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Soteriolology, the Study of Salvation by James T. Bartsch |
"But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul." Hebrews 10:39 |
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![]() Despair An Examination of Hebrews 10:26-31 and its Larger Context By
James T. Bartsch A.
The Purpose
of the Book of Hebrews. We must
understand that the book of Hebrews was written to Jewish believers. We know this because of
the title, but also
because so much of the book is explained by the understanding that the
were Jewish. The
writer refers to angels
1:4 - 2:8), to Moses (Heb.
3:1-6), to the priesthood (Heb.
4:14 - 5:10; Heb. 7:1 - 8:6), to the covenant (Heb.
8:7 - 9:28), to the sacrificial system (Heb.
10:1-18), and to many Hebrew examples of faith (Heb.
11). These
Jewish Christians
were evidently being pressured to give up their Christianity and return
to pure
Judaism. The letter
to the Hebrews was
written to persuade them to go on to maturity in Christ (Heb.
6:1), for there is no means of salvation other than Jesus (Heb.
6:1-8). B.
The Broader
Context of Hebrews 10:1-39. When
considering whether or not Hebrews
10:26-31 conveys the notion that Christians exist in
mortal danger of losing their salvation, one must be made aware of the
folly of taking any Scripture out of its context. As
we examine the broader context of the whole
of chapter ten of Hebrews, the thoughtful believer in Jesus should come
from this study with a conviction of his own eternal security in
not his insecurity! Let us begin
our examination of Heb.
10:1-39! 1. The
begins this chapter by stating that it is impossible for the Law, which
is the
embodiment of the Old Covenant, to bring to a stage of complete
those who offer sacrifices year by year. This
is so because the Law is but a shadow of the
good things that were
to come, not the essence. In
fact, it is
logically and theologically impossible for the blood of bulls and goats
remove human sin! Since
these sacrifices
had to be offered every year they could never fully relieve the
conscience (suneidesis)
of the worshipers bringing their
sacrificial offerings (Heb.
10:1-4). 2. The
quotes Psalm
40:6-8 to prove that God had preauthorized Jesus'
body to be the ultimate, once for
sacrifice which would actually bring sanctification to those who
approach God
on the basis of Jesus’ shed blood (Heb.
10:5-10). Sanctification here (Heb.
10:10) means “a state of being set apart to God” (1
Cor. 1:2; 6:11; Heb. 10:10, 14, 29). This
state of sanctification can be further defined
as having been
justified (Rom.
4:25; 5:18), which means “having been declared legally
righteous or acquitted” on the basis of Christ’s blood having been shed
and one’s
having accepted that forgiveness through faith in Jesus.
Those who are sanctified
exist in a state
absent any condemnation, for they exist “in Christ Jesus” (Rom.
8:1). The
sanctified group the
writer referred to in Heb.
10:10 is simply a way of designating all believers in Christ. Sanctification is a
legally acquitted
standing in Jesus Christ which all believers in Jesus have because of
having placed their faith in Jesus, who died to satisfy God’s righteous
for punishment for their sins. The
sanctified status of believers exists without reference to their actual
deportment or practice of righteousness, which is always in process in
life. The
Corinthian believers were
designated as having been sanctified (1
Cor. 1:2; 6:11) despite their past practice and their
present carnality or fleshliness (1
Cor. 3:1-3), which included divisions over leaders (1
Cor. 1:10-17; 1 Cor. 3:1-5), failure to exercise church
discipline in
the case of an incestuous church member (1
Cor. 5), suing one another in courts of law (1
Cor. 6:1-11), visiting prostitutes (1
Cor. 6:12-20), participating in factionalism in observing
the Lord’s Supper (1
Cor. 11:17-34), denying even the existence of resurrection
Cor. 15:12-19), and questioning the authority of the
Apostle Paul himself (2
Cor. 10:1 – 13:10). a. Please
observe that the writer counted both himself and his readers as being
those who presently exist as having already been set apart or sanctified
10:10)! The
writer combined two
words, esmen, we presently are or exist, (a present
tense verb) and hegiasmenoi,
“the ones having been set apart,” a perfect
passive participle. A
perfect verb form
refers to an action done in the past with results accruing up to the
present. The
passive form of the verb
here means that someone else sanctified or set apart the writer and his
readers. Combining
these two words, the
author is stating that both he and his readers presently exist in a
state of
having been sanctified by the will of God. It
is God who had sanctified them – they
had not sanctified
themselves! b. Through
means was it the will of God to sanctify these Hebrew Christians? It was through the means
of the offering of
the body of Christ Jesus once for all (Heb.
10:10)! It
was not through any
righteous acts that the readers had done, but through the one righteous
that Jesus performed in obedience to the will of God.
There can hardly be a stronger statement that
these Hebrews are believers in Jesus who have not lost their salvation! 3. The
writer goes
on to contrast the ineffective offerings of the priests with Jesus' supremely effective offering of
Himself (Heb.
10:11-14). The daily, repetitive
sacrifices the priests
offered under the old order
could never actually remove human
sins. Jesus
sacrifice, on the other hand, was so
effective that, after his one-time offering of
Himself for sins, He sat
down at God’s right hand, where He waits until His kingdom can be
established on the earth over all His enemies. Here,
the writer quotes from the first verse of
110. This
psalm, the most
oft-quoted psalm in the New Testament, presents Jesus as God’s
seated at Yahweh’s right hand in heaven, there awaiting the signal for
Him to
vanquish His foes on earth from Mount Zion. Jesus
has been designated by Yahweh’s oath as a
priest forever after the
order of Melchizedek, himself the prototype King/Priest of Jerusalem
110:4; Gen. 14:18-20). The
writer of Hebrews ends this paragraph by stating unequivocally about
Jesus, “For
by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified”
10:14). a. The
word perfected (teleioo)
means “brought to a state of completion.” It
appears here in the perfect tense, which
refers to an action performed in the past with results accruing up into
present. b. But
writer doesn’t leave this state of completion in the present with any
uncertainty about the future. Jesus
brought to a state of completion a certain group of people for how
long? – for
all time! The words
“for all time”
translate the word dienekes,
which means, literally, “stretched the
whole length.” It
is a Greek way of
saying “for eternity”! c. Who
these people whom Jesus has brought to a state of completion? They are “the ones being
literally, “the ones being set apart,” a present passive participle of
common Greek verb hagiazo,
to make holy. It is
same group of people the writer referred to in Heb.
10:10. 4. The
went on to support from Scripture the legitimacy of his statement that
he and
his readers are completely forgiven (Heb.
10:15-18). He
quotes from Jer.
31:33-34 the terms of the New Covenant that God made
with Israel (Jer.
31:31-32). The
Old Covenant (the Law of Moses) could never transform the hearts of
people to
follow God. But
under God’s New
Covenant, He would put His Law within them and write His law on their
not on stone tablets. His
New Covenant
would be so effective that all would know Him, and their sins would be
forgiven! Jesus,
through His life’s
blood shed on the cross, has become the mediator of that New Covenant
22:20; Heb. 9:15; 12:24). Furthermore the
New Covenant has been advanced to
include not only
Jewish people, but also Gentiles, as is demonstrated by Paul’s use of
the New
Covenant among Gentile audiences (1
Cor. 11:25; 2 Cor. 3:6). 5. The
states that he and his readers have confidence to enter the holy place
by the
blood of Jesus (Heb.
10:19-20). He
identifies with them as fellow-believers, for he calls them “brethren.” 6. The
acknowledges that he and his readers have a great priest over the house
of God
10:21). This
priest is none
other than Jesus. 7. He
urges his
readers to “draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith”
10:22). He
is concerned that
their faith is wavering. 8. The
states that drawing near must be accompanied by “hearts sprinkled clean
from an
evil conscience” and “bodies washed with pure water” (Heb.
10:22). a. The
of Israel were sprinkled with the blood of sacrificial animals to
the Old Covenant (Exod.
24:4-8). The
death of the animals was a substitutionary death on behalf of the
people (Heb.
9:16-22). We
New Covenant believers have a clear conscience because we have been
with the infinitely more effective blood of Christ (Heb.
9:11-15; 1 Pet. 1:1-2). The
washing of our bodies with clear water may refer to baptism, an outward
testimony of inner transformation (1
Pet. 3:21) (Dr.
Constable’s Notes on Hebrews, p. 91). b. It
is my
personal conviction that some believers in Jesus toil under the
oppression of a
guilty conscience because they fail to distinguish between “Legal
Forgiveness” and “Family
Forgiveness.” The
Scriptures teach clearly that anyone who has placed his faith in Jesus
is no
longer in the realm of death, but in the realm of eternal life. This is so because Jesus
on the cross bore
all the guilt of each believer, past, present, and future.
The believer is eternally
secure in his
position with Christ not because of his own faithfulness, but because
of God’s
faithfulness and Christ’s successful payment for sin (John
1:10-13; 3:1‑8; 3:16‑18; 3:36; 5:24;
6:40, 47; 10:24-29; 11:25‑26; 20:30‑31; Rom.
8:1, 28-39; 1 John 5:1, 10‑13). The
believer in Jesus stands Legally Forgiven because Jesus through His
death and
resurrection is the propitiation (legal satisfaction) for his sins (1
John 2:1-2). So
when I as a believer sin against God, I damage not my Legal
Forgiveness, but my
Family Forgiveness. I
have sinned
against my Heavenly Father, and I have moved out of Fellowship (not out
Relationship) with Him. Just
disobedience in a human family damages the fellowship in that family,
disobedience in the Family of God damages our fellowship with our
Father. That can be
rectified only by an
honest admission that we have sinned (1
John 1:9). That
grants us the
Family cleansing and restoration to Fellowship we crave.
Of course a mere
mechanical recitation of
sins without a sincere desire to repent and obey will not fool us
ourselves or
God either. That is
why we are urged to
draw near with a sincere heart and
with full assurance of faith (Heb.
10:22). 9. The
urges his readers to hold fast the confession of their faith in Jesus,
because they are faithful, but because God, who has made the promises
salvation, is faithful: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope
wavering, for He who promised is faithful” (Heb.
10:23). 10. He
urges his
readers to motivate one another toward love and good works: “and let us
consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds” (Heb.
10:24). 11. This
of mutual stimulation cannot occur if we do not meet together
regularly, so he
states further, “not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the
habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the
more as you see the day drawing near” (Heb.
10:25). 12. Now
we arrive
at the paragraph that has caused so much angst for so many Christians. Let us make certain who
the subjects are and
what they are contemplating. They
Jewish Christians who are undergoing hardship. They
have been lobbied by Jewish people who are not
Christians to leave
Jesus and return to pure Judaism. What are
the consequences of leaving Christianity and going back to Judaism
under fear
of persecution? The
writer of the book
of Hebrews warns that the consequences are anything but comforting: a. If
we do not
follow Jesus, there is no other sacrifice for sins.
“For if we go on sinning willfully after
receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a
sacrifice for
sins” (Heb.
10:26). This
willful sin is not
some generic sin, but the sin of turning one’s back on Jesus to revert
Judaism. b. If
we leave
Jesus, there is only the expectation of judgment: “but
a terrifying expectation of judgment and
the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries” (Heb.
10:27). We
know what that
judgment is and we know what that fire is. All
unbelievers will one day appear before the judge
seated on The
Great White Throne. Their works will
be evaluated and the severity of
their punishment will
be adjusted. But
all, not having their
names written in the Book
of Life, will be
plunged into the Lake
of Fire, which amounts to the Second
Death (Rev.
20:11-15). c. Under
the Law
of Moses, the Old Covenant, punishment was severe: “Anyone who has set
the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three
10:28). This
punishment was
physical death. d. If
we leave
Jesus, the author of the New Covenant, how much more severe will the
be (Heb.
10:29-31)? 1) Heb.
10:29. “How much severer punishment do you think he will
deserve who
has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the
of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit
grace?” If anyone turns his back on Jesus, and thus treats with
contempt Jesus’
sacrificial death for his own sins, what other sacrifice is left? To reject with full
knowledge Jesus’
sacrifice and to treat Him and His gracious Spirit with contempt will
result in
the most horrific experience in Hell that can be imagined.
Those who reject Jesus
with little knowledge
of Him will undergo unimaginable torment. But
how much more severe will the torment be for
those who have full
knowledge of who Jesus is and what He has done, yet reject Him anyway? 2) Heb.
10:30-31. “For we know Him who said, ‘Vengeance is
Mine, I will repay.’ And again, ‘The Lord will judge His people.’ It is
terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Anyone contemplating
leaving Jesus had better
think carefully about the awful implications of that decision. 13. Now
writer encourages his readers to remember the former days.
When his readers had first
trusted in Jesus,
they had endured many sufferings (Heb.
10:32-33). They had already endured “a
great conflict of
sufferings.” They
had been made a “public spectacle.” They
had endured “reproaches and
tribulations.” They had empathized with and actively supported other
who were being so treated. 14. He
them that they had joyfully accepted the seizure of their property
because they
knew they had a better and lasting possession (Heb.
10:34). 15. He
urges them
not to throw away their confidence, which has a great reward (Heb.
10:35). Without
faith it is
impossible to please God (Heb.
11:6). Faith
in Jesus is what
enables us to access forgiveness and eternal life.
If we cast aside our faith in Jesus, there is
no other alternative. Only
in His name
is salvation to be found (Acts
4:12)! 16. They
need to
have endurance in their Christian lives so they can do the will of God
in their
lives and then receive the reward God has promised them (Heb.
10:36). 17. The
quotes from Hab.
2:3-4 and applies the passage to remind his readers that
Jesus is coming
back quickly to this earth; that righteous people are commanded to live
faith; and that God has no pleasure in those who shrink back from
Jesus (Heb.
10:37-38). 18. This
important: The writer is convinced that his readers are not among those
shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the
preserving of
their souls (Heb.
10:39)! C.
Conclusion. 1. In
it is safe to say that the writer of Hebrews encouraged his readers, no
how difficult the persecution they faced, to continue to follow Jesus
mature in Him, because there is no other means of salvation outside of
Jesus. He was also
convinced his readers
would continue to follow Jesus. 2. The
title of
this essay is “Does Hebrews
10:26-31 teach that Christians can lose their
salvation?” The
answer to that question
is, “No.” If
anything, it teaches that
genuine believers WILL NOT lose their salvation. The
believers here were among those who had
reached a state of completion because God had sanctified them through
one-time offering of Himself for their sins. They
had accepted this payment. But we as
Christians all live in the present. And
our faith can and will
be tested. There is
a real Adversary out there who is
the father of all lies, a murderer and destroyer, the deceiver of the
world, and the accuser of the brethren (John
8:44; Rev. 12:9-10). He
would like nothing better than to make a Christian contemplate turning
his back
on Jesus. He would
like nothing better
than to cripple a believer with doubts and fears and misgivings. 3. So
in real
life, the Christian life is an interminable war against deadly, evil
forces (Eph.
6:10-12; 1 Pet. 5:8-9), and it is a life-long marathon during
which we must cast aside every practice and thought that saps our
energy and
every besetting sin which so easily trips us flat on our faces (Heb.
12:1-3). We
must strive against
sin even to the point of shedding our own blood (Heb.
12:4). 4. There
is a
phrase which accurately describes the Christian experience. It is a phrase to be found
in the beliefs of
Reformed Theology – “The Perseverance of the Saints.”
Believers in Jesus will battle through
temptations and doubts and fears. They
may stumble and fall, but the loving discipline of their Heavenly
Father will
raise them up and propel them on the way toward the Finish Line (Heb.
12:5-17). “Who
is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is
the Son
of God?” (1
John 5:5). Will
there be some, like
Judas, who turn their backs on Jesus? Yes,
but Judas evidently never truly believed in
Jesus, not having been
chosen by Jesus in a saving sense (John
13:10-11, 18; 17:12; Acts 1:24-25). Jesus
identified Judas not as a child of God (John
1:12), but as “the son of destruction” (John
17:12). There
will be others who
to us look for all the world like Christians. Yet
they are not. Among them are
false prophets (Matt.
7:15-23), to whom Jesus will say, “I never knew
you. Depart from
me!” (See also Luke
13:23-30.) But
there is absolutely nothing than can separate the child of God from the
love of
God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom.
8:26-39)! Serenity "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6 See
also, Can
a Christian Lose His Salvation? Go
to the Index
Page for Soteriology, the Study of Salvation. Does Hebrews 10:26-31 teach that
Christians can lose their salvation? Prepared
James T. Bartsch Originally published February, 2009. Published Online by WordExplain.com This study is based
on, and the upcoming links will reference the NEW
Copyright ©
1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the
Foundation. (www.Lockman.org) (Scripture
quotations taken from the NASB 1995.
Used by Permission.)
Updated February 28, 2022