce from purposeless detonation? (8) How can personality spring from impersonal forces? (9) The Big Bang itself completely contradicts a foundational belief of most scientists, that of uniformitarianism. (10) The Big Bang model does not really explain the origin of the universe at all. It fails to answer the question, "Where did matter come from in the first place?" They refer back to a "causal singularity" at the start of time as follows: The classical version of the Big Bang cosmological model of the universe contains a causal singularity at the start of time (t=0), where all time-like geodesics have no extensions into the past. Extrapolating backward to this hypothetical time 0 results in a universe with all spatial dimensions of size zero, infinite density, infinite temperature, and infinite spacetime curvature. This is nonsense. How can something have no size, yet be infinitely dense and possess infinite temperature? According to God's true account, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen. 1:1). "In the beginning" is the beginning of time as we know it today here in our physical universe. "In the beginning God created the heavens." That is the beginning of space as we know it today. "In the beginning God created ... the earth." That is the beginning of matter as we know it today. Before that nothing existed at all in terms of a physical universe. But there was an eternity before that in which God was always existing in a spiritual dimension of which scientists today are willfully ignorant. Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell, in her article, "Super-colliders Looking for Dark Matter in All the Wrong Places," concludes the following: The big bang idea is an attempt to explain the origin of the universe in a naturalistic fashion—without invoking God. Sadly, many Christians compromise by trying to add the billions of years from the big bang to the Bible. From the Bible, we can already know the big bang idea is wrong. The Word of God in Genesis 1 says the earth was created before the stars; the big bang view is the very opposite. In addition, the Bible teaches the earth was created as a paradise; the big bang model teaches it was first a hot, molten blob. The big bang and the Bible are entirely incompatible. In my opinion, the Big Bang theory is a desperate theory perpetrated on the gullible public by individuals who have an animus against God and His self-revelation in the Bible. In the main, they are secular humanists who wish to be free to pursue their own amoral agenda without any accountability to the Being who created them. The Biblical account details Biblical Creationism, that God created everything that exists in a space of six days (Gen. 1:1-2:3). Biblical Creationism entails the truth that created entities appear to be older than they actually are. For example, God created humans who appeared to be twenty-five years of age, but were only moments old; God created forty-foot tall trees that were only moments old; God created stars with starlight already reaching the earth (Gen. 1:14-19). The lights in the heavens were to serve "for signs and for seasons and for days and years" (Gen. 1:14). They appeared to be far older than they actually were.
For a critical look at the Big Bang model from a Biblical Creationist
point of view, see the article, "The
Big Bang?" by Roger Patterson. For the issue of distant starlight, see the video, "Origins: Distant Starlight in a Young Universe" by
Astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle. To read about the same issue, see the article "Distant Starlight – The Anistropic Synchrony Convention," also by Dr. Jason Lisle. In summary, Biblical Creationism is far more rational than the Big Bang theory. With the Biblical account we have a complete explanation for everything that exists – for the existence of life, of personality, of order, design, purpose, wrong-doing, decay, death, truth, love, hate, accountability, consequences, the past, the present, and the future. Both theories, Biblical Creationism, and the Big Bang require faith. In a real sense, both are religious theories. No scientist can fashion a reproducible experiment on something that happened in the past. And no scientist was there to observe the origin of the universe. But God was, and He has given us His account. His account is more credible than that of the scientists and astrophysicists who promote the Big Bang. The choice as to whom you believe is incredibly important, and it has eternal consequences. The choice is yours. Updated February 10, 2022 |