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Eschatology The Study of Last Things by WordExplain Bringing Truths from Different Books of the Bible into Focus, Perspective, and Understanding. |
"But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. All thenations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will put the sheep on His right and the goats on the left." Matthew 25:31-33 |
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By WordExplain Table of Contents: A. Israel's Judgment. B.
Gentiles' Judgment. World Court. C. Recapitulation.
D. Invitation. Introduction: There
are many today in the radical
environmental movement who see population growth as the greatest threat
mankind. They are
quiet supporters of
any kind of quasi-eugenics movement, including abortion.
Thinning down the
population is a great good
as far as they are concerned. But
they needn’t worry. The
seven-year Tribulation Period
will radically reduce Earth’s population as God vents His wrath against
opposing him and the Messiah across the globe. There
will come a time when the fourth seal will be
opened (Rev. 6:7-8)
and a fourth of the earth’s population will be killed by means of
famine, pestilence, and “the wild beasts of the earth!”
Later on, a sixth angel will sound a trumpet
blast, and four demonic angels bound at the Euphrates River will be
released. They will
kill a third of
mankind (Rev. 9:13-19)! If
one were to combine those two fractions,
there is coming a time when fully one-half the world’s population will
destroyed by plagues during the coming Tribulation Period! As of July 1, 2022, there are an estimated 7.96 billion people
alive on earth. If
these two plagues of
the Tribulation
period were
unleashed on the earth at that time, 3.98 billion people would lose
their lives! The
numbers are too horrific to comprehend. Sadly,
the people of the earth will not
repent of their great evil. The
John, author of the Apocalypse, penned the following sad words, “20And
the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not
repent of
the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons, and the idols of
and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither
see nor
hear nor walk; 21and they did not repent of
their murders nor of
their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts” (Rev. 9:20-21). At
the end of the Tribulation period,
Jesus Christ will return in power. He will destroy enemy
combatants who oppose
Him in battle (Zech. 12:1-9; 14:4, 12-13;
Rev. 19:11-21). Jesus will reign as Messiah / King over
the entire earth
(Zech. 14:9). As He establishes His kingdom,
He will sit in judgment upon all the survivors of the devastating
period. The issue
will be whether or not
the earth’s survivors possess righteousness and are qualified to enter Christ’s Kingdom. The judgment of all the
survivors of the Tribulation Period
is the subject of this essay. There
will be two distinct judgments at that
time as described in Scripture. One
these judgments will be a separate judgment for Israelis and Jewish
people from
around the world. The
other will be a
judgment upon the non-Jewish nations (Gentiles) of the world. Let us first examine the
Judgment of Israel. 1. Ezek. 20:33-38. (For a
view of the surrounding context, see the
author’s Analysis of Ezekiel,
pp. 9-10.) a. Divine
displeasure. Adonay Yahweh
declared, through His prophet Ezekiel, both His displeasure and His
determination with regard to Israel. He
had rescued Israel from Egypt and brought the nation into a land
flowing with
milk and honey, yet the people had repeatedly rebelled against Him and
worshiped the false gods of the surrounding nations (Ezek. 20:1-32). It was for this reason
that He had scattered
them, in His great displeasure, among the nations (Ezek. 20:23-24)! For the purposes of this
discussion, the
terms Israel and Israelis
refer to all Jewish people all over the globe, regardless
of whether they are actually citizens of the modern day State of Israel
members of the Jewish Diaspora
and thus residents or citizens of another country. b. Divine
determination. And
yet God was determined, in His displeasure, to reign as Israel’s King
anyway! He would do
so “with a mighty hand and with
an outstretched arm and with wrath poured out” (Ezek. 20:33)! The first two phrases,
“with a mighty hand”
and “with an outstretched arm” are reminiscent of God’s mighty power in
accomplishing Israel’s redemption from Egypt, the Exodus (Exod. 6:6; 32:11; Deut.
4:34; 5:15; 7:19; 11:2; Ps. 136:12). But the last phrase, “with
wrath poured out,”
paints this eschatological Exodus as a time of refinement and purging. They had rejected Him as
their invisible King
(1 Sam. 8:1-9),
but He would surely seat Himself as their visible King anyway in the
person of
Yeshua Mashiyach,
Jesus, the Anointed King! This
happen at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. God staked His very
existence on His
determination to seat Himself as their King despite all their past
rebellion –
“as I live” (Ezek. 20:33)! (See God’s determination
also to seat His
King on Mount Zion
despite all international
opposition in Psa. 2!) c. Resolute
retrieval. So determined to seat Himself as their King was God that He
retrieve His people Israel from all over the
globe from the lands where they had been scattered, again, “with a
mighty hand
and with an outstretched arm and with wrath poured out” (Ezek. 20:34)! d. Decisive
judgment. In His
controlled fury, God will bring all Israelis into the wilderness of the
peoples, and He will sit in judgment on His disobedient and obstinate
people (Ezek. 20:35)! He will do so
“face to face” in the person
of Jesus the Christ (John 5:22-30)! There will be no separate
judicial system
with a handpicked jury at this trial. Kings
need not be burdened with separate
legislative, executive, and
judicial branches of government. Jesus,
God-Come-In-The-Flesh, as King, will be all three at once.
As Divine/Human King, He
will serve as Judge,
Jury, and
Executioner! e. First
generation. It is not
known where this “wilderness of the peoples” is located, but clearly it
outside the land of Israel. Adonay
Yahweh compared this eschatological judgment with the exodus from Egypt
He had accomplished centuries earlier (Ezek. 20:36). There in the desert at Mt.
Sinai He had entered
into judgment with them in that He displayed to them visibly, audibly,
and in a
tactile manner His great power and majesty and His utter holiness (Exod. 19:16-18; 20:18-21;
Deut. 5:5, 23-27; Heb. 12:19)! They saw lightning
flashes, a burning fire,
and a thick cloud of smoke; they heard peals of thunder, the sound of a
loud trumpet, and the voice of God; they felt the earth quake. They were petrified and
feared for their
lives! But no one
died at God’s
terrifying display of Himself at Sinai. Sadly,
however, only two people from that whole
generation ever entered
the Promised Land! Yahweh
that twelve men, one from each tribe, should “spy out the land of
Canaan” (Num. 13:1-21). Though all twelve spies
agreed the land was
wonderful (Num. 13:22-27),
ten of them brought a dismaying recommendation that Israel could not
the inhabitants of Canaan because they were strong, the cities were
large and
well fortified, and there were giants (Num. 13:28-33). The whole
nation wept that night, wished
to appoint a new leader and return to Egypt, and even threatened to
stone to death
not only Moses and Aaron, but Joshua and Caleb, the two spies who plead
the people to believe that God could help them conquer the land (Num. 14:1-10). Yahweh was incensed with
the peoples’
rejection and distrust of Himself. He
decreed that the wilderness would be littered with the corpses of all
disbelievers twenty years old and upward (Num. 14:11-38;
see esp. Num. 14:29, 32-35)! Only Caleb and Joshua
would be permitted to
enter the promised land (Num. 14:30, 38). So, for a period of forty
years, God judged
Israel outside the land (see the rest of Numbers
and Deuteronomy),
and only the second generation and Caleb and Joshua were permitted to
Canaan (see the book of Joshua). f. Repeat
judgment. Just as
Yahweh had judged the nation of Israel outside the land of Canaan
allowing them to enter that first time, so Jesus the Messiah will judge
all Jewish
people outside the land of Israel in eschatological event.
He will cause them all to
“pass under the
rod” outside the land (Ezek. 20:37). “Pass under
the rod” (see Jer. 33:13)
pictures a shepherd sorting out from a larger flock of sheep or goats
that belong to him from those that do not (Charles H. Dyer, Commentary
Ezekiel, The
Bible Knowledge Commentary). Even in this modern day, I
have seen
cattlemen sorting out cattle with a rod. g. New Covenant. He will bring them under
the bond of the
covenant (Ezek. 20:37). This cannot be the
Covenant God made with
Israel at Mt. Sinai, for it was never able to change the hearts of
and which they repeatedly broke (Jer. 31:27-32). The Covenant of Ezek. 20:37
undoubtedly refers to the New Covenant
(Jer. 31:31-37),
in which Yahweh promised to place His law within them and write it on
hearts; establish Himself as their God and they, the Jewish people as
people; enable all the Jewish people to know Him; and to forgive their
and forget their sin! The
blessings of
the New Covenant
are so great it
benefits not only Jewish people, but also all non-Jewish people who
trust in
Jesus as their Messiah because “Christ is the end of the law for
to everyone who believes” (Rom. 10:1-4). (For the application of
the New Covenant
to all who believe
in Jesus, regardless of national origin, see Luke 22:20; 1 Cor. 11:25;
Heb. 8:6-13; 9:11-15; 12:22-24.) h. Solemn
purpose. What is
the solemn purpose of God in drawing
all Jewish people from all over the globe to this spot in the
wilderness of the
peoples outside the land of Israel? God
said, “and I will purge from you the rebels and those who transgress
Me; I will bring them out of the land where they sojourn, but they will
enter the land of Israel. Thus
you will
know that I am the LORD” (Ezek. 20:38). God has committed all judgment to
His Son
(John 5:22-30). So it is clear that Jesus
of Nazareth, the
Jewish Messiah, will be sitting in judgment
on all Israelis upon His return to earth
(Zech. 14:1-4). Jesus will make sure that
the Jewish rebels
who oppose Him and “transgress against” Him will not enter the land of
Israel. They will
be gathered from all
over the world, but they will not be privileged to enter the land of
Israel and
participate in His Kingdom. Though it is not
explicitly stated, the
implication is that they will be purged through death. I justify that conclusion
by referring to the
first exclusion from the land following the abortive espionage of the
land. The first
generation was prevented from
entering the Promised Land by suffering physical death. So, I believe, the Jewish
people gathered
from all over the globe who are rebels will be prevented from entering
the land
of Israel by suffering physical death. The result of this
decisive sorting out of
the wicked from the righteous will be that all Israel will know that
Jesus is
Yahweh (Ezek. 20:38)! i. Temporary
idolatry. Adonay
Yahweh continued on with His message
to the “house of Israel”: Go
on and
serve your idols for now. Go
ahead and
profane my holy name with your gifts and your idolatry.
But keep this in mind – the time is coming
when you as a nation will surely listen to Me, and you will stop
profaning my
holy name with your meaningless gifts and your idolatry.
And that will be true
because I will have cut
off all the rebels who do so! Only
serve Me will remain alive to inhabit the kingdom of My Messiah!
(Author’s paraphrase of Ezek. 20:39.) j. Future
acceptance. Ezekiel 20:40-42. Because of this future
purging, in which all
rebels will have been eliminated, Adonay Yahweh declared, the whole
nation of
Israel would serve Him in the land of Israel on Mount Zion,
the high and holy
mountain of Israel. There
He will accept
them and all the sacrificial gifts they have to offer.
The obedient Israelis will serve as a
soothing aroma to God when He brings them out of all the lands to which
have been scattered. He
will prove
Himself to be holy among them in the sight of all earth’s nations, and
surviving Israelis will know that He, Jesus, is Yahweh when He brings
them into
the land He swore to give to their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob. k. Humble
repentance. Ezek.
20:43-44. The
Israelis from all over
the world who survive this judgment by Jesus will remember the evil
deeds in
which the nation had been engaged in the past. They
will loathe themselves for their defiling, evil
deeds (Zech.
20:43). Part
of the evil they will
remember and for which they will experience incredible remorse will be
execution of their own Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth.
There will be a time of extreme national
mourning for their sin of having killed God-come-in-the-flesh. Through Zechariah Yahweh
predicted, “They
will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as
mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the
weeping over a firstborn” (Zech.
12:10). “In
that day there will be
great mourning in Jerusalem” and “The land will mourn…” (Zech.
12:11-14). But
Adonay Yahweh
predicted, “Then you will know that I am the LORD when I have dealt
with you
for My name’s sake, not according to your evil ways or according to
corrupt deeds” (Ezek.
20:44). l. All
Jewish survivors of this
great Judgment will be full-fledged believers in Jesus of Nazareth as
Messiah. Since all
unbelievers will be
purged, only believers will be left. The
result will be that which the Apostle Paul predicted, “And so all
Israel shall
be saved” (Romans 11:26-27; Isa.
59:20-21)! Indeed,
the Hebrew name of Jesus (Joshua) means
“Yahweh is Salvation” (Matt.
1:21). Israel’s
future salvation is
certain! 2. Daniel 12:1-3. (For
a view of the surrounding
context, see
the author’s Analysis of Daniel,
chapters 11-12, pp. 9-10.) a. In Daniel 11:1-12:13
an angel predicted the future history of Israel from the viewpoint of
most of whose life was lived in the sixth century B.C.
Dan. 11:36-45
describes the rule of a powerful, blasphemous king who comes to power
“at the
end time” (Dan. 11:40). This malevolent dictator
will, for a time,
gain control over the whole world. He is
identified as “the prince who is to come” (Dan. 9:26-27);
“the man of lawlessness” and “that lawless one” (2 Thess. 2:1-10);
“the antichrist”
(1 John 2:18);
“a beast coming up out of the sea” (Rev. 13:1-10, 17-18);
a scarlet beast who “comes up out of the abyss” (Rev. 11:7; 17:3, 8-13);
and simply, “the beast” (Rev. 13:15, 17-18; 14:9-11;
15:2; 16:2, 10, 13; 17:13, 16-17; 19:19-20; 20:4, 10). Piecing all
these Scriptures together,
we know that they describe global regime prevailing during the Tribulation
period (the term is
used in Matt. 24:21, 29). b. The
angel revealing Israel’s future to Daniel continued to describe other
conditions in that same time period in Dan.
12:1. He
stated, 1"Now
at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons
of your
people, will arise. And
there will be a
time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until
time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in
the book,
will be rescued.” 1) He
noted that Michael the Archangel, special protector of the people of
would rise to prominence during the time of the Tribulation
12:1). 2) The
angel also indicated that there would be a time of unprecedented
distress that
would occur on earth (Dan.
12:1). This
will be the greatest
distress on the globe that has ever occurred since the origin of
nations as a
sociological entity. That
would seem to
indicate that nations began as such some time after the worldwide
probably after God’s confounding of human language at the Tower of
Babel. This
unprecedented distress is none other
than the Great Tribulation,
so designated in Matt.
24:21, 29. It
is also called “the
time of Jacob’s distress” (Jer.
30:5-7). Yahweh
of Troops will shake
the heavens, the earth, the sea, the dry land, and all nations (Hag.
2:6-7a). It
will be His “day of
reckoning against everyone who is proud and lofty,” a day when men hide
themselves from “the terror of the LORD” (Isa.
2:12-22). In
13:6-16 it is called “the day of the LORD” which “will come
as destruction
from the Almighty.” It
will be a time during
which Yahweh will
“make the land a
desolation” and “exterminate its sinners.” Stars
will be dimmed, the “sun will be dark” and
“the moon will not shed
its light.” God
will “punish the world
for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity!” Other
Scriptures in Isaiah alone include Isa.
17:12-14; 24:1-6, 17-22; 26:20-21; 34:1-4. See
also Matt.
24:4-25; Revelation 6-19. 3) At
the same time, Daniel’s people, the people of Israel, would be rescued
this time of global distress (Dan.
12:1). Yet
not all the Jewish people
would be rescued, but only those “written in the book.”
This book evidently refers to the Book
of Life, in
whose pages are written down from before the foundation of the earth
the names
of all destined to trust in God and His Messiah. 4) A
judgment of Israel, of sorts, is implied here. At
the least, there is a sorting out of the
righteous and the
wicked. Israelis
whose names are not written in “the
book” will not be rescued during
this time of
distress (Dan.
12:1). c. The
angel also predicted a resurrection
would take place in connection with that time of great distress
(Dan.12:2). Most
likely this resurrection
occur at the end of the Tribulation,
when all hostilities have ceased. 1) The
first group he mentioned that would awake from “the dust of the ground”
be resurrected
to everlasting life. Among
this number will
be Old Testament saints and saints who have died during the Tribulation. These will be resurrected
to participate with
King Jesus in His Millennial
Kingdom here on earth, then, later, in His Eternal Co-Regency
with God the
Father in the New
Earth and the capital city of New
Jerusalem. Specific
references to resurrected Old
Testament saints include Job (Job
19:25-27) and David. (Jer.
30:9; Ezek. 34:23-25; Hos. 3:5). On
the Mount of Transfiguration, two Old Testament saints, Moses and
appeared along with Jesus in His glory (Matt.
17:3-4; Mark 9:4-5). This
was a
preview of Jesus’ coming Kingdom. Obviously Moses and Elijah
are merely
illustrative of millions of other Old Testament saints who will one day
resurrected and share Christ’s Kingdom
with Him. 2) Again,
there is a sorting action going on here. While
some awake to everlasting life, others awake
to disgrace and
everlasting contempt. The
angel did not
reveal the precise timing of this latter resurrection. It seems to be a
resurrection that can be
tied in with the resurrection of the wicked dead of all ages
preparatory to
appearing before Jesus the Judge
at the Great
White Throne Judgment described in Revelation
20:11-15. That
text seems to
indicate that all those who stand before Jesus here, their names not
found written in the Book
of Life (Rev.
20:12, 15), are sadly confined forever in the Lake
of Fire
and Brimstone (Rev.
20:14-15; 21:8). The
severity of
their punishment is in accordance with the deeds they have committed in
lifetimes. Their
deeds have been
recorded in another set of books opened at that judgment (Rev.
20:12-13). d. The
angel continued to speak about those who would be resurrected to
life. They “have
insight,” he stated,
and they “will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of
heaven” (Dan.
12:3). He
evidently spoke of the
glory that resurrected
saints would display, much like the glory that Jesus, at His
displayed to the three disciples, Peter, James and John (Matt.
17:1-2; Mark 9:1-3). Because
have insight, these whose names are written in the book lead many to
righteousness. Their
glory will be
eternal and undiminished. They
shine “like the stars forever and ever!” e. The
angel instructed Daniel to conceal the revelation “until the end of
time” (Dan.
12:4). This
end time would be a time
when transportation of humans would be greatly enhanced and increased,
a time
when knowledge would expand exponentially. We
appear to be in that time of increased transit
and knowledge right
now. The end is
almost upon us. f. The
whole time of distress and the accompanying resurrections
as a vehicle of judgment (Dan.
12:10). The
angel concluded, “Many”
– the righteous – “will be purged, purified and refined.”
They will have insight
because it has been
granted to them, and they will understand what is happening. But “none of the wicked
understand.” Because
they do not
understand, they will persist in their evil ways, and their judgment
will be
interminable. g. Finally, the angel gave Daniel parting instructions (Dan. 12:13). He was to continue to live out his life to the end of his days. At that point he would die, ceasing from his earthly labors. But one day he would rise from the grave and fulfill his allotted assignment “at the end of the age.” Daniel’s allotted assignment will resume when he is resurrected at Christ’s Second Coming. Daniel will be assigned certain tasks to fulfill in helping to administer the Kingdom of the great Messiah! 3. Malachi 3:1-6. (See the author’s outline of Malachi chapter 3,
pp. 3-4.) a. Through
the prophet Malachi,
Yahweh directed a profound message to Israel since immortalized by
Frederick Handel in his sublime oratorio, “The Messiah.”
The opening salvo in Malachi 3:1
seems to be a mixture of both the first coming and the second coming
of Christ. The
messenger God was going to send referred
to John the Baptist at Jesus’ first coming. This
messenger also may well be Elijah himself prior
to Jesus’ Second Coming. It is altogether possible,
for example, that
one of the two witnesses spoken of by John the Apostle (Rev. 11:3-14)
will be Elijah. b. The
statement (Mal. 3:1),
“And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple,” refers
to none
other than Jesus Christ at His Second Coming. “The messenger of the
covenant, in whom you
delight, behold, He is coming” stands in synonymous parallelism to the
statement. The
identity of the first is
the identity of the second. So
“messenger of the covenant” is also Jesus Christ, again, at His Second Advent. The covenant of which
Jesus is the messenger
is, most likely, the New Covenant
(Jer. 31:27-34; Luke 22:20; 1
Cor. 11:25; 2 Cor. 3:6; Heb. 8:1, 6-13; 9:15; 12:24).
The temple to which He will suddenly come may identify first of all the
temple which will be rebuilt in the first half of the Tribulation
period, then
defiled by the Antichrist
(Dan. 11:31; 12:11; Matt.
24:15; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess. 2:3-4);
it may also refer,
in the second place, to the Millennial
Temple, described in great detail in Ezekiel 40:1-46:24
(see the author’s Analysis of Ezekiel,
pp. 21-25). c. A
joyous beginning abruptly
assumes ominous overtones. God,
the prophet Malachi, asks rhetorically, “But who can endure the day of
coming? And who can
stand when He
appears?” (Mal. 3:2). God immediately explained
the cause of this
human apprehension – “For He is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’
soap” (Mal. 3:2). In other words, Christ
will serve as judge
at His Second Advent. Just as the refiner’s fire
purges away dross
and leaves pure metal, and just as fullers’ soap washes away dirt from
so Christ will purify the dross from the people of Israel. d. Yahweh
of Troops continued
on about the Messenger He will send: “He
will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the
sons of
Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to
the LORD
offerings in righteousness” (Mal. 3:3). 1) So
the purifying process
will begin with the religious leaders of the nation – the priests and
Levites. Those who
survive the judgment
of Christ will be as pure as gold and silver. With
their spiritual purity they will be able to
offer sacrifices from
the people to Yahweh out of pure and sincere hearts representing a
people who have soft hearts wanting to follow God and His ways. All of these Jewish people
who survive this
judgment will be Messianic Jews, all believing that Jesus of Nazareth
is their
anointed King and Great High Priest. The offerings that these
Messianic Jews will
offer will be blood sacrifices that will be memorial in nature. These sacrifices will
memorialize the
finished work of Christ throughout His reign. These
sacrifices and the Millennial
Temple in which they will be offered are described in great detail in Ezekiel 40:1-46:24. a) An
angel described for
Ezekiel in great detail the architectural specifications of the Millennial
Temple in Ezek. 40:1-43:27. b) He
gave Ezekiel instructions
for the Levites and Levitical priests, who would offer sacrifices and
teach the
people in Ezek. 44. c) He
gave instructions for
allotting the land adjacent to and surrounding the Temple to the
Levites, and the princes in Ezek. 45:1-8. d) He
also specified offerings
that should be offered during the Millennium in Ezek. 45:9 – 46:24. e) He
described the amazing,
life-giving water that will spring from the Temple and flow in
quantity and depth into the Dead Sea (Ezek. 47:1-12). This river will support
prolific fruit trees
and even fish in the (previously) Dead Sea! f) The
angel proceeded to
specify the boundaries of the twelve tribes of Millennial
Israel in considerable detail (Ezek. 47:13-48:35). 2) In
these chapters of Ezekiel
40-48 there are repeated references to the Levites who will be purified
and who
will be offering Millennial
sacrifices for redeemed Israelis. These
references include Ezek. 40:46; 43:19; 44:10-11,
15-16; 48:10-13, 31. e. The
net effect of the
purified Levites will be as follows: “Then
the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be
pleasing to the LORD
as in the days of old and as in former years” (Mal. 3:4). Out of purified leadership
and purified
people, religious worship and sacraments will be pleasing to Yahweh and
Jesus the King throughout His reign. f. Jesus’
judgment of Israel is
further described in Mal. 3:5. Jesus will draw near in judgment. With severity He will
judge sorcery,
adultery, perjurers and liars, oppressive employers, and those who take
advantage of the vulnerable, including widows, orphans, and aliens. These evil ones are those
who do not fear
God, here militaristically identified as Yahweh of troops. g. In
fact, the sons of Jacob
are fortunate indeed that Yahweh does not change (Mal. 3:6)! If He were a changeable
God, He long ago
would have reneged on His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and
He would
have destroyed the entire nation! The
fact that God remains faithful in His election of Israel despite her
interminable rebellion against Him (Jer. 31:31-37)
is a source of monumental encouragement to the elect
of the Church! We in the Church Age,
whom God has chosen as His own, have responded to Him in faith. We can take enormous
solace and confidence in
the secure knowledge that God will always be faithful to us and will
place us under eternal judgment (John 3:16; 5:24; Rom. 8:1, 26-39). h. In
fact, the converse is
also true. If God
cannot be trusted to
adhere to His election
of the nation of
Israel, how on earth can He be trusted to make good on His election
of the Church? The logic of supersessionists,
who claim that the Church
has fulfilled all
the promises God made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, escapes me. I am baffled by those who
insist that the elect
in the church age
are eternally secure,
but yet deny that same election
to the nation of
Israel! The truth
is that “the gifts and
calling of God are irrevocable” (Rom. 11:29). To believe otherwise is to
be arrogant
against the natural olive branches who were cut off so that we wild
branch Gentiles might be grafted in to the place of God’s blessing and
salvation (Rom. 11:17-18). The truth is that “a
partial hardening has
happened to Israel” until the full complement of Gentiles have been
admitted to
the Church
(Rom. 11:25). It is humility that we
Gentile Christians
need, not arrogance! i. After
this judgment by King
Jesus of the entire nation of Israel, beginning with the Levites, at
His Second Coming
(Mal. 3:2-3),
all the rebel Israelis will have been put to death,
and only Israelis who have placed their faith in Jesus as their Messiah
will be
left to inherit His Kingdom upon the Earth. Then it will be true that
“all Israel will be
saved” (Rom. 11:26)! The Deliverer will have
come from Zion,
and He will have
removed ungodliness from Jacob and will have taken away their sins
according to
His covenant (Isa. 59:20-21; Rom. 11:26-27). 4. Matthew 25:1-13. Jesus compared
“the kingdom
of heaven” “to
ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.”
(For a
view of the surrounding context, see the author’s Analysis of Matthew,
p. 23.) a. In
what we have come to know
as Jesus’ Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24:3),
He gave His disciples extensive revelation concerning end-time events. He used ten virgins to
illustrate the
necessary criteria for entrance into His coming Kingdom,
which He designated as “the kingdom of the heavens” (lit. translation) (Matt. 25:1). b. There
were ten virgins who
took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom on the occasion of
wedding. It seems
safe to identify Jesus
as the bridegroom. The Church
is to be identified
as the bride of Christ (Rev. 19:7-8),
unmentioned in this parable. The
of Israel is represented by the ten virgins. The elect
among Israel are to be identified as those who are ultimately invited
to the
wedding feast (Rev. 19:9),
represented in this parable by the five wise virgins. c. Unfortunately,
five of these
virgins were foolish, and only five were wise (Matt. 25:2-4). The foolish virgins took
no supply of olive
oil with them, but the prudent virgins provided adequate supply for
themselves. It
would be safe to identify
those virgins who possessed an adequate supply of oil as those who
the Spirit of God
(1 Sam. 16:13; Zech. 4:1-9). In New Testament terms,
they were saved, or
redeemed by virtue of their faith in Jesus as their Messiah. It was Jesus Himself who
stated that unless
one was born of water (natural birth) and of the Spirit
(spiritual birth), he could neither see nor enter into the kingdom of
heaven (John 3:3-8). The foolish ones did not
possess oil, meaning
they did not possess God’s Spirit. In short, they were not
believers in Jesus as
their Messiah. d. At
midnight the bridegroom
was about to make his entrance. All
virgins arose from their slumber and began to trim their lamps. But the lamps of the
foolish were going out. When
they asked for oil, the wise virgins
refused, fearing they would not have sufficient for themselves. Instead, they suggested
the foolish virgins
go purchase their own oil (Matt. 25:5-9). A word is in order. It
is impossible for any
person to borrow
faith from someone else. Faith
in Jesus
is a personal transaction each person must make. No
father can lend his faith to his son, nor
can any daughter borrow her mother’s faith. Only
those who have faith in Jesus possess the Holy Spirit
and are prepared for
His return. e. Predictably,
while the
foolish virgins were off to the merchants, the bridegroom came. Those who were prepared
entered the wedding
feast with the bridegroom. The
feast is symbolic of the joys of the kingdom,
headquartered on Mount Zion
in Jerusalem. I
believe there will also be a literal feast,
however (Isa. 25:6; Rev. 19:7-9). The saved of both Israel
and of the Gentiles
will enter the Kingdom
of Jesus originating from the heavens. The
virgins with oil represent the saved of Israel
who are guests of
honor at the wedding of the Messiah and His bride, the Church;
these saved
Israelis will enter the Messiah’s Kingdom. Once they had entered, the
door was shut (Matt. 25:10). f. Later,
the five tardy
virgins sought entrance into the wedding feast (the Kingdom). They said, “Lord, lord,
open up for us.” They
were seeking admittance into the Kingdom
(Matt. 25:11). But he (apparently Jesus)
said to them,
“Truly I say to you, I do not know you” (Matt. 25:12). Jesus’ warning to His
disciples was
succinct: “Be on
the alert then, for you
do not know the day nor the hour” (of His return)
(Matt. 25:13). g. Several
observations are in
order. 1) It
is both possible and
necessary to make adequate preparations ahead of time to enter the
Messiah’s Kingdom. 2) Possession
of the Holy Spirit
is absolutely
necessary for entrance into the Messiah’s kingdom. 3) There
will come a time when
many Jewish people will desire to enter the Kingdom
of the Messiah. 4) But
those Jewish people who are not prepared to meet their King will be
from the kingdom. He will be forced to tell
them, “I do not
know you!” No
sadder words will ever be
heard. h. Are
you as a Jewish person prepared to enter the Kingdom
that is coming from the heavens to exist here on earth (Matt.
3:2; 4:17; 10:7; 25:1)? Would you
like to be? Let me
outline for you as
clearly as I can from your own Scriptures what which you need to do to
to meet your King. I am placing the following in the first person, not
I am Jewish, for I am not, but because I love you Jewish people enough
identify myself with you. I
affirm the following. 1) I
must admit that I have a problem in that I am not acceptable to God. “All of us like sheep have
gone astray. Each
of us has turned to his own way” (Isa.
53:6a). “The
heart is more deceitful
than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it” (Jer.
17:9)? a) I
have placed other gods before the true God (Ex.
20:3). b) I
have constructed my own idols, things that are more important to me
than God (Ex.
20:4). c) I
have committed idolatry, worshiping things other than God (Ex.
20:5-6). d) I
have used the name of Yahweh, my God, for insincere purposes (Ex.
20:7). e) I
have violated the Sabbath (Ex.
20:8-11). f) I
have dishonored my father and my mother (Ex.
20:12). g) I
have murdered others, if not with a weapon, at least in my mind (Ex.
20:13). h) I
have committed immorality, if not physically, at least in my mind (Ex.
20:14). i) I
have taken property that belongs to others (Ex.
20:15). j) I
have misrepresented the truth to others (Ex.
20:16). k) I
have coveted the possessions of others (Ex.
20:17). 2) God
told our first parents that disobedience to the revealed command of God
in death
2:16-17). Death
means first of all a spiritual
death – separation from God, which happened to Adam and Eve
when they disobeyed (Gen.
3:1-13). Because
our first parents died
spiritually, they later died
5). 3) The
Lord’s hand is not shortened to save, nor is He so hard of hearing He
hear our prayers, but our sins have separated between us and our God,
and our wrong-doings
have hidden His face from us so that He does not hear us (Isa.
59:1-2). a) Here
is a catalog of sins that separate all of us from God: Isaiah
59:1-8. b) Here
are the tragic consequences we experience because of our sins (Isaiah
59:9-15). 4) Yahweh
looked for someone to bring salvation for His people, but He was
that there was no one to intercede on our behalf. So
His own arm brought salvation (Isa.
59:15-17)! 5) He
promised that a Redeemer would come to Zion,
and to all
those who turn from transgression in Jacob (Isa.
59:20). And
He made an irrevocable
covenant that He would place His Spirit
upon those who
repent (Isa.
59:21; Jer. 31:31-34). 6) What
is the identity of this Redeemer? The
Redeemer would be a) A
descendant of Abraham (Gen.
22:18). (See Matt.
1:1; Luke 1:34.) b) From
the tribe of Judah (Gen.
49:10). (See Matt.
1:3.) c) An
heir of King David (2
Sam. 7:12-16; Isa. 11:1-2; Jer. 23:5-6; 1 Chron. 17:10-14).
(See Matt.
1:1; 9:27; 15:22; 21:9; Rom. 1:3.) d) To
him, a man, are ascribed names, titles, and attributes that are true
only of God
7:14; Isa. 9:6-7; Jer. 23:5-6; Mic. 5:2; Zec. 12:10; Psa. 110:1-7).
(See Matt.
16:16; 18:20; 26:61-64a; 28:18; Luke 7:48; John 1:1-3, 48; 5:25-29;
Heb. 1:8.) e) He
would be the son of God (Psa.
2:7-12; Prov. 30:4). (See Matt.
27:54; Mark 1:1; 3:11; 15:39; Luke 1:35; 22:70; John 1:34, 49;
20:30-31; Rom.
1:4.) f) He
would be born of a virgin (Isa.
7:14) in Bethlehem (Mic.
5:2). (See Matt.
1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-7.) g) A
messenger would announce his coming (Isa.
40:3-5; Mal. 3:1). (See Matt.
3:1-17; Mark 1:1-11; Luke 3:1-20; John 1:1-36.) h) He
would be anointed with the Holy
Spirit (Isa
11:1-2; Isa 42:1; Isa 61:1-2). (See Matt.
3:16-17; Mark 1:9-12; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:32-34.) i) Though
Israel’s King, he would ride into Jerusalem in humility, mounted on a
donkey (Zech.
9:9-10). (See Matt.
21:1-5; Mark 11:7-10; Luke 19:35-38; John 12:12-15.) j) He
would present himself as Israel’s Messiah 483 years after the decree of
Artaxerxes Longimanus to rebuild Jerusalem (Neh.
2:5-8; Dan. 9:24-26). (See Luke
19:28-44.) k) He
would be sold for thirty pieces of silver (Zech.
11:12-13). (See
26:14-16; 27:1-10.) l) He
would suffer a violent, scorned death, pierced through to bear our sins
53:3-8, 10-12; Psalm 22:6-8, 12-18; Zech. 12:10). (See Matt.
27:26-50; Luke 23:13-49; Mark 15:1-41; John 19:16-37.) m) He
would be resurrected from death (Psalm
2:7; 16:8-11; Isa. 55:3). (See Acts
2:22-33; Acts 13:33, 34, 35-41.) n) He
would ascend to heaven and there wait until he was authorized to
establish his kingdom
earth (Psalm
110:1, 2-7; Dan. 7:9-14, 27; Psalm 2:5-9). (See Acts
2:33-36; 5:30-32; Matt. 24:23-31; 25:1-46; 2 Thess. 1:6-10; Rev.
19:22-21.) 7) We
need to look upon Him whom we have pierced. We
need to mourn over Jesus our king bitterly, as we
would weep over the
death of our first born son (Zech.
12:10). 8) We
need to place our trust in the Son and submit to him (Psalm
2:7, 10-12). (See John
3:16; 6:40.) 9) We
need to ask God, on the basis of His New
Covenant, for a
soft heart of flesh and His empowering Spirit
to enable us to
follow His commandments and statutes and serve Him whole-heartedly
31:27-37; Ezek. 11:19-20; 36:22-28). 10) Only
then will we experience personal peace and a connection with the
Almighty (Isa.
9:6). 11) We
need to recruit both Jewish and Gentile peoples everywhere to submit to
King (Ex.
19:6; Psa. 2:10-12). 12) We must prepare for the return of the King (Zech. 14:1-9; Psalm 2:6-12; Ezek. 20:33-44; Psa. 24; Ezek. 43:1-12; Isa. 2:1-4; 9:6-7; 11:1-16). 5. Matthew
25:14-30. A Man, His
Journey, and His Three Slaves. (See
the author’s Analysis of Matthew,
pp. 23-24.) a. Jesus
also compared the kingdom
of heaven to a man who, about to leave on a journey, entrusted his
to his slaves each according to his own ability. b. The
man in this story represented Jesus Himself and His impending departure
heaven after His rejection, crucifixion, and resurrection.
In his absence he
entrusted to three
different slaves wealth commensurate with their abilities – five
talents, two
talents, and one talent (Matt.
24:14-15). This was no small amount
of money. A talent then was worth fifteen
years’ worth of
labor (Matt. 18:24
footnote a). As of
July 24, 2008, the federal minimum wage
in the U.S. was set at $6.55
per hour. (A new
federal minimum wage will be instituted on July 24, 2009.) A
year’s wages
based on a forty-hour work week would amount to US $13,624. Fifteen years’ wages would
amount to
$204,360. The three
slaves were given,
respectively, $1,021,800, $408,720, and $204,360. Then
the man left. The two faithful slaves each
doubled their
master’s earnings. Their
represent what faithful believers will do for Christ during their lives
here on
earth while awaiting His return from heaven. Faithful
believers will serve Christ as best they
can in this life,
commensurate with the abilities He has given them.
c. When
the man returned, he called his slaves for an accounting.
The first two slaves he
commended as being
faithful. Since
they had been “faithful
in a few things,” he would put them “in charge of many things” (Matt. 25:19-23). Faithfulness
in serving Jesus is the criterion at
stake in this
judgment. When
Jesus judges these Jewish
survivors of the Tribulation,
He will reward their faithful service during their lives with greater
and more
important responsibilities during His Kingdom. This means that Jewish
believers faithful in
serving Jesus in this life and especially during the years immediately
prior to
His Second
Coming will
be granted greater responsibility and authority with which to serve Him
in His Millennial Kingdom
(Rev. 20:4-6) and
in His Eternal Co-Regency with
the Father in New Jerusalem in
connection with New Earth (Rev.
22:3-5). 6. Luke
– The Nobleman, His Kingdom,
His Ten Slaves, and His Hateful Citizens. (For a view of the
surrounding context, see the
author’s Analysis
of Luke, p.
18.) a. This
parable of Jesus is very similar to that of Matthew
25:14-30 with some minor exceptions. Jesus told his disciples
this parable
for a specific reason: He was near Jerusalem, and His disciples
“supposed that
the kingdom
of God was going to appear immediately” (Luke
19:11). b. Jesus
identified Himself clearly in this parable as a nobleman, a man of
royal birth
19:12). He will be leaving the earth shortly for a distant
country (heaven),
there to wait until He is granted His Kingdom
Earth (Psalm
110; Psa. 2:8-9; Dan. 7:9-14; Zech. 14:9; Rev. 20:1-6). c. The
King-in-Waiting called ten of his slaves and gave them ten minas to
during his absence (Luke
19:13). These slaves represented Jewish individuals who
accept Jesus’
authority as Messiah. In the parable in Matthew
25:14-30, the man had left slaves with differing amounts.
Presumably his policy
there was based on his understanding of each slave’s ability. Here in
each slave is given the same amount, perhaps signifying equal
opportunity. All
of Jesus’ followers have equal opportunity to serve Him, even if they
do not
all have equal ability. A mina was equal to about 100 days’ wages.
Based on the US
Minimum Wage
standard of $6.55 per hour set on July 24, 2008 and an eight hour day,
would amount to $5,240 per slave. This is not a large amount, but it is
insignificant, either. d. Tragically,
the citizens of his country hated him. They sent a delegation after him
him they did not want him to reign over them (Luke
19:14). This is a sad reference to the nation of Israel in
particular and
Jewish people in general. With a few exceptions, Jewish people have
Jesus as their Messiah. Joel
Rosenberg and Arnold
are examples of Jewish individuals who have embraced Jesus as their
King. e. Eventually
the nobleman in Jesus’ parable returned, having received His kingdom
19:15). This looks ahead to the time, still future, when
Jesus will return
to earth, having
received authority from His Father to sit on David’s throne in
Jerusalem on
Mount Zion
and rule
Israel and the entire earth. When He does so, He will summon
Jewish people
from all over the world to appear before Him for evaluation. Included among these will
be Jewish people
who, by all appearances, have placed their confidence in Jesus as their
and rightful King. He will call them for an accounting of how they have
invested lives in serving Him in His absence. f. The
first slave called had gained an additional ten minas during his
absence. The initial sum which he had been given, $5,240, he had
invested so
diligently that the total amount now was eleven minas, or $57,640.
Jesus will
commend that slave. Because the slave had been faithful in investing
money, a
relatively small thing, King Jesus would give him jurisdiction over a
greater matter. Jesus would grant him authority to rule as governor
over ten
cities as part of His own worldwide rule (Luke
19:16-17). g. The
second slave had invested his mina in such a way that it was now worth
additional five. Jesus will commend this follower for his faithfulness
grant him authority to rule over five cities in His Kingdom
19:18-19). h. It
is worth noting that Jesus envisions Himself returning
to earth to
rule over a political kingdom.
There will be cities that need administration, and there will be groups
cities that need governance. This is a clear rebuke to supersessionist
thinking – the notion that the Church has forever replaced Israel, and
Christ’s kingdom is merely spiritual. His kingdom is spiritual, and it
always be that. But the time is coming when it will be much more than
that. It
will be a political
kingdom here on earth with Jerusalem and Israel the focal
point of that
world-wide kingdom. Jesus did promise His apostles that in the
when the Son of Man sits on His glorious throne, they would sit upon
thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Matt.
19:28). The kingdom of God from its very inception has always
been about His establishment of
the kingdom of God upon
earth. There will always exist a nation of Israel and a political,
kingdom, whether it be on Millennial
Earth or on New
clear into the distant reaches of eternity. i. The
third slave mentioned (evidently the other seven did not figure into
parable) did not fare so well as the first two (Luke
19:20-21). He had failed to invest his mina at all.
He had bound it up in a
cloth because, he
said, he was afraid of his master. He described his master as an
exacting man,
one who takes up what he did not lay down and who reaps what he had not
The master judged him by his own words, calling him a worthless slave.
Why had
he not at least put the money in a bank, where it would have at least
drawn a
minimal amount of interest (Luke
19:22-23)? j. He
ordered the bystanders to take the money away from the slave and give
it to the
one who had earned ten. The bystanders protested that he already had
ten. Why
should he be given more (Luke
19:24-25)? These bystanders remind me of progressives today
whose idea of
fairness is to insist that everyone receive equal outcomes, regardless
of the
disparity in their effort or success. The king in the story rejected
protests out of hand (Luke
19:26). He said that whoever possessed more by dint of
diligent effort on
behalf of the King, to him more would be given. He declared also that
had earned nothing for the King would be deprived even of the small
responsibility he had shirked. k. It
is clear that Jesus, during His absence from His followers expects them
to work
diligently on earth on His behalf while He is in heaven. There will be
Jewish people (the point of this parable) as well as people from among
nations who give lip service to supporting the King, but whose actions
their words. They will have no opportunity whatever to serve the King
in any
capacity during His Kingdom
upon earth. Precisely what happens to them is not the subject
of this
parable. But clearly, those subjects of Jesus who serve Him faithfully
in a
relatively smaller area during their lives while He is in heaven will
granted opportunity to serve Him in a much greater capacity when He returns
to reign. This is
a highly motivating concept by which each of us must live. Here is an
truth: He who is trustworthy in a small matter will be deemed
trustworthy to
assume responsibility over a greater matter. l. Jesus
did not leave the fate of the hateful citizens to speculation. The
king stated abruptly and with determination, “But these enemies of
mine, who
did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them in my
presence” (Luke
19:27). The sad conclusion is that when King Jesus returns to
this earth to
establish His kingdom,
the Jewish people and Israeli citizens who did not wish Him to be their
will be denied entrance into His Kingdom.
In fact, they will be put to death
in His
presence. m. If
there are any Jewish people who are reading this essay, I urge you to
do what
millions of Jewish people will one day do – look on Jesus whom you have
pierced, and mourn for Him! Mourn for Him as you would your firstborn
and only
son who was suddenly taken away from you in death!
God pour out upon you His Spirit
of grace and supplication so you may do so (Zech.
12:10). 7. Summary. All Jewish people who survive the Tribulation period can anticipate being drawn inexorably to some place outside the land of Israel. There they will all be judged by Jesus, the King. Somewhere in the process a great many Jewish people will have become aware of their culpability in rejecting and executing their own Messiah. They will weep with unmitigated remorse. Their Messiah will forgive them and give them hearts of flesh and fill them with the Holy Spirit. They will survive the judgment and be preserved alive to inherit the Kingdom of the heavens. Meanwhile other Jewish people will remain rebels against Yahweh and against their Messiah. These rebels will be rooted out in the process of the judgment. They will not be allowed to enter the land of Israel, and they will die, just as the rebels in the first generation Exodus all died without entering the Promised Land. And so it will be at the end of the judgment that all Israel will be saved (Isa. 59:20-21; Rom. 11:25-27), the nation of Israel will have been resurrected symbolically and literally (Ezek. 37), the people will be restored to their land, and Israel will take its rightful place as God’s most favored nation with His blessing (Isa. 60). B. The
Judgment of the Nations (the Earth’s Gentiles) 1. Judgment
of Gentiles in Battle. There
are a number of passages which speak of Gentile nations gathered in
meeting Divine judgment. a. Zechariah 12:1-9. (For
appropriate context of the passage see the author’s Analysis of Zechariah,
p. 8.) The events of this passage coincide with the end-time Tribulation
period. 1) Yahweh
declared that He will
“make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around.”
metaphor is that the nations will become so drunk with flexing their
against Israel that they will become disoriented and make foolish
politically and strategically (Zech. 12:2). 2) In
another metaphor, Yahweh
will “make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples.” Many with
around Jerusalem to try to lift this stone for their own perceived
benefit. But
God will make the stone of Israel so heavy that all the nations who
attempt to
lift it will severely injure themselves (Zech. 12:3).
Many years ago I bought a big container of sand to take home for a
sandbox for
my children. As I lifted the container I felt something tear in my
Ever since I have been living with a hernia condition that restricts
what I can
do. The nations who attempt to lift Jerusalem and reposition it for
their own
advantage will severely damage themselves. That will be God’s way of
them for their bias against and antipathy toward Israel, God’s chosen
This antipathy will not be localized. It will be world-wide
Anti-Semitism. “And
all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it” (Zech. 12:3).
According to Charles Ryrie (The Ryrie
Study Bible) the phrase “in that day” occurs sixteen times in
the last
three chapters of Zechariah and it refers to the future campaign of
(Rev. 16:13-16). 3) We
are given some indication
of Yahweh’s method of injuring the nations that attack Judah and
Jerusalem. “In
that day” Yahweh will “strike every horse with bewilderment and his
rider with
madness” (Zech. 12:4).
He “will watch over the house of Judah,” but He will “strike every
horse of the
peoples with blindness.” This double and very specific reference to
cannot be ignored. It is possible this refers to modern day warfare in
understandable to the readers of Zechariah’s day. In my view, however,
there is
no reason why this judgment cannot be taken literally. The Book of
refers to a religious / political entity centered in Babylon (Rev. 17-18).
For a time this entity will control the movements of the Antichrist
and his allies
around the world (Rev. 17:1-15, 18).
But the Antichrist
and his allies will
finally weary of their subjugation to this religious / political entity
Babylon, will hate her, desolate her, cannibalize her and burn her with
fire (Rev. 17:16-17). Revelation 18:1-19
describes the devastating effects of burning this religious / political
headquartered in Babylon. Incredible opulence will be destroyed. The
destruction of this entity will be so catastrophic that mariners will
be unable
to move their cargoes around the world, and kings and merchants and
mariners around
the world will bemoan their loss (Rev. 18:9-19).
The only thing that makes sense to me that could accomplish such global
economic distress is the strategic sabotage of all the oil fields of
the Middle
East. When that fiery inferno occurs, there will be a global shortage
petroleum. If my working hypothesis is correct, that will necessitate
the use
of horses in battle, just as Zechariah predicts. 4) Zechariah
continued his
prophecy from Yahweh. “In that day” Yahweh “will defend the inhabitants
of Jerusalem,
and the one who is feeble among them in that day will be like David,
and the
house of David will be like God, like the angel of the LORD
before them” (Zech. 12:8).
So Yahweh will, at a certain point, grant tiny Israel supernatural
power in
that day to obliterate all the enemy nations attacking her. Yahweh
“And it will come about in that day that I will set about to destroy
all the
nations that come against Jerusalem” (Zech. 12:9).
What an incredible judgment that will be upon the forces of the nations
survive the Tribulation,
but oppose Israel
and Jesus Christ at His return! 5) Israel
will not escape these
catastrophic end-time battles unscathed. Two thirds of the population
of Israel
will be destroyed (Zech. 13:8-9).
But the third that survive will be refined as gold and silver. They
will call
on Yahweh’s name, and He will answer them, saying, “They are My
people,” and
the survivors will respond, “Yahweh is my God.” b. Zechariah
Zechariah 14:1-15
describes in graphic detail God’s judgment of the nations invading
Israel. (For a view
of the context of that event, see
the author’s Analysis of Zechariah,
pp. 10-11.) 1) In
the days immediately
preceding Jesus Christ’s return
in power to this
earth. Israel will be under enemy attack. Yahweh
Himself will gather all nations, who have
united to solve, once
and for all, the Arab-Israeli conflict. They
will ignore diplomacy. Nations
from all over the world will join in a brutal attack against Israel (Zech. 12:1-9). This will be the United
Nations at its
Anti-Semitic worst. This terrible conflict will be the culmination of
the War
of Armageddon
(see Rev. 16:12-16).
As we have already seen, this conflict will include a devastating
refinement of
Israel (Zech. 13:8 – 14:2).
Two thirds of Israelis will be killed. Jerusalem will be plundered (Zech. 14:1),
but only temporarily. The
UN troops will plunder the houses of
Israeli citizens. They
will not abide by
Geneva Conventions. They
will rape
Israeli women. In violation of international law, they will engage in
cleansing. Fully
half the city will be
carried off into exile to an undisclosed location (Zech. 14:2). But
the U.N. troops will not long maintain possession of
all the Israeli property they seize. For
when all hope seems lost for the Israelis, help will suddenly arise,
and the
Israelis will regain possession of their confiscated wealth (Zech. 14:1). 2) Suddenly,
the UN troops will
encounter resistance from an unexpected source. Yahweh
Himself will arrive on the scene. He will
fight on behalf of Israel as He did in the
days of General
Joshua and King David. Yahweh
was the
Unseen One who in those days made Israel invincible.
In this future battle on behalf of Israel He
will seize victory from the jaws of defeat (Zech. 12:2-9; 14:3)! 3) Jesus
Christ Himself, Yahweh Incarnate, will descend to earth on the Mount of
14:4), the self-same spot from which He ascended to heaven
over two
millennia earlier (Luke
24:50-51; Acts 1:12). The
Mount of
Olives will split in two along an east-west fault line.
This will provide an unexpected avenue of
escape for Jewish citizens (Zech.
14:5). 4) Jesus,
with legions of angelic
troops at His disposal, will return
and wage war
against the U.N. troops (Zech.
14:3, 5). The Apostle Paul also described Jesus’ return.
He spoke of a
time “when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with his mighty
in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God
and to
those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus” (2 Thess. 1:7-8). 5) Zechariah
described the utter devastation that will befall the enemy troops
waging war
against Jerusalem: “Now this will be the plague with which the LORD
will strike
all the peoples who have gone to war against Jerusalem; their flesh
will rot
while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will rot in their
sockets, and
their tongue will rot in their mouth. It will come about in that day
that a
great panic from the LORD will fall on them; and they will seize one
hand, and the hand of one will be lifted against the hand of another.
Judah also
will fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the surrounding nations
will be
gathered, gold and silver and garments in great abundance. So also like
plague will be the plague on the horse, the mule, the camel, the donkey
and all
the cattle that will be in those camps” (Zech.
14:12-15). 6) It
is clear that incalculable numbers of United Nations troops will lose
lives, both during the course of this battle and at its conclusion. In
judgment from God against the blatant Anti-Semitism of nations from all
the world, God will bring withering destruction of their troops. What
appropriate judgment against the nations of the world and their rulers,
who take
their stand and their counsel together “against the LORD and against
Anointed, saying, ‘Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their
from us’” (Psalm
2:1-3)! c. Revelation
19:11-21. The return
of Jesus Christ and His destruction of enemy troops on Earth.
(See the
author’s Analysis
Revelation, p. 14 to view the context of the passage. See the
author’s Expanded
Analysis of
Revelation, pp. 136-141 for detailed notes on the passage.) 1) John
the Apostle witnessed in a vision the awesome but ghastly conclusion of
Battle of Armageddon. He saw heaven opened, and he saw Jesus the
sitting upon a white horse. His name is called “Faithful” and “True.”
He will return
to judge the earth
and to wage jihad (Holy War),
for He
will judge and wage war in righteousness (Rev.
19:11). Admittedly there is symbolism in the book of
Revelation. Sometimes
it is difficult to distinguish that which is symbolic from that which
actual. Will Jesus actually descend to earth on a white horse? John
in his commentary (The MacArthur New
Testament Commentary, Revelation 12-22), argues that the
white horse is
solely symbolic of Christ’s victory and of His own spotless character.
states, “The horse, like the crowns (Rev. 19:12), the sharp sword (Rev.
19:15), the rod of iron (Rev. 19:15), and the wine press (Rev. 19:15)
is symbolic.” That the white horse is merely symbolic is
possible, of
course. On the other hand, the armies of heaven are also said to be
astride white horses (Rev.
19:14). Are they also symbolic? Furthermore, the birds are
commanded to eat
the flesh of horses ridden by humans on earth (Rev.
19:18). Are they symbolic? Furthermore, John refers twice
more to Jesus,
the One who sat on the horse (Rev.
19:19, 21). In these latter two verses Jesus evidently is on
the earth. So
it seems more logical to me to conclude that, though the horse does
victory and truth, it is a real horse on which Jesus will descend to
earth. 2) In
John’s vision of Christ, Jesus’ eyes blazed like a flame of fire and He
wearing many diadems on His head. He possessed an unknown name, one of
majesty and authority (Phil.
2:9; Rev. 19:12). a) The
blazing eyes speak to us of Christ’s piercing vision. The written
word of God can
discern thoughts and motives in the human heart (Heb.
4:12). Christ, the Living
Word of God, is able to do the same (Isa.
11:3-4). When He returns
to earth, He will not evaluate by outward appearances. Because He is Omniscient,
He will
know the absolute truth in every matter. None of the wicked will be
able to
escape His terrifying judgment! b) The
many diadems speak to us that Christ will be the supreme ruler. He will
rule on
earth above every other human power. As we are told, He will be King of
entire earth (Zech.
14:9)! Not only will His authority extend over all the earth,
but over
every spiritual power (meaning all angelic beings) (Phil.
2:9-11). In this regard, Jesus Christ, in keeping with the
will of God the
Father, will arrange that Satan
(and presumably all his demonic forces) are absent from the earth
during His Millennial
reign (Rev.
20:1-3). c) Jesus’
name, written on Himself, known only to Him, signifies His
transcendence and
His unique identity. Elsewhere in this chapter Jesus is called
“Faithful” and
True” (Rev.
19:11), “the Word of God” (Rev.
19:13), “King of Kings,” and “Lord of Lords” (Rev.
19:16). Elsewhere in this book Jesus promised to give him who
conquers a
white stone with a name written on it which no one but the recipient
knows (Rev.
2:17). 3) John
recorded that He saw Jesus clothed in a robe dipped in blood (Rev.
19:13). There are many who believe that the robe dipped in
blood refers to
Jesus’ sacrificial death for all sinners. While there may be an element
truth there, the context here is one of judgment and vengeance. This
imagery is
actually taken from Isaiah
63:1-6. There someone comes marching from Bozrah in Edom
(modern day
Jordan) (Isa.
63:1) with red apparel (Isa.
63:2). He has trodden the wine trough alone in great wrath
and anger (Isa.
63:3), and his garments are stained with the lifeblood of
those people whom
he trod down (Isa.
63:3, 6). The one who will tread the wine trough in great
wrath is none
other than Jesus Christ upon His return
to conquer His
enemies upon earth. Redemption (Isa.
63:4) and salvation (Isa.
63:5) are both present here, but the point is that in order
for Jesus to
save His people and redeem them from evil and set up His kingdom,
must be dealt out – all evil people must be destroyed. That is why
Jesus returns
to earth with a
robe dipped in blood. The blood-dipped robe He is wearing at His
descent tells
us what He will do when He arrives upon earth. The robe is both
proleptic and
actual. 4) The
rider descending from heaven does have a name. He is called “The Word
of God” (Rev.
19:13). Christ’s name, the Word of God, is most explicitly
revealed in John
1:1-3 and 14. In the Old Testament the pre-incarnate Christ
was often
identified as the Angel
(Messenger) of Yahweh (Gen.
16:7-14; 21:15-19; 22:11-18; 31:11-13; Ex. 3:1-10; Judges 6:11-27;
Zech. 3:1-7). In the New Testament He is the Supreme Word
(Message) of
Yahweh (Hebrews
1:1-3). 5) As
John observed, “And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine
white and clean, were following Him on white horses” (Rev.
19:14). One would ordinarily interpret these troops as
angels. Two hundred sixty
six times in the Old Testament, God is designated as “LORD of hosts”
of Troops”) (Isa.
2:12; 13:4; Jer. 25:27; Nah. 2:13; Hag. 2:4-11; Zech. 2:8).
We know that
angels will accompany Christ at His return
to earth (Matt. 13:41;
24:30-31; Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26; 2 Thess. 1:7). However,
the fact that
John uses the plural of strateuma indicates a plurality
armies. Does the apparel of these warriors, who were “clothed in fine
white and clean,” which closely parallels the description of that of
the Lamb's
bride (Rev.
19:8), indicate that His bride comprises at least a portion
of the heavenly
armies? It would seem so. The white apparel has already been identified
as signifying
“the righteous acts of the saints” (Rev.
19:8). Are the horses of the armies real or merely symbolic?
A number of
conservative, dispensational commentators do not address this issue. John MacArthur does in his
commentary, cited
above. He has already stated his belief that Christ’s horse is merely
so it should be no surprise that he believes the horses on which John
saw the
armies of heaven riding are also merely symbolic. He could certainly be
Nevertheless, I prefer to take a literal interpretation wherever
unless it seems utterly implausible. So I believe the armies of heaven
like Jesus, descend to heaven on white horses, and they, unlike Jesus,
will be
clothed in fine linen, white and clean (Rev.
19:14). Endeavoring to be consistent, I also believe that
real birds will
eat the flesh of real horses and real men (Rev.
19:17-18, 21). And I believe that Jesus, when He comes to
earth, will be
seen seated on a real white horse (Rev.
19:19, 21). Time, of course, will reveal whether the horses
and the fine
linen are actual or merely symbolic. 6) The
Apostle John further described what he saw: “From His mouth comes a
sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule
with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of
the Almighty” (Rev.
19:15). Here I agree with MacArthur and most commentators that the sword, the iron
rod, and the wine
press are figurative. I do not believe that when Jesus returns,
he will have a
long, sharp sword protruding from His mouth. That would be grotesque.
Nevertheless, the sword, the rod, and the wine press all have literal
Swords are meant for lethal force, and the rest of this passage clearly
that Jesus will use lethal force to destroy his enemy combatants (Rev.
19:21). The sword represents Jesus’ verbal command (Isa.
11:4; Eph. 6:17; 2 Thess. 2:8), on account of which hundreds
of thousands,
if not millions of enemy combatants will be slain (Rev.
9:16; 14:19-20; 16:12; 19:19, 21). The
“rod of iron” references Jesus’ firm and
rigorous rule over all the nations of the earth (Psa.
2:5-9; 110:1-2; Isa. 9:6-7; 11:1-5, 9-10; Dan. 2:44-45; 7:13-14; Zech.
16-21; Matt. 25:31-46; Rev. 12:5; 20:4-6). The “wine press of
the fierce
wrath of God” which Jesus will tread speaks of the terrible blood bath
of the
judgment of Christ and God upon an evil, rebellious world both during
the Tribulation
period and
at Jesus’ Second
110:1-7; Isa. 63:3; Joel 3:13; Zech. 14:12-15; Rev. 14:9-11, 19-20;
15:1, 7;
16:1-21; 19:15). 7) As
the rider on the white horse descended to earth, John observed that “on
robe and on his thigh He has a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF
19:16). a) John
had previously recorded that this rider had a name known only to
Himself (Rev.
19:12), and that His name was the Word of God (Rev.
19:13) – the very expression of who God is. b) Here
we learn that His name is KING of kings and LORD of Lords (or Master of
Whatever earthly kings exist, Jesus is King over them. Whatever earthly
exist, Jesus is Master over them. These names speak of His impending
over and subjugation of all peoples on earth under His own supreme
and control (Psa.
110:1; Zech. 14:9; 1 Cor. 15:25). 8) John,
in his vision, saw an angel standing in the sun commanding the birds of
the air
to assemble themselves “for the great supper of God” (Rev.
19:17). John’s readers were not left wondering what the
supper was. The
birds will feed on “the flesh of kings and the flesh of commanders and
flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of those who sit on
them and
the flesh of all men, both free men and slaves, and small and great”
19:18). a) Here
we arrive at a terrible judgment in connection with Christ’s return
to earth. The
reason for this judgment is explained immediately. John “saw the beast
(the Antichrist)
and the
kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him
who sat
on the horse and against His army” (Rev.
19:19). b) We
do not know all the reasons that induced these kings and the Antichrist
assemble troops from all over the world in the holy land. But we do
know at
least one of them. The world ruler and his minions will have concluded,
just as
the world has concluded in our era today, that Israel is the greatest
to world peace. c) God,
through the prophet Zechariah, had revealed centuries earlier that He
lure the nations of the earth and their armies into Israel to trap them
12:1-9). He
would make Jerusalem a
cup of intoxicating wine that would completely rob the world of its
sending them reeling. He would make Jerusalem a stone so heavy that
anyone who
lifted it would severely injure himself. So effective will be Yahweh’s
that He will seduce all the nations of the earth to come to Jerusalem
destroy and deport Israel in their hopes to solve the Arab-Israeli
problem once
for all. d) Great
damage will be done against Israel. Two thirds of the nation will be
13:8-9). But God will also inflict catastrophic damage
against the
rebellious nations of the earth. He will “destroy all the nations that
against Jerusalem” (Zech.
12:9)! e) While
the United Nations of the world are bent on destroying Israel, they
become apprehensive as they witness the calamitous approach of a
enlarging unidentified flying object (UFO). They see “the sign of the
Son of
Man” appearing in the sky and they become petrified. People all over
the world
will cry out in fear as they witness Christ’s return
24:30). I do not believe that they will understand what is
happening at
first. In fact I imagine that the light reflected from His glory along
with the
attendant glory of the legions of heavenly armies returning with Him
19:12-14) will cause great consternation first to astronomers
who observe
their approach from a distance, and then to the entire global
population as the
UFO nears. As Christ and His troops from heaven arrive closer and
closer, eventually
everyone will see them. f) The
troops gathered on earth to destroy Israel will suddenly be distracted.
will see an even greater threat approaching them from the heavens. They
finally determine that the UFO is none other than Jesus Christ
approaching them
with vast armies. I
can imagine that they
will employ every weapon at their disposal to destroy the invaders from
space! But their efforts will be utterly futile. We are told in two
passages that all the different clans of the people of earth will wail
in grief
because of the approach of Jesus and His entourage (Matt.
24:30; Rev. 1:7). This is not a casual or quiet mourning. The
word is from kopto, which means
literally to cut.
Sometimes people in the middle east would actually gash themselves with
or sharp stones to demonstrate their fervency (1
Kings 18:28). So why are the peoples of earth going to mourn
intensely at
Jesus’ return?
they going to be sorry at how they have treated Him and rejected Him?
for most of them, I do not think so. Let me illustrate. i Years
ago I received a phone call from a distraught young man in jail. His
were, “I have killed my wife. I am in custody at the police station.
Can you
come see me?” He was extremely distressed. ii When
I arrived, I talked to him. Of course I had to ask him what happened.
explained to me that he and his estranged wife got into an argument and
there was a scuffle, there was a gun, and he accidentally wound up
her. Trying to comfort him, I asked if there was any chance that she
survive. He said no, that he had shot her in the head. iii He
moaned and was crying, and here’s what he asked me: “What are they
going to do
to me, Jim?” It suddenly dawned on me where this man was coming from.
He was
crying not because he had lost his wife, but because he was afraid of
what the
authorities would do to him! iv That,
I believe, is the reaction most people will have when they see Jesus returning.
They will cry
out and weep profusely, not because they are repenting at how they have
Him and rejected Him. Rather they will cower and weep in fear because
they are
afraid of what He will do them! 9) Zechariah
predicted that when Jesus arrived, He would descend to the Mount of
Olives just
east of the old city of Jerusalem (Zech.
14:4). “Then the LORD will go forth and fight against those
nations, as
when He fights on a day of battle” (Zech.
14:3). 10) The
previously powerless Israelis will suddenly become fighting machines
that are
unstoppable (Zech.
12:6). 11) The
resistance Jesus and His heavenly armies encounter will be powerless to
them. Immediately, “the beast” (the Antichrist)
and his
miracle-working, deceiving false prophet will be seized. They will be
alive into the lake
of fire
which burns with brimstone” (sulfur) (Rev.
19:20). 12) The
rest of the armies of the earth will be killed at Jesus’ verbal
command, and
all the birds will be filled with their flesh (Rev.
19:21). The graphic and gory details of the destruction of
earth’s armies
are revealed in Zechariah
14:12-15. d. So at Christ’s return, there will be a terrible judgment of all the armies of all the nations in the world. They will have assembled in Israel to impose their will on Israel, to punish the nation, kill hundreds of thousands of Israelis and deport the survivors and resettle them elsewhere in the world. But Jesus’ return will turn the tables on them. The rock (Jerusalem) that they attempt to lift will be their undoing, and they will suffer fatal injury (Zech. 12:3). Jesus will strike every horse with bewilderment and blindness, and every rider with madness” (Zech. 12:4). Blood will flow throughout the length of Israel (Rev. 14:19-20). Jesus will even enter into neighboring nations (Jordan) to deal out vengeance against enemy troops and guerilla fighters (Isa. 63:1-6). And the birds of the heavens will gorge themselves on a feast (Rev. 19:17-21). What an incredible judgment against man’s mighty military apparatus! 2.
of Gentiles by Jesus in His
World Court – Matthew 25:31-46.
(For a survey of the context of the passage see the author’s Analysis of Matthew,
p. 24.) a. The
Time of the Judgment. Matt.
25:31. 1) Jesus
identified the time of this particular judgment – it will be when He,
the Son
of Man (a Messianic term) returns
to earth in power and glory. 2) On
this occasion, His angels
will return
with Him (Matt.
13:37-42, 47-50; 16:27; 24:31; Mark 8:38; 13:27; 2 Thess. 1:7; Jude
1:14; Rev.
19:14). They will escort people from all over the earth into
the presence
of Jesus Christ and His seat of judgment. The net effect of this
judgment will
be that those who serve as stumbling blocks and who practice
lawlessness will
be barred from the kingdom
and cast “into the furnace of fire” where “there will be weeping and
of teeth.” 3) The
time of this judgment is when Jesus will have vanquished all the
military and paramilitary
personnel physically resisting His return
to earth (Isa.
63:1-6; Zech. 12:1-9; 14:12-15; Rev. 19:11-21). All overt
opposition will
have been crushed. When victory has been complete, He will sit down on
throne (Matt.
25:31) to judge all the survivors of the Tribulation
period (Rev.
6:7-8; 9:15) and the War of Armageddon
16:12-16). 4) Jesus
will be about to take His seat as King of all the earth (Zech.
14:9). But before He can begin his kingdom,
must purge out all the dissidents, the disaffected and the unbelieving.
is a high bar for participation in Christ’s kingdom.
a) The
kingdom of heaven belongs only to the poor in spirit and the poor
5:3; Luke 6:20). Thus it is extremely difficult for the
wealthy to enter
therein (Matt.
19:16-26; Mark 10:17-27; Luke 18:18-27). b) Only
the gentle will inherit the earth (Matt.
5:5). c) Only
the pure in heart will see God (Matt.
5:8). d) The
kingdom of heaven belongs to those who have been persecuted for the
sake of
righteousness (Matt.
5:10-12). e) Unless
an individual’s righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and
Pharisees, he
will not inherit the kingdom of heaven (Matt.
5:20). f) The
kingdom is only for those who are willing to have God’s will done on
earth the same
way that it is done in heaven (Matt.
6:10). g) Not
everyone who calls Jesus “Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but
only he
who performs the will of His Father, who exists in heaven (Matt.
7:21). h) Many
Israelis and Jewish people who expect to enter the kingdom
will be barred from it, weeping and gnashing their teeth in outer
Conversely, many Gentiles who have faith in Jesus will sit at table in
the kingdom
with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Israel’s patriarchs. Many will seek to
the kingdom but will be unable to do so (Matt.
8:5-13; Luke 13:23-30). i) Unless
someone becomes converted and becomes like a child, receiving the
kingdom as a
child does, he will not enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt.
18:3; Mark 10:15; Luke 18:16-17). j) Man
cannot enter the kingdom of God unless he is born again. He must be
born of
both water (natural birth) and of the Spirit
birth) (John
3:3, 5) through faith in Jesus Christ (John
3:16-18). k) The
unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. “Or do you not know
that the
unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived;
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor
nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor
swindlers, will
inherit the kingdom of God” (1
Cor. 6:9-10). l) Those
who practice the deeds of the flesh will not inherit the kingdom of
God. “19Now
the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity,
sensuality, 20idolatry, sorcery, enmities,
strife, jealousy,
outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, 21envying,
drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you,
just as
I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not
inherit the
kingdom of God” (Gal.
5:19-21). m) Only
those who have been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ will
participate in
His kingdom,
reigning with Him upon earth (Rev.
5:9-10). b. The
Subjects of the Judgment (Matt.
25:32). 1) All
the nations will be gathered before Jesus. The word for nations is ethne, plural of ethnos.
A nation is “the
largest unit into which the people of
the world are divided on the basis of their constituting a
community” (Louw-Nida Greek-English
Lexicon of the New Testament). In the Jewish context here in
Matthew, the
nations of the world exist in distinction to the chosen nation of the
Israel. The people here thus constitute all the non-Jewish people of
the world
who survive the devastation of the Tribulation
period. 2) As
Jesus described this event, it quickly became apparent that he was
looking at
the people at this judgment as individuals who happened to be among the
of the world. Some Bible translations frequently use the word Gentiles
describe these non-Jewish people. 3) So
the people who will appear here at this judgment are survivors who are
Jewish. c. The
Sorting at the Judgment. (Matt.
25:32-33) 1) Jesus
will separate all these millions of people from one another, much as a
of Jesus’ day would sort out sheep from goats in a flock. 2) He
will place the “sheep” individuals on his right hand (the place of
honor) and
the “goat” individuals on his left hand (the place of dishonor). 3) How
long it will take Jesus to sort out the two different categories is not
How much interaction there will be between Jesus and each individual is
stated. That was not the point of Jesus’ prediction here. 4) What
is clear is that, when the sorting action is finished, there will be
groups. One group (the sheep) will be privileged to enter the kingdom,
to commence on earth, and the other group (the goats) will be barred
from it. d. The
King's invitation of the sheep into the Kingdom
because of their treatment of the King's brothers as unto Him. (Matt.
25:34-40). 1) The
destiny of the sheep (those on the King’s right hand) (Matt.
25:34). a) First,
those addressed are identified as those on the King’s right hand. That
is the
place of honor and approval. b) Second,
the King states they are “blessed of my Father.” c) Third,
an invitation is extended to them – “Come!” Since the King is on the
seated on His glorious throne, He is inviting these, His subjects, to
with Him the joys of His kingdom
right there with Him upon the earth. d) Fourth,
they are invited to “inherit the kingdom prepared” for them “from the
foundation of the world.” i The
fact that they inherit this kingdom
suggests that they are people who are in the family of God, who
apparently is
their Father, and that the King, Jesus, is their elder brother. ii The
fact that they inherit this kingdom,
prepared, suggests it is none other than the glorious
of the Messiah heralded in detail in numerous Old
and New Testament
Scripture passages. This
is the
reign of the Messiah that will begin on this present earth in what we
have come
to call the Millennium.
After a thousand years upon earth, this kingdom will be consummated in
Eternal Kingdom in New
Jerusalem, the capital city of New
Earth. iii The
fact that this kingdom has been prepared
for them from the foundation of the world suggests that God
has known from
eternity past those who were his subjects and those who were not, and
that He
has designed this kingdom specifically with its subjects in mind. 2) The
qualifying criteria for entrance into the Kingdom
25:35-36). The King is very specific. Of these “sheep” he
explains the
following criteria they had met: a) When
He was hungry, they had fed Him (Matt.
25:35). b) When
He was thirsty, they had given Him something to drink. c) When
He was a stranger, they had invited Him into their homes. d) When
He was naked, they had provided Him with clothing (Matt.
25:36). e) When
He was sick, they had come to Him and helped Him. f) When
He was incarcerated in prison, they had come to visit Him. 3) The
surprise of the
righteous (Matt. 25:37-39). a) For
the first time, those on
the King’s right hand, the sheep, are described as being righteous
people. b) The
righteous people are
surprised that they have personally ministered to Jesus. This is the
first they
have ever laid eyes on Him. How on earth had they helped Him? Calling
Master, they ask, in effect “When did we feed you, give you a drink,
lodging, clothe you, help battle your illness, or visit you in prison?” 4) The
reply of the King (Matt. 25:40).
The King will give a succinct answer to the perplexed Kingdom-bound
righteous. He will say, “Truly
I say to you, to the extent that you
did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even
the least of
them, you did it to Me.” It is a matter of critical
importance, then, to
identify who these “brothers” of Jesus are. a) Always,
when interpreting Scripture, we must
give attention to its details. First, the people being judged here (the
and the goats) are specifically identified as being earth’s Gentiles,
the nations of the earth, as
opposed to Jewish people (Matt.
25:32). They are all
Gentiles. Furthermore they are all
the Gentiles who have survived the
cataclysmic, unprecedented time of great Tribulation totally unprecedented in Earth’s
history. b) These
Gentiles are identified and judged as
being either sheep or goats. So the Gentiles are divided into two
groups – the
sheep are the righteous ones who are privileged to inherit the Kingdom of the King. On the other hand the
goats are apparently those who are deemed to be unrighteous, and they
do not inherit the King’s Kingdom. c) We
are not left with many options. In
addition to the “sheep” Gentiles and the “goat” Gentiles, there must be
a third
group of people standing nearby the King. He calls them “these,”
using the near demonstrative pronoun, so they are assembled
nearby, but not among the “sheep” and “goats,” or Gentiles. He
identifies them
further as “these brothers of
A charitable deed done toward one of the least
of these, His brothers, will have been done to Him. Who are they? i First,
they are identified as Jesus’
brothers. Jesus has clearly identified those who are His brothers – it
is every
person who does the will of His Father in heaven (Matt.
12:50; Mark 3:35).
individuals are His brother, sister, and mother. So these are believers
Jesus who have themselves not only survived the terrible catastrophes
of the Tribulation, but they have somehow also survived
the onslaught of the sinister religion of Babylon as well as the evil,
totalitarian, murderous, global anti-Christian government of the
period! ii Second,
these brothers of Jesus cannot be
included among the “sheep” Gentiles standing at Jesus’ right hand. Nor
can they
be included, for obvious reasons, from the “goat” Gentiles on Jesus’
left. They
are distinct from the entire group of Gentiles. That can only mean that
are Jewish, the only survivors viewing this judgment who are not
Gentiles. iii So
Jesus’ “brothers” must be Messianic Jews,
Jews for Jesus who have somehow miraculously survived a global pogrom.
By this
time, I believe, the Jewish people as a whole will have undergone their
private judgment, and all rebels will have been weeded out. Only
believing Jews
for Jesus will be left alive to participate in the Kingdom. These will be the spectators left
alive to observe the Judgment of the Surviving Gentiles. d) Keep
in mind that, to extend a helping hand
toward any Jew, including any Messianic Jew during the Tribulation period will mean putting one’s own
life at great risk. To give aid and comfort to a Messianic Jew will be
to put
oneself at great risk, first, from the religion of Babylon operative in
early part of the Tribulation. Consider the following: i In
the early part of the Tribulation, the religion of Babylon, described
as a prostitute (Rev.
17:1-5) with
enormous wealth
and political influence, will prevail over most of the world. This
religion with enormous political influence will dominate not only the
Roman Empire which will exist then (it will ride astride the political
– the “beast”) (Rev.
17:3, 7), but it
will seduce
“the kings of the earth” and “those who dwell on the earth” to be drunk
her intoxicating religion and wealth (Rev.
17:2, 18; 18:3).
multitudes, nations, and tongues will embrace the worship of Babylon (Rev.
17:15). ii No
believer in Jesus, be he Gentile or
Jewish, will succumb to the religion of Babylon during the early part
of the Tribulation period. Millions who do not submit to
the religion of Babylon will forfeit their lives. For that reason, the
Prostitute is said to be “drunk with the blood of the saints, and with
blood of the witnesses of Jesus” (Rev.
17:6) and of
prophets (Rev.
18:24) and of God’s
bond-servants (Rev.
19:2). It should
surprise no
one that there will be those who have been martyred during the Tribulation “because of their testimony of Jesus
and because of the word of God” (Rev.
20:4). Curiously,
specific death is said to have been by beheading.
These martyrs for Jesus will be resurrected and will reign with King
Jesus for
one thousand years (Rev.
20:4). It is
possible that resurrected ones are also standing among the throng of
brothers at this Judgment of Living Gentiles. iii Again,
anyone who reaches out a helping hand
to any Jews and especially to Jews for Jesus during the early part of
the Tribulation, will run the risk of death by the adherents of the religion of
Babylon. Among the Gentiles, only genuine believers in Jesus will dare
their lives to give aid to a believing Jew. These are Gentiles who are
the righteous sheep who have assisted Jesus by assisting His brothers. e) Not
only will righteous
Gentile survivors of the Tribulation
have had to escape
the vengeance of the religion of Babylon, but they will also have had
negotiate the pervasive surveillance of the most totalitarian
government the
world has ever known. i The
seven year Tribulation
period will begin as
a time of peace. The ruler we know as the Antichrist
will rise to world prominence
as head of a revived Roman Empire, which, I believe, will be
He will make a seven year treaty with Israel, appearing to solve the
Arab-Israeli conflict (Dan. 9:27),
at least for a short time. ii Half-way
through the
seven-year period, he will break his treaty with Israel (Dan.9:27).
At approximately the same time he and his underlings will also turn
against the
religion of Babylon with fiery vengeance (Rev. 17:16-18:24). iii He
will enter the Jewish
temple and set himself up as God incarnate (Dan. 9:27; 11:31; Matt.
24:15; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess. 2:3-4).
He will gain
control, for a short time, of all the earth and he will wage war
against all
believers in Jesus (Rev. 13:7).
Instead of tolerating and using the religion of Babylon, as he had for
a time, this
despot will receive and impose Emperor worship. Indeed, everyone on
earth will
worship him – everyone whose name has not been written from the
foundation of
the world in the book of life
of the Lamb who has
been slain” (Rev. 13:8).
Enormous pressure will be placed on the entire world to cooperate with
evil ruler. To engage in any commerce whatever, people will have to
accept a Global
Government Identification Number on their right hand or forehead (Rev. 13:16-18).
This ID number is known in Scripture as the “mark of the beast” (Rev. 13:17; 14:9, 11; 16:2;
19:20; 20:4).
Right now we have the technology for RFID VeriChips
which can be implanted underneath the skin and can be read from four
feet away. iv Again,
any of those Gentile
Christians appearing at the Judgment of the Gentiles will have
enormous personal risk in helping any Jewish Christians, who also will
refused to take the identifying mark and worship the world ruler (Rev. 13:17; 14:9, 11; 16:2;
19:20; 20:4).
The fact that they have risked their
lives to give aid and comfort to Jesus’ brothers in defiance of the
Government will indicate the reality of their own personal faith in
Jesus. f) The
nation of Israel will be
invaded by a coalition of United Nations forces from all over the world
(Zech. 12:2-3).
Two thirds of Israel’s population will be destroyed
(Zech. 13:8-9).
Only Gentiles who themselves are believers in Jesus will risk their
lives to
help Jewish people. g) It
is these Gentiles who
have risked their lives to help Jesus’ brothers who are identified as
righteous, those who, because of their faith in Jesus, have performed
deeds of
kindness for Messianic Jewish survivors of the Tribulation.
Because of their faith in Jesus, evidenced by their deeds of kindness,
they are
proven to be worthy to enter the Kingdom
of Jesus upon earth. e. The
King’s rejection of the
“goats” on His left (Matt. 25:41). 1) The
identity of those whom
the King addresses. He will speak to those on His left. The left hand
is the
place of disfavor. Those on the left have previously been identified as
(Matt. 25:33).
These goats, now it becomes obvious, are in awful contradistinction to
those on
the King’s right. They, the “sheep,” (Matt. 25:34) a) Have
been invited to “come.” b) They
have been identified as
“blessed of My Father.” c) They
will be allowed to
“inherit the kingdom,”
the one “prepared” for them “from the foundation of the world.” 2) Instead
of inviting those on
His left to “Come,” the King will command the goats to “Depart from Me”
(Matt. 25:41). 3) Instead
of identifying the
“goats” as “blessed of My Father,” the King identifies them as
“accursed ones”
(Matt. 25:41). 4) Instead
of inviting those on
His left hand to inherit the Kingdom
prepared for them from the foundation of the world, the King commands
them to
enter “into the eternal fire which has been
prepared for the devil and his angels” (emphasis mine) (Matt. 25:41)! f. The
reasons for the King’s
consignment of the goats into eternal fire (Matt. 25:42-43). 1) Just
as the King had given
those on His right an invitation to the kingdom
prepared for them, and then had immediately informed them why they were
to be
admitted, so He did with those on His left. He commanded them to depart
Him into the eternal fire, and then He proceeded immediately to inform
them why
they deserved their fiery destiny. 2) The
King explained that He
had been hungry, but they had given Him no food. He had been thirsty
and they
had given Him nothing to drink. He was a foreigner, but they had
offered Him no
hospitality. He was naked, but they had provided Him no clothing. He
had been
sick and in prison but they had not visited Him (Matt. 25:42-43). g. Horrified,
the people on the
left will protest their innocence (Matt. 25:44). 1) The
Gentiles on the King’s
left will not recall having seen Him before. They will be unaware of
any time
in their lives when they had the opportunity to meet His needs. And so
they will
feel unfairly discriminated against. How can they be held responsible
failing to render aid to the King when they had never been given the
opportunity to do so? 2) They
will succinctly plead
their case. They too will call the King “Lord” or “Master.” He
obviously has
total power over their destiny. They will endeavor to be as respectful
possible. “Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger,
naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?” they will
plaintively (Matt. 25:44). h. The
King will reveal to them
their disqualifying apathy (Matt. 25:45).
“Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you
did not
do it unto one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’” 1) The
King will point to the
group nearby who are neither among the “sheep” nor among the “goats,”
they are not among the earth’s nations, or Gentiles. That must mean
they are
Jewish believers in Jesus as their Messiah, they who survived both the Tribulation
period and the
Judgment of Israel at the King’s return. 2) Since
these defendants on
the King’s left did not help out His brothers, that means they were not
believers in the King. They had been afraid to risk their own lives to
any Jewish people, whether believers or not, during the Tribulation.
They had been
afraid to risk their lives to rescue Jewish people from the wrath of
religion of Babylon. They had been afraid to risk their lives to rescue
people from the anti-Semitism of the world government of the Antichrist. 3) Since
they were unwilling to
assist the brothers of the King, they were disqualified from
participating in
His Kingdom
upon earth. i. The
final statement of the
King at this final judgment at the end of the Tribulation
and before the start of the Millennium
will be at the same time both terrible and joyful (Matt. 25:46). 1) “These
(the Gentile “goats”
on Jesus’ left, who were unwilling to assist Jewish believers in the Tribulation)
will go away into
eternal punishment; but the righteous (the Gentile “sheep” on Jesus
right, who,
because of their own personal relationship to Jesus, were willing to
risk their
own lives to help Jewish people and especially Jewish believers in
Jesus) will
step into eternal life. 2) So
all the Gentiles who
survived the horrors of the Tribulation
period will have
their destiny decided in this Judgment of the Gentiles by the King,
Christ. The unrighteous rejecters of Jesus Christ will be sent to hell.
believers in Jesus, who had shown their love for Him by assisting His
under great adversity and risk, will enter into Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. 1. All
Israelis and Jewish
people from around the globe who survive the terrors of the Tribulation
period will be
judged. God will induce every last Jewish survivor from around the
globe to
appear at some place near, but outside the land of Israel. There Jesus
having returned in power and great glory, will sit in judgment on every
surviving Jewish person. He will weed out all the rebels from among
them –
those who have refused to believe that Jesus is their Messiah, their
King. Just as God removed all the faithless Jewish rebels in physical death
before the entry of the surviving generation into the promised land of
so Jesus will remove all the faithless rebels from among the surviving
people by physical death.
Then those who remain, the believing remnant, will be permitted to
enter the
land of Israel and live in glory and safety for a thousand years in the
great Millennial Kingdom.
This will fulfill the words of the Apostle Paul, “And so all Israel
will be
saved” (Rom.11:26).
Jesus will tell His faithful followers, “Enter into the joy of your
Master” (Matt. 25:21, 23).
And He will put these faithful Jewish subjects of His in charge of
responsibilities as they assist Him in administering His Kingdom
(Matt. 25:21, 23; Luke
19:17, 19).
The unfaithful will be put to death
(Luke 19:27)
and consigned to outer darkness, where there will be weeping and
gnashing of
teeth (Matt. 25:30).
They will ultimately be resurrected to face Jesus in a final judgment,
the Great White Throne Judgment.
Their names not having been written in the Book of Life,
they will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone
for eternity (Rev. 20:11-15). 2. Jesus
will judge the armies
of all the earth’s nations who have gathered to impose a Final Solution
of the
Jewish problem in the land of Israel. When Jesus returns in great Power and
earth’s armies will turn from their task
and attempt to wage war against Him. Their efforts will be utterly
Jesus will issue a command, and the end result will be the deaths
of all who oppose Him. After all Gentile rebellion has been put down,
will first sit in judgment on all the Jewish people who have survived
the Tribulation.
After He has
completed His judgment of all the Jewish people, He will turn His
attention to
the Gentiles (Matt. 25:31-46).
He will evaluate them on the basis of whether or not they have been
willing to
place their own lives in jeopardy to save Jewish people in general, and
believers in Jesus in particular. Only those Gentiles who are
believers in Jesus will have been willing to take this enormous risk of
Jewish believers. Those who were not believers in Jesus will not have
that risk. They will be executed and sent to hell.
There they will exist in torment until the
last resurrection,
when they will find themselves appearing before Jesus in the Great White Throne Judgment.
Like their Jewish unbelieving counterparts, they, not having their
written in the Book of Life,
will find
themselves being cast for eternity into the Lake of Fire
(Rev. 20:11-15). 3. Together, Israelis and Gentiles who pass King Jesus’ judgment will exist in peace, prosperity, and in worship of the Great King for a thousand years. People from nations all around the world will travel to Jerusalem to hear and see King Jesus in person, learning more about His laws and His perspective on societal behavior. Jesus will solve all manner of international disputes in a fair and equitable manner (Isa. 2:1-4; 11:1-5). All earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD (Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14). All nations and tongues will come and see Jesus’ glory (Isa. 66:18). Israel will be the number one nation in the world, and, blessed by the presence of her King, will profit immeasurably as the nations of the world bring their wealth into her coffers (Isa. 60:1-22). D. Invitation. A
personal invitation
to the reader. You as a reader have been touched by the hand of God. I
say that
because you have had the perseverance to read through approximately
fifty pages
of material. I believe that means God has touched your heart, else you
not have read this far. Either you are already a believer in Jesus, or
you are
strongly considering becoming one of His followers. God has filled His
book, the Bible, with numerous invitations to come to Him, and to His
Jesus Christ. Here are just a few. I pray you will respond to His
invitation! 1. “Come
now, and let us reason
together,” says the LORD, “Though your sins are as scarlet, they will
be white
as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18). 2. “Ho!
Everyone who thirsts,
come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk
without money and
without cost” (Isaiah 55:1). 3. “Seek
the LORD while He may
be found; call upon Him while He is near. Let
the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous
man his thoughts; and
let him return to the LORD, and He will have compassion on
him, and to our God, for
He will abundantly
pardon” (Isaiah 55:6-7). 4. Jesus,
the Messiah said,
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you
rest. Take
My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in
heart, and
YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is
(Matt. 11:28-30). 5. Speaking
of Jesus, the
Scripture says, “There was the true Light which, coming into the world,
enlightens every man. He was in the world, and the world was made
through Him,
and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and those who were
His own
did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the
right to
become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were
not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but
of God” (John 1:9-13). 6. “For
God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall
perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the
world to
judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. He who
in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already,
he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:16-18). 7. “Therefore
many other signs
Jesus also performed in the presence of His disciples, which are not
written in
this book; but these have been written so that you may believe that
Jesus is
the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His
name” (John
20:30-31). 8. “If
we receive the testimony
of men, the testimony of God is greater; for the testimony of God is
this, that
He has testified concerning His Son. The one who believes in the Son of
God has
the testimony in himself; the
one who
does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed
in the
testimony that God has given concerning His Son. And the testimony is
that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who
has the
Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the
These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son
of God,
so that you may know that you have eternal life” (1
John 5:9-13). 9. Jesus
Christ: “Behold, I
stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the
door, I
will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me” (Rev. 3:20). 10. “I,
Jesus, have sent My
angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root
and the
descendant of David, the bright morning star. The Spirit and the bride
‘Come.’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who is
come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost” (Rev. 22:16-17).
by James T. Bartsch
quotations taken from the NASB 1995.
Used by Permission.)
Published January 28, 2012
Updated February 13, 2022
Updated June 29, 2022