Whom Does God Save and How?
Part 2
If God is in the business of
saving Gentiles who believe in Jesus, has He utterly abandoned the
nation of Israel? Romans 9.1 - 11:36
What was Paul's agony? Rom. 9:1-5
Can God's faithfulness to His word be questioned? Rom. 9:6-13 Does physical descent from Abraham guarantee spiritual heritage? Rom. 9:6-7
What is the crucial factor in bringing about a spiritual heritage? Rom. 9:8-9
Is spiritual blessing based on works? Rom. 9:10-12
On what is spiritual blessing based? Rom. 9:11
On what was God's calling based? Rom. 9:12
How is this confirmed in Scripture? Rom. 9:13, cf. Mal. 1:1-5
Can God's righteousness be questioned? Rom. 9:14-29
What is the answer to the question? Rom. 9:14
Is God obligated to show mercy to anyone at all? Rom. 9:15
Does the favor of God depend on man's effort? Rom. 9:16 On what does it depend? Rom. 9:16 Why did God raise up Pharaoh? Rom. 9:17 On whom does God show mercy? Rom. 9:18a Whom does God harden? Rom. 9:18b What is man's "knee-jerk" reaction to this revelation? Rom. 9:19 What is Paul's immediate reaction to the questioner? Rom. 9:20a What is the absurdity that Paul points out? Rom. 9:20b What right does a potter have over a batch of clay? Rom. 9:21 To make one vessel for _____________________ use To make another vessel for __________________ use What was God willing to do? Rom. 9:22a Instead, what did God actually do? Rom. 9:22b What was the destiny of "vessels of wrath"? Rom. 9:22c What did God have planned for "vessels of mercy"? Rom. 9:23 These vessels of mercy included certain people Rom. 9:24 from among the _________________ and also from among the ______________ In Rom. 9:25 Paul quotes from Hosea 2:23 two lines: What are they? First line: Second line: In Rom. 9:26 Paul quotes from Hosea 1:10 two lines: What are they? First line: Second line: In Rom. 9:27 Paul quotes Isaiah 10:22 To what metaphor do Paul and Isaiah compare the sons of Israel? But how many of the sons of Israel will be saved? In Rom. 9:28 Paul quotes Isaiah 10:23. What will God execute on the earth thoroughly and quickly? Pause for reflection: God seems determined in all cases to execute promises and predictions He has made previously. His honor is at stake, and He will not allow it to be diminished or sullied. In Rom. 9:29 Paul quotes Isaiah 1:9: Unless the the LORD of armies had left to us a _____________ We (Israel) would have been like whom? _________________ and _________________ (This underscores God's mercy. He could have destroyed the whole nation of Israel, and been just in doing so.) So let us give a tentative preliminary answer to the question posed above: If God is in the business of saving Gentiles who believe in Jesus (Romas 1-8), has He completely abandoned the nation of Israel? (Romans 9) Updated November 18, 2024