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Pneumatology The Study of the Holy Spirit by WordExplain |
by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or
Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one
Spirit." 1
Corinthians 12:13
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F. Which
Christians are baptized with the Spirit?
It is
not difficult to demonstrate that all Christians have been baptized
the Holy Spirit, but that not all Christians speak
in tongues. Let
us first define what
it means to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. 1. We have
already stated that John
Baptist predicted that Jesus
would baptize
with or by
means of the Holy Spirit (Matt.
3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:33). In our modern day emphasis
upon the Holy
Spirit, it is sometimes misunderstood what John
Baptist meant
when he
predicted that
One mightier than he himself would baptize with both Holy
and fire
instead of mere water
(Matt. 3:11; Luke
3:16). It is
assumed by many that by fire, John was predicting that which, on the Day
Pentecost, appeared to be “tongues as of fire distributing
resting “on each one of them” (Acts 2:3). However,
if one examines
the context of both Matthew 3 and
Luke 3, it
apparent that the “tongues as of
fire” phenomenon described in Acts 2:3 was not what
John the Baptist was predicting. a. In
Matthew’s discussion of John’s ministry in the wilderness of Judea,
John was
commanding people, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt. 3:1-2). The
response to his
ministry was huge. People
Jerusalem, from “all Judea,” and from “all the district around the
Jordan” were
being baptized by him, confessing their sins (Matt. 3:5-6). b. The
popular response to John’s ministry was so great that many Pharisees
scribes felt compelled, apparently in a face-saving gesture, to come to
for baptism. But it
was their hypocrisy
and insincerity that brought a thundering rebuke from John. He called them a “brood of
vipers” who merely
wanted to look as though they were
fleeing “from the wrath to come” (Matt. 3:7)! He
challenged them to
“bear fruit in keeping with repentance” (Matt. 3:8). They
could not rely on
their descent from Abraham to participate in the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 3:9)! Then,
and this is
pertinent to the interpretation of fire, John began to predict judgment. God’s axe was already
about to chop down some
trees. Every tree
that did not bear good
fruit would be chopped down “and thrown into the fire” (Matt. 3:10). John
himself only
baptized with water, but a mightier One than he was coming who would
with superior elements, the Holy Spirit and fire (Matt. 3:11). c. What did
John mean by the disparate elements, Spirit
and fire? The listeners were not
left to guess. John
was talking about Jesus’ authority to
sift out all of mankind in evaluation (Matt. 25: 31-46;
John 5:21-30; Rev. 20:11-15). John
said that Jesus would use a winnowing fork, with which He would sift
out every
bit of the material (all of humanity) on His threshing floor. When Jesus will have
completed His winnowing
process, “He will gather His wheat into the barn,” a place of
“but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire” (Matt. 3:12)! d. The meaning
is clear. When
baptizes with the Spirit,
He is
placing those people in a venue of safe-keeping.
They are to be preserved alive in eternal salvation. Their destination is
Christ’s Kingdom,
whether His Millennial Kingdom here on the
present earth or His Eternal
Kingdom on New Earth headquartered in
New Jerusalem.
e. When
Jesus baptizes
with fire He is
people to eternal torment in hell (Matt. 5:29-30;
Mark 9:43-48),
also known as
the Lake of Fire and
Brimstone (Rev. 19:20;
20:10, 14-15; 21:8). So
baptism with the Spirit refers essentially to eternal salvation,
baptism with fire refers to eternal damnation. f. A word
to the reader. Jesus
will entirely clear
His threshing floor. Jesus
will baptize
every person in this era, either with the Holy
or with fire! Which do you
choose? If you wish
Jesus to baptize you with the
Holy Spirit, you must choose to trust in God and Jesus (John 3:16-18; 5:24). Then
you will pass from the realm of death
to the realm of life! If
you will not permit Him to baptize you
with the Spirit, one day He will inevitably be forced to baptize you
fire. Which do you
choose? 2. The
reader of the New Testament is not left
without further instruction on Jesus’ baptism with the Holy Spirit. The
Apostle Paul, in writing to the Corinthian believers, clarified the
matter. He spoke at
length about the
ministry of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12.
he was writing to Christians (he called them “brethren”) who had
formerly been
idol-worshiping pagans (1 Cor. 12:1-2). a. Paul
indicated that the Holy
Spirit was the dispenser of spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:4), the Lord Jesus
the dispenser of various ministries (1 Cor. 12:5), and God the
Father the dispenser of results or effects (1 Cor. 12:6). b. Nevertheless
each Christian is the recipient of a manifestation of the Spirit,
manifestation is given for the common good of a local church
or larger body of
believers (1 Cor. 12:7). In
other words, spiritual
gifts are given to individual believers to benefit other believers. c. To this
point, it is appropriate to note several observations: 1) Each believer
in Christ
is given a
spiritual gift, a special, God-given ability to serve Him. 2) It is
the Holy
Spirit who
gives these gifts of serving. 3) The
Spirit is
prominently mentioned in 1
Corinthians 12:1-13. The
word Spirit (pneuma)
occurs thirteen times in
this passage. 4) The
Spirit distributes
gifts as He wishes, not as we might wish. d. Paul
proceeded to list several different gifts that the Holy Spirit gives
to individual believers: to
one is given
“through the Spirit” (a) “word of wisdom,” to another (a) “word of
according to the same Spirit,”
to yet “another faith by the same Spirit,” to another, moreover, gifts
healings by the one Spirit,” to another, moreover, workings of
miracles, to
another, prophecy, to another, “distinguishing of spirits,” to yet
“kinds of tongues” (languages), to another, moreover, translation of
(languages). “But
one and the same
Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually
just as He
wills” (1 Cor. 12:8-11). How
do we define a spiritual gift? A
spiritual gift is a special, Spirit-given ability to serve God. All believers, by
definition, exercise faith,
or they would not be believers
in Jesus. To
certain believers,
however, is given a unique ability to trust God to work in this world. The implication is that
certain gifts are
given by the Spirit only to certain believers.
Not every believer is given the gift of
miracle-working or prophecy or
speaking in tongues (compare 1 Cor. 12:28-30). e. Now we
come to a significant paragraph (1 Cor. 12:12-13), in which the
Apostle Paul compared believers
in Christ
to the
human body with which we each are so familiar.
He said that even as the (human) body is one and yet
has many members
(appendages or organs), so is Christ.
Despite the fact that the human body has many
different appendages or
organs, yet there is only one body, and it is united.
That is the same way it is with Jesus the
Christ. For so also
by one Spirit
we all, into one
body (meaning the Body of Christ)
were immersed (baptized),
Jewish (people) or Greek (people) or slaves or free men, and all of one
were given a drink. Observe
the following: 1) There
is such a thing as the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-13). By
this we do not mean His physical body, the one crucified, then
resurrected and
now ascended. We
mean rather a spiritual
or mystical body made up of believers
in Jesus. The
most familiar word for this group of
believers is the Church (ekklesia). This
body of believers who make up Christ’s body was begun on the Day
Pentecost and will be completed when the last person in the Church Age is
saved and the Church is raptured up to Heaven
(John 14:1-3; 1
Cor. 15:50-53; 1 Thess. 4:13-17). This
group of believers is appropriately called the Body of Christ, because,
in His
absence, we constitute His body to a watching world.
In a striking sense, ours are the only hands
of Jesus by which they will be helped, the only feet of Jesus that will
move on
their behalf, the only mouth of Jesus that will speak to their need,
and the
only eyes of Jesus that will witness their plight.
It is also accurate to say the Church as the
Body of Christ constitutes an organism, not an organization. If one member suffers, all
suffer with
it. If one member
is honored, all
members rejoice with it (1 Cor. 12:26). The
universal Church,
the Body of Christ, is in more than one location.
It is scattered throughout the world.
Some of the Church are on
earth, and some
already in heaven with the Lord, awaiting a glorious resurrection
and reunion
with other Church age
believers still on earth (John 14:1-3; 1
Thess. 4:13-17). 2) All
believers are immersed
(an accurate translation of
the Greek word baptizo)
into the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-13)!
Whereas some might conclude, from a cursory
examination of the book of
Acts, that only
certain believers are baptized
the Spirit, or that the baptism is delayed, or that only with
the laying on
of hands is one baptized with the Spirit, or that only those who speak
tongues can give evidence of having been baptized, a better explanation
is that
Acts records a transitional time in Church
history. By
that I mean that the Church
was initially strictly Jewish in composition, but by the end of Acts,
it was
largely Gentile in composition. The
Apostles were the officials of the Church in the beginning of Acts, but
by the
end of the book, power had been diffused among elders
who were not all
necessarily apostles. There
was a
transition from an initially Jewish organism to a largely Gentile
church, and
the Jewish people required special signs and visions to assure them
Gentiles belonged in the Church (see 1
1:22)! Here
in 1
Paul assured His readers in Corinth that they
all had been baptized into the
of Christ. This is
all the more
remarkable when one considers the deportment of many of the Corinthians. The
Corinthian believers were designated as having been sanctified (1 Cor. 1:2; 6:11) despite their
past practice and
their present carnality or fleshliness (1 Cor. 3:1-3).
Their fleshliness included divisions over leaders (1 Cor. 1:10-17; 1
Cor. 3:1-5),
failure to
exercise church
discipline in the case of an incestuous church member (1 Cor. 5), suing one
another in courts of law
(1 Cor. 6:1-11), visiting
prostitutes (1 Cor. 6:12-20), participating
in factionalism in
observing the Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 11:17-34), denying even
the existence of
resurrection (1 Cor. 15:12-19), and
questioning the authority of
the Apostle Paul himself (2 Cor. 10:1 –
13:10). And yet Paul declared that
they were all baptized into the
Body of Christ (1
12:13)! There
is no such thing as being a Christian without having also been baptized
the Body of Christ. The
two are
inseparable. If you
trust in Jesus, you
have been baptized into the Body of Christ. 3) All
Christians have been baptized with or by the Spirit
12:12-13). We
have already detailed that John
Baptist predicted that Jesus would baptize with or by means
of the Holy
Spirit (Matt.
3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:33). Before He departed to
heaven, Jesus promised
His followers that they would be baptized with or by the Holy Spirit in
just a
few days. They were
to wait in Jerusalem
1:4-5). Just
as Jesus predicted, the Holy Spirit did come a few days later on the Day
Pentecost (Acts
2:1-4). That
was the baptism that both John and Jesus promised.
When Peter defended to the Jewish leaders his
actions in eating with Cornelius and the other Gentile believers, he
that the Holy Spirit had fallen on those Gentiles believers just as He
fallen on the Jewish believers at the beginning.
He associated this arrival of the Spirit with
the baptism of the Spirit promised by Jesus (Acts
11:15-17). How could he have stood in
God’s way? Now in 1
Paul boldly stated that all believers have
been baptized with or by the Holy Spirit.
Is this a different baptism than that which both John
Baptist and Jesus predicted?
No, it
is not a different baptism but the self-same baptism.
“But,” the reader might ask, “in the gospels
and in Acts Jesus was the
baptizer. Here in 1
Corinthians 12:13,
the Holy
Spirit is the baptizer.
Therefore 1
is a different baptism!” That
is an astute observation, but it fails
to understand completely what is happening here.
Let me explain what goes on in a
baptism. (To view
WordExplain’s chart of
four different types of baptism, click
here.) a) In
every baptism,
is a baptizer,
is an agent,
is a meaning,
there is a kind. In the case of John’s
was the
baptizer, his agent was water,
meaning was repentance,
the kind of baptism was ritual. By ritual I mean that
John’s baptism could
not make its adherents repentant,
was only meant to signify that they
were repentant. That
is why John grew so
irate with the Sadducees and Pharisees, who were only masquerading at
repentance in order to curry public favor (Matt.
3:7-10). b) In
the case of Jesus’
with the Spirit,
the baptizer is Jesus,
agent is the Holy
and the meaning is that the Holy Spirit
actually baptizes believers into the Body of Christ, the place of safe-keeping
12:13, cf. Matt. 3:12; Luke 3:17). So in Spirit baptism,
there are actually two
baptizers. Jesus
baptizes by using the
Holy Spirit, who baptizes believers into the Body of Christ. In a word, Spirit
baptism means that Jesus uses the Holy Spirit to immerse
believers into the Body of Christ.
As to kind, Spirit baptism is real,
because this baptism actually immerses believers into the Body of
Christ, and
thus does not merely signify in a ritual that something is supposed to
happened. 4) But
Paul was not through with explaining the
benefit that all Christians experience.
After stating that all believers have been baptized
into one body by one
Spirit, Paul added, “and we were all
made to drink of one Spirit” (1
12:13). What
did he mean by that? When
one is
baptized by means of water, he gets wet.
When one is baptized by means of fire, he gets
burned. When
one is baptized by means of the Spirit, he receives the Spirit! In Spirit baptism, not
only are believers in Jesus
immersed into the body of Christ, but they also receive the Holy
Spirit, who
indwells them eternally (John
7:37-39; 14:16-17; Rom. 8:9; 1 Cor. 6:19; 12:13; 2 Cor. 1:22; Eph.
4:30)! 5) There
are seven passages in the New Testament
in which reference is made to being baptized with or by the Spirit. These consist of Matt.
3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:33; Acts 1:5; Acts 11:16; 1 Cor. 12:13. The observant reader may
ask why I have
repeatedly used the phrase, “baptized with
or by the Spirit.”
That is because in all seven of these
just-listed passages the words en
(with or by) and pneumati (Spirit)
both appear in the dative case. So
the phrase,
depending on the context, may be translated either way, with
the Spirit or by the
Spirit. So,
in Mark
said, “I baptized you with water; but He will baptize you with
the Holy
Spirit” (en
pneumati agio)
(with Spirit
holy) (emphasis mine).
But using the
identical words in the identical case in 1
Paul stated, “For by one Spirit (en eni
we were all baptized into one body …” (emphasis mine).
What I am attempting to demonstrate is that
being immersed (baptized) by the
Spirit into the body of Christ is the same event as being immersed
(baptized) with the Spirit. There
is no distinction to
be made between
the two, for they are one and the same event.
On the one hand the emphasis is made regarding what
the believer in
Jesus receives – he receives the
Spirit. On the
other hand, there is an
emphasis on what happens to him –
is placed by the Spirit, at Jesus’ behest, into the Body of Christ! 3. We
conclude, then, that all Christians have been baptized with the Holy
Spirit. Furthermore,
in that same event,
all Christians have been baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Body of
Christ. These are not two separate
baptisms, but they
are one and the same. Of
course, when a
Christian is baptized with the Holy Spirit, he receives the Holy Spirit
as an
eternally-indwelling person present within him.
It is impossible to be a believer in Christ
and not have the
Holy Spirit. It is
impossible to be a
believer in Christ and not be baptized with the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to be a
believer in Christ
and not be baptized into the Body of Christ.
The fact that there were some delays in the book of
Acts, at the
inception of the Church,
cannot be seen as normative throughout the Church
Age. Those
delayed events were anomalies in the
sense that they can be explained as follows: a. The
Spirit could not be given to believers
until Jesus had ascended to the Father and had been granted authority
from the
Father to dispense the gift of the Spirit to His disciples on the
Father’s time
table (Acts
1:4-5; Acts 2:32-33). This
initial receipt of the Spirit on the Day
Pentecost (Acts
was coterminous with Jesus’ founding of the Church. It is significant that
Peter was the one who
preached the sermon that ushered in three thousand new converts on the
Day of
Pentecost (Acts
2:14-40). b. There
was a delay in the giving of the Spirit
in Acts
8:4-17. The
new deacon Philip had traveled to the city of Samaria proclaiming Christ. His message was enhanced
by his God-given
signs of casting out demons and healing the paralyzed and lame. Many Samaritans believed
the good news Philip
proclaimed and trusted in Jesus, accepting baptism in Jesus’ name. But the new converts were
not initially given
the gift of the Spirit. That,
can be explained in that Jesus had granted to Peter the sole possession
of the
“Keys of the Kingdom” (Matt.
16:13-19). Peter
had been present to open up the door of the Kingdom to the Jewish
people in Acts
2. Now the Spirit could not
be given to the
despised, mixed-breed (part-Jewish, part-Gentile) Samaritans until
arrived to open the door officially.
When Peter and John arrived, they prayed that the
new converts might
receive the Spirit. They
laid their
hands on them “and they were receiving the Spirit” (Acts
8:17). We
have not heretofore discussed this passage because there is no explicit
evidence that anyone spoke in tongues on this occasion.
They may well have spoken in tongues, for observers
could tell that they received the Spirit, as the subsequent anecdote
Simon demonstrates (Acts
8:18-24). But
we do not know that they spoke in
tongues. No
statement is made, moreover,
as to how observers could detect
presence of the Spirit. The
remains, nonetheless, that the delay in the giving of the Spirit in Acts
can be
attributed to the reality that Peter had to be present to turn the keys
of the
kingdom in order to admit the Samaritans into the Church. c. There
was no delay in the receipt of the Spirit
for full-blooded Gentiles. Through
process of dreams and visions, Peter was present to introduce Cornelius
and those in his household to faith in Jesus
Christ. As
soon as these Gentiles believed, they
immediately spoke in tongues, thus demonstrating for the gathered Jews
Joppa that they had received the Spirit and had been admitted into the Church
10:1-48). d. The
delay in the giving of the Spirit to the
disciples of John in Acts
can be explained as follows: Any
God-fearing Jews or Gentiles who even
went so far as to embrace the “Repentance Teaching” of John
Baptist, but who had not placed their faith in Jesus, were
not even among
the redeemed. They
were not “saved,” and
they did not possess the Spirit. Only
after they had trusted in Jesus did these disciples of John receive the
Spirit. The fact
that they did not speak
in tongues until after Paul had laid hands on them only underscores his
authority as a legitimate apostle of Christ. It makes no statement
whatever about the
necessity of laying hands on believers to enable them to receive the
Spirit. This can be
demonstrated from
the absence of laying on of hands in Acts
2:1-4 and Acts 10:43-47. e. Note: To
access a chart on the only instances of speaking in tongues in the book
Acts, click
here. To
access discussions of speaking in tongues in the book of Acts, click
here. Go to a Chart of Speaking in Tongues in the Book of Acts
The Significance of Speaking in Tongues Part F:
Which Christians Are Baptized with the Holy Spirit? Prepared by
James T. Bartsch April, 2009; Updated July
21, 2019 Published
Online by WordExplain Email Contact: jbartsch@wordexplain.com This study is based on, and the links to Scripture reference the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. (www.Lockman.org) (Scripture
quotations taken from the NASB.
Used by Permission.)
Updated July 21, 2019